Speech by Andrew Stacey
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Andrew Stacey
Speech Date: 27/02/2017 23:31:16
Groom's Speech
Good Afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, Family and Friends, on behalf of Becky and myself, a very big and warm welcome to you all! I know that some of you have travelled some distance to be here today so thank you all so much for coming.
You know! Someone once said to me that a good speech has both a good beginning and a good ending. A great speech however…… keeps both of those – so very much – closer together….… So, when writing this, I kept the features of a mini skirt at the forefront of my mind. Long enough to cover the essentials but short enough to hold your attention!
Bearing this in mind.… Let's see how we get on!
Today is rightly the happiest day of my life, and it will continue to be a date that I will cherish and celebrate as each year passes. And to ensure that I always remember this date as my special anniversary… just once, I shall forget it!
As there are several toasts in my speech, I'd like to make sure that all of you have your glasses fully charged…
Whilst you are all doing this, I thought, I'd let you know how briefly Becky & I first met…
Although 2002 seems a whole lifetime ago, that's where we Becky and I first met and our story began. I will set the scene for you, It was first year of high school we were 12 years old. I was the cool, stylish one (Cough Cough) hanging around with my best friends Robbie, Nick and Paddy, meeting at lunch time in Mr. Ramsdens class. Becky being a distant blur to me as our friendship groups never really crossed paths.
Fortunately, in college we discovered the pub!!! and with it came a reunion of old friends. Tasha invited me and Robbie to a small reunion at Georges Meeting House in Exeter, where I bumped into Becky. From there we started talking more and more, really enjoying each other's company until one Saturday Night on the 23rd July 2011 I plucked up the courage to ask her out.
I told my best friend Robbie what I was going to do before hand and on a pause from clubbing Becky and I went to get a bit of fresh air. I had spent the whole day planning on what to say to her, but when the moment finally came my carefully chosen words went right out the window. I was so nervous! All I could manage to say to Becky was, ‘Becky I really like you’ to which I got ‘I like you too’ no I really like you. oh I see she replied. Robbie being the dedicated wingman he is decided to go up to her and said to let him down gently, Thanks for that Robbie! Properly thinking she was way too out of my league. Luckily, she said she liked me back and needless to say all my ground work has paid off, and have never looking back since. We officially starting dating on the 26th July 2011 which means we have been dating now for 5 years, 8 months and 13 days and boy!! the time has just flown past creating lots of amazing memories along the way.
So onto the toasts & thank you's!
My first toast is to absent Family & Friends
Unfortunately, it's not been possible to have everyone we love here with us today, but we know they are here in spirit and they are not only in our thoughts today, more importantly they are with us in our hearts. So, with them in mind, would you please all stand, raise your glasses, & join me in a toast.
Ladies & Gentlemen, “To Absent Family & Friends”
My next toast is to my Mum and Dad
My parents have supported and guided me throughout my life, without your influence I would not have turned out to be the man I am today. Thank you for always being there for me and giving Becky a warm welcome into our family. I know that she really loves having you as her new in-laws.
As a token of our appreciation, please accept these gifts…
Ladies & Gentlemen, “To Kathleen and Norman”
Now Becky isn't the only person to have gained a family today, I have as well! Firstly, I just want to thank my father-in-law Richard for his lovely speech and for allowing me to take your beautiful daughter as my wife. I'd also like to thank both Steph and Richard for welcoming me into their lives and treating me like their son. I love the times we have spent together already and can't wait to create so many more happy memories with you. Most of all though, thank you for Becky! Thank you for blessing me with this amazing, beautiful woman that is now my wife. I want you to know I love Becky to pieces and will do everything in my power to make her as happy as she is now for the rest of our lives.
As a token of our appreciation, please accept these flowers….
Ladies & Gentlemen, “To Steph and Richard”
My Next toast is to Becky's wonderful bridesmaids Natasha, Emily and Sarah
One of my official duties in this speech is to thank the bridesmaids, but I would have done so anyway! The girls have been a terrific help to Becky, not only today, but throughout the many weeks of intense preparation, and they have both carried out their duties splendidly. Furthermore, Tash I would like to thank you so much for the amazing hen you planned. I know Becky had such an amazing time.
As a token of our appreciation we have a little gift for each of them.
Ladies & Gentlemen, “To The Bridesmaids”
Today also wouldn't have been as fantastic as it was without the help of our Ushers Paddy, Nick and Nathan.
Your help during the Wedding ceremony and the reception has been invaluable and Becky and I are so grateful for your support.
You know! There's an unwritten rule in wedding etiquette that states that nobody should look more handsome than the bride & groom. So, Paddy, Nick and Nathan thank you for obeying this to the letter!
As a token of our appreciation, please accept these gifts…
Ladies & Gentlemen, “To The Ushers”
My next toast is to our Lovely Guests
I am overwhelmed by how many of you came today. I'm going to speak for both of us when I say how much I appreciate you all taking the time to be here today. And thank you so much for your generous gifts. We will be circulating later and hope to have the chance to talk to all of you.
Ladies & Gentlemen, “To Family and Friends”
I now come to the most important person in my life Becky.
Becky! You are a beautiful, stunning and lovely bride, and I know that you are just as beautiful on the inside. I am so happy that you agreed to be my wife and share the rest of your life with me. I've been so proud of the way you have juggled organizing this wedding with your job along with everything else and have still been patient and understanding.
Becky, you know that I love you and I hope that by marrying you today, in front of everyone we care about, you see how much you mean to me. I am so proud to be your husband, and I want us to grow old and grey together.
Becky, or as I should now say, Mrs. Stacey, I couldn't believe my luck when you first agreed to go out with me. Now that you are my wife, I've got everything I ever wanted, and I'm looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you.
To share a quote from William Goldman
Do I love you? My god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.”
Ladies & Gentlemen, “To The Bride”
Finally, I would like to thank my best man.
When I asked Becky to marry me, I knew that I needed a best man and that there was only one man that title could be given to — and that's you Robbie. I've known Robbie for quite a while, we met in Exmouth Swimming Club in 2001, where it was the norm to whip each other with towels whilst getting changed, further details can be shared in the bar later! But I can honestly say that his support and advice over the last 16 years has been truly invaluable. I would also like to thank Robbie for all the amazing help with the wedding he has given me over the last 2 years from helping me pick out the engagement ring, sorting out the stag do and offering excellent fashion advice on wedding attire!
As a token of my appreciation, please accept these gifts…
Ladies & Gentlemen, “To The Best Man”
Just before I hand over to Robbie many people don't know this about him but he lives in a parallel universe which causes him to invent fanciful stories!! He really does believe these stories to be true and I thank you so much for humoring him during his speech.
I'd like to ask him now to give him the best man's speech – and given this great build up, I appreciate it if he would take it easy on me. Over to you Robbie.