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Speech by Andy Melvin

Hi, Here is my Grooms speech for your site. Regards Andy Melvin

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Andy Melvin
Speech Date: Aug2004
Thank you Raymond for your kind words. The most popular after-dinner speech on record was made by a man dining with
his wife alone in the privacy of their home, and it consisted of one
sentence containing seven words of one syllable:
"You leave them, dear, I'll do them."

I did have a really great speech packed with jokes, but being a married man now my wife has told me what to say instead.

On behalf of my beautiful wife and I I'd like to thank you all for being here today to share our special day.

We would also like to thank you all for the wonderful cards and gifts we have received and hope you are all enjoying your day so far.

I would like to thank our parents, Raymond and Joan, Sandy and Patty for making today possible and giving us such a good start in life, and to Raymond and Joan thank you for giving me your daughters hand in marriage.

I'm sure you will agree that my new wife looks truly amazing today, she looked absolutely beautiful walking up the aisle, I was just wandering how I was going to get back down it, as you know I followed some of your messages of good luck too literally and “broke a leg”.

As you know both Claire and I are in the pipe band and that's where the inspiration for the table names came, whiskey!! As all pipe band members love it, but as you can see there is no name card at the top table that's because it has a special name thought of by Claire's granddad……Bon-accord, but that's all I'll say about that, well if I didn't say it some one else would, best out of the way, boy what long memories Claire's family has.

I would also like to thank Maryculter for a great meal and making today the great day it is, and thanks to Pat Reid for the flowers in the church and Moira Gordon who iced the Traditional cake for us. And just to say we are thinking of those who couldn't be here with us today, my grandma Taylor at Muirhead and my dads Cousin June in Girvan.

Just as a token of our thanks here is a bouquet of flowers each for our wonderful mummies, Thank you.

Also a big thanks you to Claire's bridesmaids Nicky and Louise who look wonderful today and have done a great job and kept Claire right throughout the day. And to my Groom party, Best man Dug and grooms man Ian who are doing a sterling Job and have been a great help today and many times in the past but enough said about that.

So ladies and gentlemen I would like you to raise your glasses as I propose a toast to the bridesmaids, best men and of course my beautiful wife Mrs.Melvin.!!

Now I will hand you over with much trepidation to Dug my best man who is going to say a few kind words.