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Speech by Andy Moore

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Andy Moore
Speech Date: Jul2004

So, on behalf of my wife and I……………..…
As I anticipate your sigh of relief you'll be pleased to know I won't take up too much of your time and if your half as hungry as I am you'll be looking forward to getting fed.
So Firstly I'd like to thank George for his kind words, and I feel proud that he has given me Louise's hand in marriage, and hope that I can live up to his expectations.


I'd also like to thank you all for coming today it does means a great deal for us both to have such dear family and friends here . Obviously as many of you have travelled a fair distance we do appreciate the effort you have made to be here today

Also we would like to thank you all very much for your kind wishes and wonderful presents which we have received, all of which have been greatly appreciated.

But most of all we are both glad none of you passed up the chance of a free meal!

Mum & Dad
Thanks also to Mum & Dad for their support throughout my life, as they know only too well I've always been there when I've needed something!! and I'd like to reassure them that nothing that's happened today will change that !
George & Doreen.
A big thank you also to my new in-laws George and Doreen for the help and support they have given us in getting us here today and for making me so welcome in their family.
Can I also thank you for bringing up such a wonderful daughter, and I'm sure you'll all agree it's a credit to them how beautiful Louise looks today.
And if you're wondering YES we will be round for Sunday dinners as usual and No we won't be handing the keys back yet!

But also due to the number of phone calls between Louise and her Doreen, BT & Vodafone would also like to thank you both.
So as a token of our appreciation for all your help with the preparations we'd like to present a gift to the mothers.
Of course before I'm standing here today and I could marry Louise, she had to be conquered and won over, using various weapons, such as flowers, chocolates, and of course, my natural charm and wit. (Ok, I'll admit I had to spend a lot of money on flowers and chocolates.)
Every groom stands up here and says he feels like the luckiest man alive… Well today I do…I'd like everybody, especially Louise, to know how lucky and proud I am to be speaking to you as her husband.
Louise is the best friend I could ask for and I am completely overwhelmed at how beautiful she looks this afternoon and I hope that I can make her as happy as she makes me.

Introduce Best man / groomsman

Now I would like to introduce you to the 2 gentlemen to my right, on the far right my older brother & Groomsman Rob – you can obviously see who got the good looks in our family (point to yourself!) I thank him for the help he has given us for today and all the advice a younger brother gets while growing up, however that normally only extended to the latest tip for the Grand National !!!
And next to me my best man, Jon. Who's handed me a whole script of nice wonderful comments that I should say you about him. Unfortunately, all this has done is reinstating my firm belief that he is a compulsive liar and anything that he tells you should not be believed for one minute.
Also I read recently that a little known tradition at weddings is that the Groom should always look more handsome than the best man. On that note I would just like to thank Jon for making such an effort to uphold that tradition!!!!
I do however commend Jon for getting me here on time today and managing to not lose the rings. We both thank you for your help for today and the miles you have clocked up coming up to see us.

Also a big thank you to 2 of the little one's, Louise's Pageboy – Joshua & Flower girl – Alex, again both of who look absolutely gorgeous & have done a brilliant job for us today.


I think you'll agree when I say how beautiful the bridesmaids Jennifer & Sharon look today , and I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank them for their help and support that they have given Louise over the last few months and in getting her here this afternoon.

Toast Bridesmaids

I think that's enough of me waffling on………………………………………………….…
So ladies and Gentlemen without further a do if you will all be upstanding……………………, I would like to propose a toast…… to the Bridesmaids.