Speech by Anthony Brown
Wedding speech of groom Anthony Brown (50)at wedding to Sarah Booth (37).Held at Nutters restaurant Norden near Rochdale on 27/09/2014.Celebrity chef Andrew Nutter providing the sumptuous food. Best man Alastair KeetonMaid of Honor Elaine Walton (Sarah's mum) Ushers Trevor Brown, Harrison Brown (my son), Lewis BrownRing bearer Jake Barrington (7)(Sarah's nephew)
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Anthony Brown
Speech Date: 29/09/2014 19:04:26
I've been really worried about this speech. So worried, in fact, that I‘ve been tearing my hair out.’ and it's all gone grey. Just think Harry this will be you in a few year's time hopefully. Ok can you please make sure you have a drink to hand as there will be a few toasts, and when I say toast it doesn't mean down it in one, you know who you are. As if standing in front of you all today and speaking isn't bad enough, I've still got to stand up and dance in front of you all later on. I have also had a warning that football talk is banned, so Sarah it was very nice of the Premier League and Sky to arrange the match for before we got married. Score (Liverpool 1, Everton1).
You will have to excuse me if I get a tad emotional during the speech as there could be a tear or two just like Danny did on his – I've been really good so far it started for me the other day when I went to get diesel, not sure what happened, I got out of the car and just started filling up.
Right let's get this speech started. Thank you to my brand new shiny Father in Law John for his kind words. It's marvelous what nice things someone will say for a pint and a few quid, I'll see you later John. Firstly on behalf of my Wife Sarah and I, we'd like to thank all of you here for sharing our Wedding Day and joining us to celebrate in these fine surroundings – it's fantastic to see you all and we trust you are having a good time so far, Were both proud to welcome you to our special day? You are here today because Sarah and I wanted you to celebrate our special occasion. We hope you enjoy the day as much as we will and celebrate long into the night. With luck Sarah and I will end up looking like the figures on the cake which you have most probably have seen on your way in? (Cake Bride and groom minions)
So the in-laws John and Elaine, you've done an excellent job raising such a wonderful daughter, providing her with so much love and support over the years. I hope today does not feel like you are losing your daughter, more gaining a son to cook and clean up after her. Obviously you didn't know me well before I starting dating your daughter but you've welcomed me into your family with open arms and I couldn't have asked for better in-laws and I promise to do all I can to take care of your daughter. So, Ladies and Gentleman please raise your glasses in a toast to Elaine and John!
Also it would be remiss not to mention my Mum and Dad who couldn't be here today due to a prior engagement, the trip of a lifetime an all-inclusive one way visit to heaven.
Mum wasn't lucky enough to meet Sarah but Dad was. Pops as Sarah called him got on great together in the short time they knew each other. One bit of advice Dad gave me which I will always remember is “you make sure you look after Sarah she is bloody lovely” Well Dad I'm not doing too badly just look how beautiful she looks. I know it's hard to believe, but I haven't always been this handsome, swerve, sophisticated, athletic, intelligent, dashing, (I could go on) man you see before you today. Over the years my parents helped me more than I deserve especially when they thought they'd got rid of me on more than one occasion, Dad thank you for everything, I really could not have asked for better parents, I love and miss you both dearly.
Ladies and Gentlemen please be up standing and please raise your glasses in a toast to my parents.
Also a big thank you goes out to Lizzie and Charlotte for helping with the makeup and getting Sarah dressed, you both look beautiful today and being good sisters I know Sarah, will have relied on you both for support and advice. How you coped with her this morning and are still smiling is beyond me, I know how she fafs and fusses and easily loses her temper. Also this is a greater challenge knowing that Charlotte is heavily pregnant with our niece.
There is an unwritten rule of wedding etiquette that states nobody should look more handsome than the groom or more beautiful than the bride. Some of you buggers obviously tried and failed miserably but thanks to Trevor, Harrison and Lewis, my ushers for following the rules to the T. You also did a great job organising the guests and sorting the music. Special thanks to Jake for carrying the rings and looking so grown up. Sorry couldn't get you a minion outfit at such short notice. Now the best men Alastair, thank you for doing the bare minimum since you accepted the role! I'm only kidding. I honestly didn't realise how big of a task it was to be someone's best man. Drinking loads, going abroad, sunbathing … I really don't know how you've done it. But on a serious note that's not what happened I'm too old to be mindless pisshead any more, did that bought the t-shirt when I was younger, but after last night still got it, staggered in at 6am. At my age I now enjoy having a nice meal and a bottle of wine with friends and going to the cinema. So that's what we do. That's why you were all invited today.
Thanks to Alastair for being great friend and colleague throughout the years and looking forward to many more.
All please can we stand (only one more to go) and toast to the ugly sisters the ushers, Jake, and best man.
So onto my Bride and Joy (See what I did there?!?!). Firstly, thank you for all your efforts on making our big day happen – your creativity, organisation and hard work has resulted in a huge success and a wonderful day for us both. I'd also like to say thank you for agreeing to spend the rest of your life with me, I feel completely honoured to have married someone so beautiful, funny, and intelligent and – what does that say I can't quite read you're writing…!! Seriously though, last year when you walked down the aisle at your sister's wedding you took my breathe away, so I asked you to marry me. Even this time I still wasn't prepared for just how stunning you look today and when I saw you walk down the aisle I was completely overwhelmed. I love you more with each day that passes and am a very VERY proud man today, and happy to call you my wife.
Tradition dictates that at this juncture I tell a couple of funny stories about my wife. Remember Blackpool, boxer shorts and puking in a seedy hotel. Also schoolgirl outfit, Kalie, whipped cream and overalls. Memories
However, my wife dictates I do no such thing so let's move on quickly.
Next I'd like to read you a small poem on marriage
A good marriage must be created, in a marriage the little things, are the big things. It is never being too old to hold hands, It is remembering to say, “I love you” or ditto at least once each day, It's the little kiss in a morning, when you leave for work. It is never going to sleep angry, It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives, It is standing together, facing the world, It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways, It is having the capacity to forgive and forget, It is giving each other an atmosphere, in which each can grow, It is common search for the good and the beautiful, It is not only marrying the right partner, It is being the right partner. Sarah, in front of all our friends and family I promise I will try my best to practice this. We've lived together for over 10 years, but I haven't married the women I want to live with, I have married the women I can't live without, my wife Sarah.
Thank you for marrying me and making me the happiest man alive and for loving me as much as I love you. I know this is the start of many, many happy years together. Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding, for the most important toast I'm ever likely to make, TO MY WIFE, MY BRIDE, TO SARAH
It gives me great please to pass you over to Alastair because my bit is now done.