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Speech by Anthony Simpson

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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Anthony Simpson
Speech Date: Jun2006
I would like to start by thanking Paul for his kind words……….easily the best 㾶 I ever spent!!
Most people on their wedding day describe it as the happiest day of their lives. That worries me…because it implies that as from tomorrow there's a lifelong decline ahead, so I'm making the most of today.
I now have a new phrase, which I have been dying to use. So here goes…@ On behalf of my wife and I, we would like to welcome you all here today, we would like to thank everybody for being here to share in our special day, and to say it is very much appreciated as we know a lot of you have travelled some distance to be here.
There are times when it's good to be surrounded by the people who are important to you, and for us today is one of those occasions. We would also like to thank you all for the cards, kind thoughts and wonderful presents that we have received we look forward to opening them all. And we hope you are all enjoying today as much as we are.
Today, so far has been a day beyond my wildest dreams. I asked Clare's mum before the ceremony, how Clare looked in her wedding dress, she said wonderful, but that didn't prepare me enough for when I saw her walk down the isle. I was overwhelmed to the say the least by how beautiful she looks today.
They say you don't marry someone you can live with @ you marry the person who you cannot live without which is very true with Clare.
So my thanks goes to Clare, my wife, my bride. You look absolutely stunning. Even though you know everything about me and yet you still said &quotI do&quot.
You are beautiful, supporting, kind, funny, caring……….… Sorry, I can't read your writing, what does that word say……..…
Our thanks goes to Cathy and Paul for making this day possible your generosity has been over whelming. The warm and friendly way you've treated me has made me feel welcomed into the family, and without your friendship and support, none of us would be here today. I have to thank them both for bringing up such a gorgeous and intelligent daughter.
Clare is a lovely person, she deserves a good husband @ So I thought I'd best marry her before she found one. Seriously though I promise to live up to your expectations of a son in law and will always be there for your daughter.
I'd also like to thank my Mum &amp Dad who put up with me for all these years…… You have given me the best upbringing imaginable and shown me the best example of how to make a marriage successful. You have both been there for me when I've needed you and given me a wonderful start in life and I'm very fortunate and proud to have you as my Mum and Dad.
Our thanks goes to David and Pauline for delivering the readings so eloquently, to Mary for making our wonderful cake and Zo&#235 for doing clare's and the Bridesmaids hair @ I asked her to do mine as well but she said it was too much to handle.
For the two Mums we have a small gift as a token of our affection &amp gratitude for you both and of course not forgetting another very special lady here today – Nan.
I want to say thank@you to Nathaniel, Mike, Simon and George for agreeing to be our Ushers and in doing such a great job for us today. You have taken a lot of the worry out of the jobs that needed doing and have done everything that we need.
I find it to be quite ironic that I am supposed to speak highly of my Best Man and our friendship, knowing that just minutes from now he will be doing his up most to ruin me!
When I told people who I had picked there were a few raised eyebrows but in the end my confidence was well placed. Sam mate you have done me proud and have risen to the occasion – which, I'm told, is rare and generally unexpected achievement for him.
Thanks very much for all your help and for organising a great stag do…which, I'm told I enjoyed enormously. I should mention at this point that Sam suffers from a disability, which makes him prone to exaggeration. He often invents the most unbelievable stories, which he sincerely believes to be true – please bear this in mind when he speaks in a few moments!!
Seriously though, thank you for being the best man and for being a great friend.
I would like to bring my speech to a close by saying a very special thank@you to Sarah, Rebecca and Tracey, our lovely bridesmaids.
I am sure you will all agree on how beautiful they look. Thanks for helping Clare in her preparation today and over the past few months, you've done a brilliant job. Both Clare &amp I would like you to know that your Jewellery is a token of our appreciation for everything you have done today.
On that note ladies and gentlemen please be upstanding, I would like to propose a toast.… “To the bridesmaids”
I now give you Sam the best man!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!

Evening speech
For those of you who were not here earlier in the day I have already done one long winded speech and for those of you who were here and had to sit through it you will be gland to hear that I will be keeping this one as short as possible, as I know how anxious some of you will be to get back to the bar. On that note to save me repeating my self I am drinking fosters tonight!!
My wife and I would like to thank you all for coming to share this special day with us.
It is so good to see so many of you here, we have had a fantastic day and it wouldn't be the same without you all here to share it with us.
We would like to thank the band and the Disco for putting on such a good show
I appreciate that some of you have had to travel a long way to be here and I hope that you all have a fantastic evening. Again we would like to thank you for all the cards and gifts and kind thoughts we have received
For those of you that had lottery tickets on your table I have the lottery numbers from tonight's draw, so in ascending order…
For anyone who has a winning ticket please remember that I am the groom so it would only be fair to swap your ticket with mine!!
I will now leave you to your evening, have a great night and thank you again for coming.