Speech by Ash Charya
It was cool. It went well in general. The only thing was that I kept losing my position on the written speech... should have spent more time memorising or practising looking up
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Ash Charya
Speech Date: 08/09/2014 23:11:01
Let me start by saying how privileged both XXX and I feel to see all of you here celebrating our special day with us. Just looking around, it is such an honour that so many of you have travelled so far to be with us today And I'd like thank everyone, who has made an effort and travelled from near and far to be here. Thank you for being with us You know, XXX and I have been planning for this day for such a long time since I proposed last September. It has taken a big part of our lives, but standing here in front of you today, I can honestly say that all the time and effort has been worth it. But that's not to say that XXX and I did this alone, or even could do such a big event alone. There are so many people who have been constantly helping us, sacrificing weekends, taking days off, giving advice and also supporting our parents. On behalf of XXX and me, I'd like to thank you all for your efforts. You know who you are and we'll be thanking you personally later tonight. I'd also like to thank all the staff who have been helping make today efficient, comfortable and enjoyable for all our guests. We hope you all enjoy the evening celebrating our special day with us. Now I'd like to turn to some very important people. The VIPs! Mum and Dad You make such a great team and I'd like to thank you both for working so well together in bringing me up. Dad, you're responsible for everything in my head, and mum, you're responsible for everything in my heart. I remember dad always insisted on buying us educational presents. When I asked for a computer to play games, I got an old office PC that only does spreadsheets. But you know what? After university, I must have been the only 20 year old with 11 years’ Excel spreadsheet experience. It made getting a job very easy. To this day, I'm still benefitting from the guidance and support you provided in my early years, and I'd like to thank you for putting our education and learning first. Because you knew that was the right thing to do. Mum, where dad has made sure my head is in the right place, you've done the same for my heart. Everybody who knows you knows that you're the linchpin and the social glue of the family. I can always count on you to provide emotional strength when times are hard and pure joy and happiness in good times. Above all, thank you for showing me what it takes to be a devoted partner and a loving parent in my future life. As a token of our appreciation, XXX and I would like to present you both with this bouquet. Now, I'd like to turn to mum and dad. Ok, to avoid confusion, from this moment forth, the couple on my left will be known as London mum and dad, and the couple on my right will be known as Wales mum and dad. One of the first things I noticed when I met Wales mum was that she had a similar hairstyle to London mum and I immediately thought that's a good start and felt comfortable. But as I got to know them better I felt a bond emerging as I began to notice the qualities that I love so much about XXX in each of them. In her dad, I saw XXX's unique sense of humour except it was in a much purer, wiser form. And in her mum, I could see the drive and determination that I admire so much about XXX. But one of the things I really wanted to say was that in the build up to the wedding, XXX and I often talked about our parents. There was one thing that really stood out for me – and that was what is it like to give away your daughter. I tried to imagine it but couldn't. I guess you must have to have daughter to really understand. But what I know for sure is that it must be the hardest thing in the world after so many years together and it must require a great deal of faith and trust in your new son-in-law. Mum and Dad, I'm deeply honoured that you see that in me, but I also hope that you see the occasion not as giving away or losing a daughter, but instead gaining a son and expanding your own family. I'd like to say thank you for being so welcoming to me and my family and I'm excited about becoming part of your family. As a token of our appreciation, we'd like to present these flowers to you. Finally, I'd like to turn my attention to my lovely new wife who is looking so amazing tonight. I knew there was something special about XXX from the very first time I met her. Our first date turned from one drink, to dinner, to more drinks and chatting until the lights turned off in the restaurant and the owner was pushing us out the door. So a couple of days later, we met again but this time I decided to take her to a nice posh restaurant. You know happened? Exactly the same, but this time we were in a posh restaurant and in posh restaurants they don't turn off lights or ask you to leave, they just make gentle hints at you to leave. So there we were happily having drinks well after closing time and the waiters wanted us to go so they started dismantling the tables around us, sweeping the floor, changing light bulbs, trying to get us to leave but I was having such a great time, I just ignored all of them. So we were having a great time, only us in the restaurant. It was actually quite romantic and I could really feel a connection. We were laughing and joking and suddenly a felt this tapping on my foot. So I thought wow… she's playing footsie with me… this is great! Then I thought ok, how do I respond now? So I thought I'll give her a nice smile and then I'll pull her hands towards me. So I gave her a massive smile and just as I was about to grab her hand, XXX looked at me puzzled, and said what are you smiling at? So I looked down and it wasn't XXX playing footsie with me. It was actually the posh waiter hitting my feet with his broom so that we leave and he can go home! Well, XXX was none the wiser about this misstep. It did the trick and here we are today. On a serious note though, I feel so lucky to be marrying somebody who I can truly call my best friend. If there is one thing that stands out for me about XXX it would be that she is someone I can truly trust, whether it's for advice, support or just doing the right thing, I know XXX is someone I can truly count on. XXX, I want to thank you for becoming part of my life and marrying me. We've got so much to look forward to and I'm so excited about our future together. It's going to be amazing and better than anything I could have hoped for. And on that note, I'd like to introduce the next speech. Ladies and gentleman, he's known me all my life but still has to make up stories about me. Please welcome the best man, my brother, YYY