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Speech by Ashley Jessen

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Ashley Jessen
Speech Date: Nov2004
Ladies, Gentlemen, Friends, Relatives and any stray golfers who may have wandered in looking for some free beer and food. On behalf of my wife and I … welcome to our wedding. I hope you are all enjoying yourselves on this very special day.

I would like to start by thanking Charlie and my Dad for their kind words……….easily the best $20 I ever spent……….and I'd like to thank both our families on behalf of everyone here today for providing the wedding feast. I would also like to thank Charlie and Charu for welcoming me into their family and their kindness and friendship over the last 8 years has been second to none.

I would also like to thank them for providing me with my bride without whom today would have been slightly more difficult even though the best man did offer to stand in…but that's another story.

Nicky's mum Charu has kindly provided the lovely Crystals and Candles ensuring today's ceremony has a fantastic energy about it. Each box of chocolates has a crystal in it that we want you to have to remember this wonderfully energized occasion. So thanks again to both Charlie and Charu.

I would like to thank my own mum who through her very talented sewing skills actually made all the bridesmaid dresses and I am sure you all agree they look absolutely stunning. Mum also made our beautiful daughter Imogen's dress, which is looking fabulous and so thanks again for your very valued contribution.

My next thank you is for my Dad who has taught me a lot of valuable lessons in life and continues to provide encouragement and motivation as I go on with my journey in life. As a role model he has helped turn many of my ideas and dreams into reality and for that I am very thankful. I would also like to thank you for supplying the fantastic wedding cake…it looks delightful.

I also wanted to make a special mention to the very handsome young man Kobi. Have you ever seen a cushion carried so well. Also to Sammy the pretty flower girl who enthusiastically spread the petals on the ground for the ceremony. You both did a fantastic job.

Thanks to all of our friends for coming today. I never knew you could scrub up so well…especially Clinton in that amazing blue suit. Thanks also to those that traveled from Sydney and Charlie for coming down from Mackay. It's amazing the lengths some people will go to for a free meal. Thank you all for the cards, kind thoughts and wonderful presents that we have received; we look forward to opening them all. So thanks again to all of you for making this such a special day.

And now for the bride. Nicky, I knew you would look wonderful today and you took my breath away when you came down the aisle. I want everyone to know how lucky I am to marry someone so beautiful, intelligent, kind, genuine, sixty……….sorry, does that say sixty or sexy……….sorry, I can't read your writing Nicky!

Anyway, at this stage I am supposed to tell the story of how Nicky and I met but I can't remember most of it due to excess alcohol consumption on the night and she has made me promise not to tell what I can remember so you don't think any less of her, but I can tell you that I knew from the beginning that Nicky was right for me and I'm glad it turned out to be mutual.

Further to that I would like to say ………you have made today the best day of my life. You're my best friend and I love you with all that I have. I hope that I can make you as happy as you make me. I am truly looking forward to our new married life together and if it's anything like the last 8 years then I will be a very happy man.

Thank you also to my best man Troy “black flag” Parker. I should really wait until after his speech before I give my thanks as I have no idea what stories he is planning on telling you about me, and frankly I'm worried. As my character is so unblemished he might have to resort to making something up. So please take anything he tells you with the appropriate pinch of salt. Troy also asked me to let the ladies know that he is young, free, single and filthy rich.

A special thanks to the wonderful people at Harvey World Travel who kindly donated a return trip and accommodation for one lucky person to Europe. If you all check under your seat one lucky person will have an envelope that has the prize. So if you could all check under your seats we'll see who won.

I can't believe you all fell for that one.

And finally I would like to thank Michelle, Jessica and Michelle for being excellent bridesmaids. They have done a brilliant job and I think you'll all agree look absolutely stunning. So if you would like to raise your glasses and join me in a toast, “to the bridesmaids”.

OK I could go on all night, reeling off the usual tired old jokes and fictitious anecdotes, but instead I'm going to leave that to the best man.