Speech by Ben Barber
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Ben Barber
Speech Date: 10/01/2014 21:52:20
I would like to start off by thanking graham for his lovely speech, I know how much your daughters mean to you so thank you for letting me take one of them off your hands. Your kind words today do mean a lot to us.
So welcome to all of you here. On behalf of my wife and I, we really do appreciate all of the effort that has been made in taking a day of from the all important christmas shopping and for for those that care, missing the x factor final, to be here with us, on our most special day. You being here really does mean the world to us, it wouldnt have been the same without you all here. We hope that you have enjoyed your day so far and the evening that is to come.
My wife, its an amazing feeling to be able to call leann that. Ive been doing it for some time now but she keeps telling me off so I thought it was about time we made it official. Now i can call her my wife as much as I like and its something I certinally wont get bored of.
As im sure many of you aware, Leann and I have had quite a journey, a journey that has spanned 8 years so far and most of you have played a part somewhere along the lines.
So lets start at the beginning, I bet all of those betting on the speech time had wished you had gone for a long time now. So anyway, Leann and I met for the first time for some pre holiday drinks at our friend joes house and I thought the same then as I do now, I would.
That evening was the beginning of our relationship, well I say the beginning, the first year consisted of me pestering leann desperatly until she gave me a chance, a chance im glad she took.
Once we were officially a couple I couldnt have been happier, a happiness that has grown ever since that day all those years ago.
Now 8 years is a long time and there have been so many events that im lucky enough to have shared with Leann, exotic holidays, day trips away, nights out, nights in, buying a house together, everything we do, we do together which has just made us happier and happier.
Then 15 months ago I did something that many of you thought would never happen and got down on one knee.
Leann was surprised as any body seeing as she didnt even say yes till i prompted her, her first words to me were in fact “what are you doing”
Since then time has flown by, it seems only yesterday we was on over 400 days to go on one of Leanns several wedding apps and now we are here, finally married.
Everything you see here today is due to leann, she may have needed a kick up the butt occasionally and I may have turned into a bit of a groomzilla at points but today would not have been anywhere near as good without her in charge.
So thank you Leann, you have done an amazing job.
Today wouldnt have been possible without the help of so many people, particularly Leanns parents, Sheery and Roger, Graham and Marrion, your contributions have been invaluable and we really cant put into words our gratitude at what you have done for us. Thank you for everything.
Sherry I hope I dont make you cry but but thank you for everything you do for leann, from all of your advice and assistance with the wedding to just being leanns best friend, she couldnt ask for a better mother and I couldnt ask for a better mother in law. Also thank you to my mum who has raised me so well and been there thoughtout my life whenever ive needed you. and thank you to marrion for everything you have done for leann over the years you have known her.
As a gesture of thanks we have a small giift for the ladies, Shery, Marion, Mum.
Also julie we have a small something here here to say thanks for all of the wonderful invitations you have hand made and decorations you have helped with.
There are so many thank yous we must say so il be as quick as i can, Elliott, Harley, Josh. thanks for being the coolest kids here and for all your help today, and tallaluha for looking so beautiful as our flower girl.
Onto the bridesmaids, you all look lovely today, thank you for everything you have done for leann over the past year, wether it be a sholder to cry on with all the stresses that come with a wedding to the excitful glees I hear everytime leann is on the phone to you, which is alot. All of your support to us both has been amazing and thank you for being best friends, and wonderful sisters to Leann. everything you have done over all the years has been amazing so thank you. extra thanks to Rachael and Laura who organised most of the hen do for Leann which, as she keeps telling me, was one of the best weekends ever.
Again we have a small gift here for each of you for all of your hard work.
Simon, Matt, Chris, Dan, im sure you all have loads of lighters, hip flasks, bottle openers from the weddings you keep getting invlved in so as something a bit different, at the end of march were all going to brands hatch to watch the touring cars.
There are so many people that have had a hand in helping us both and with fear of missing somebody I wont try to thank you all individually but you know who you are so thank you for everything you have done.
I have spent countless hours online over the past few months trying to find a way that would best describe Leann and what my new wife means to me. In the end I realised that everything I read all sounded the same and a bit impersonal so this all comes from the heart. your noe have to all excuse me for going abit soppy.
First off, and im sure you all will agree, Leann, you look absolutly stunning today. I try to tell you that your beautiful most days but today your something else, when I saw you walking down the aisle you really did leave me speechless.
Leann, you really are the love of my life, a perfect woman who I couldnt bear to be apart from. You have given me years of happiness and I hope I can do the same back to you in our future years together.
I remember a few years ago we had a discusiion whilst laying in bed about how when we snuggle, we fit together perfectly. This is something that is true about our relationship, were a perfect fit, you tolorate my racing, I accept your shopping, you let me play my xbox, I dont mind when you watch all of your programs. We spend enough time together to not drive each other mad and enough time apart to make me miss you every day. When im not with you I want to be and when I am with you I cant get enough of you.
We are a perfect fit and anything else would just not be right.
I always tell you how lucky you are to have an amazing guy like me, but really its the other way around. i am the luckiest guy here, being able to call you my wife.
Well I think that has gone on long enough and im sure ive bored you all to sleep so il pass you on to a couple of guys that might raise a few laughs.
This is the bit where most grooms will try and get out of everything that your about to hear and deny it all but theres not much point with me, youve probably heard these stories and seen the pictures a thousand times all ready so it. Both of them are a little nervous so if you could just humor them and laugh where appriopriate would be great.
Friends and family, thank you for your time, enjoy your evening and over to Chris and Dan.