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Speech by C. Littlejohn

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: C. Littlejohn
Speech Date: Apr2007
Thankyou Les for those kind words. Before I begin I would just like to say how beautiful my wife looks today, I am priviledged and honoured to have you, you make me feel like I can achieve anything, because of your love and belief in me. Iam the luckiest man in the world and I love you with all my heart and soul. RIGHT! now the mushy stuff is out the way I can begin.

Greetings ladies and gentleman, my name is Christopher littlejohn, and I would like to welcome everybody here on this beautiful day on behalf of my wife Helen littlejohn {knew that would make her smile}, and I.

We would like to thank those of you who have made a long journey here today which is quite a few of you. But especially we would like to thank our Grandparents for travelling here it means a lot to have you all here, I am sure you will agree it has been worth it so far!

So writing this speech did prove rather difficult as I am the first one out of my immediate family and friends to get married, there was'nt much to work off, so I did what I thought was right and turned to the one man who I believe is wise, charismatic, and is one of the worlds most influential figures around today..…

Homer Simpson once said and I quote “love ain't so tough I got it right once”, and that pearl of wisdom is pretty much how I feel about it, you know you can be as stupid and as brain dead as you like but if your lucky enough to fall in love and that person loves you back your going to be alright. People who know me will know that Homer and I are roughly on the same level on intelligence and I suppose also hairline, but enough of that.

Helen and I first met at the harrow inn [my mums pub at the time], on the night of june the 11th2004 which is approximately 3 years 18 days
15 hours and 5minutes ago, not that its been drummed into my head or anything. Seriously though the most vivid first memory I have of Helen was of her sitting behind me giggling away at how stupid I was being, not much has changed except Helen is now by my side.

The point is though that apart from a great attraction to eachother, we have always been able to keep each other happy and smiling, Dad tells me all that is about to change though. My sense of humour and personality I thought was exclusively individual until I met Helen. I mean Helen only has to look at me and she starts laughing [dunno if that is a good thing or not really] It's difficult to explain, but it feels like Helen just gets what I am all about and that's exactly how I feel about her.
Helen has put in endless hours of planning for today, and it has been incredible the amount of wedding magazines dotted around our house, no stone has been left unturned in preparation for today, and in respect of this I would like us to be upstanding and raise a glass to my wife for all the work and planning that has gone into today. To Helen Helen is beautiful, clever, generous, ext…extr…sorry dear I cant read your writing what does that bit say. Helen is everything I have ever wanted, she takes care of me as I do her, she always puts me first as i….Helen always puts me first, and she does all my washing. Shes amazing!

As are her mother Sharon and her father Les, without there generousity, love and support, we would not be here today, and also to Sid we have and always will have unlimited gratitude for the support, you have shown us so we could achieve what we have today, and I especially would like to thankyou for how welcoming you have been to me Sid. Thankyou.

Les and Sharon you are genuine people and have always shown me love and understanding [apart from when Les and I are talking about Arsenal and Qpr]. Sharon and Les's house, has become a regular tea break and biscuit munching, stop off point on my way back to the TNT depot. You know first impressions can mean alot, and our first meeting in your garden I think within 5 minutes you had both taken the mickey out of me, this quickly put me at ease, and made me feel like I was around people who I knew were good fun and relaxed, you have been very kind to me and I am very grateful for that.

The level you are as people/parents can be judged in my opinion by your children, so in my eyes I cannot hold the two of you in any higher acclaim, and I promise I will take care of your daughter, and make you as proud of me as I know you are of her.

To My mother and brother, you have always been there for me, and you always will continue to be you have got so much love for me and Helen, and you have made me into the person I am today, mum apart from supplying the venue for our first meeting, you know that you are the best without question and have welcomed Helen into the family with open arms, you get on so well and that makes me very happy indeed. Thankyou two for all you have done for us I love you loads.

To Dad, Cyd, Holly, jess, ell and the mogster, I would also like to Thank all of you for showing Helen warmth and love and also helping her get quite a few hangovers with your generous supply of alcohol on trips to your house, but mostly for welcoming her into the family so well, it means a lot, I love you all, Thankyou.

So onto my best man Mr Paul Nicholson, or as he is known in Australia Paul micheal Hart [long story ask him about it later after he has had a few beers], we are very privileged to have him here today between court appearances, Paul has always been in trouble throughout his life, being a compulsive liar doesn't help, so please remember this when Paul next speaks, the best way to describe Paul, would be not what your all thinking clumsy, quietly unintelligent, face like a bulldog chewing a wasp, none of these obvious ones best describe him, a great friend, and a top of the pile fella best describes him, he is my best mate always has been and always will be even though we used to fight like cat and dog at the start of every playschool morning, over the fastest tricycle, to be honest mate we could probably still get on them now.

Anyway Paul you are the kindest most unintentionally funniest bloke I have ever known, and I am extremely proud to have you as my best man.
So much so that Helen and I have got you a trophy for being the best best man. Well that's what it says it is for, its really for not losing our wedding rings! Cheers mate, thanks for everything.

And finally a word to the bridesmaids who Helen has stressed her feelings to, and who have been there for her when my opinion on cake design was about as much use as a chocalate teaspoon. Elaine and Rachel you have both been awesome, and have always been there offering support and de-stress techniques, and my sisters for being very loving and helpful, and for making my wife and I look smaller than ever. We have some gifts for you all if you all would like to come up. Last but not least my wife and I would like to thank everybody in this room for being here today, and for contributing to making this one of the best days of our lives. Thankyou all.

Now if you would like to join me in raising a glass, for a toast to the bridesmaids,

To the bridesmaids!!

Right now I will leave you in the capable hands of my best man and best mate, Paul, take it away mate!