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Speech by Carl Easton

hi thought you might like my grooms speech that i'm giving at my wedding next week as you so helpfully helped me to write it thank you

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Carl Easton
Speech Date: May2005
My Dear family and Friends
I'll keep these thank you's short because of my throat…
My darling wife has promised to cut it if I start to waffle on or say anything to embarrass my-self
and for most of you that know me well You know I can do both at the same time.

First of all I'd like to thank my very beautiful wife Denise for actually marrying me in the first place.
No matter how many people asked her if she knew what she was letting her self in for. She still said I DO!!

I'd like to thank My new family especially Craig and Laura for welcoming me so warmly into there lives I'm so used to hearing keep away from my daughter or get your hands off my mum so when I was welcomed in with open arms it was a pleasant surprise

I'd also like to thank my family for making the long journey south though my mother did say the only reason she was coming was to go to Madame Tusords on Sunday.

Mick & Charlie I've known you for nearly four years now and you've been there for me through all the good times and the not so good times so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being my best men or should I say best big sisters any one could ever have.

And of course last but not least Damian I'm sure that Denise would agree with me when I say thank you for just being you (and don't forget the invites to your's)

That's it I'd just like to say one more thing
On behalf of my wife and I we'd like to thank you all for coming and sharing our special day with us. There are times when it's good to be surrounded by people who are important to you, and for us this is one of those occasions. We hope that you're enjoying Today every bit as much as we are and we'd like to thank you for your kind wishes and support.
So I now propose a toast to Fantastic Family's Marvellous Friend's and of course last but not least
Thank you