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Speech by Chris Herd

I decided to go heartfelt with my speach rather than fill it with gags which lets face it, is the Best Man's responsibility!   I also tried to keep it short and sweet as I think there is nothing worse drolling on for 20 minutes, you will never keep someones attention for that long.   I hope this is as much help to everyone as the others were on here to me, good luck.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Chris Herd
Speech Date: 12/03/2010 22:28:29


Thank you to Gordon.

My wife and I have to thank you all for coming and enjoying this very special day with us.  We would especially like to thank those that have travelled far to be here.  We have the Rutherford family from Jedburgh, the Drummond family from Camberley, and of course, my Uncle Brian and Auntie Gillian, from across the road.

Unfortunately it's not been possible to have everyone with us today however they are with us in spirit, in our minds but importantly in our hearts as well.

We would also like to take this opportunity to again thank you for the wonderful gifts you have very kindly given. Both Rachel and I have been astounded by the generosity and look forward to enjoying them together in the following weeks, months and indeed years. 

Alice and Gordon

Two people that I am very grateful for are of course Alice and Gordon.

Thank you for having such a beautiful, intelligent, kind, caring and affectionate daughter and for allowing me the privilege of being her husband. I can wholeheartedly say that her happiness is of the upmost importance to me and I promise to make you proud.

I wish also to thank yourselves and your partners, Peter and Mary, for the love and support you have shown Rachel and myself over the last few years and for accepting me into your family to which I truly feel a part of.

Mum and Dad

I have of course at this point to say thank you to two other very extraordinary people in my life, my Mum and Dad.

You have always been there for me through the ups and downs with your love, support and guidance. Not to mention home made shepherd pies and how to haggle the best price on my next car.

I must attribute my achievements in life thus far to you both and I know I don't say this very often but now is as good a time as any. I love you both and thank you for being you.

Flowers for Mums

If I could now ask for one of the bridesmaids help as Rachel and I have a small token of our appreciation that we would like to give you both.


And now I turn to the most special person in my life, Rachel, my beautiful and ever radiant new wife.

Now, some of you may not know that we wouldn't be here today if it was not for one person in particular, my sister, Kirsty.

Rachel and Kirsty first became friends whilst working together in Jenners and regularly frequented the local haunt, the Ivanhoe, which is where Rachel and I were first introduced.

After a few late nights in the pub together, lots of entirely unsuspected flirting, from Rachel, and a very nervous and somewhat delayed reaction phone call from myself later, a date was made and the rest as they say is history.

And 5 and a half years later it's not often that you can say that you have married your best friend but I can truly confirm that today. I feel like the luckiest man alive as there really is no better friend in my life than Rachel. I am a better person when I am with her and I can't wait to grow old with you.

I must also say that in my opinion Rachel truly is the most naturally beautifully woman I have ever met however for some time this has posed a problem for me. How was I going to react when she came down that isle? How could she look more beautiful than she always does? All I can say is that she has and then some. I am sure you will agree that she looks truly amazing and I will remember the way you look today for the rest of my life.

Best Man

It was an easy decision to make when choosing my Best Man. I have known Phil for many years now and I have come to think of him as the brother I never had. He teases me, calls me names and generally winds me up but ultimately I couldn't be without him and his friendship and I am glad he is here with me today.

It does not seem that long ago that Phil and I during one of our ‘trips to the shop’ were sitting on top of the climbing frame near his house staring into the night sky when out of the blue Phil said, “I recon you'll get married first.” A little surprised I replied tentatively, “Why?” To which he answered. “Cause you're the sensible one.” I took a moment to decide whether or not it was a compliment. “Ok, but what's to say you won't, you can be sensible from time to time.” To which he immediately said. “Cos I am going to be Ghostbuster”.

Well all I can say Phil is that I've filled my side of the bargain.

On a serious note, Phil, thank you for your help today, in the run up to the wedding and of course the stag weekend of which I am sure you will all hear more of later despite my pleads for mercy.


Thank you also has to be said to the Ushers, I have probably driven you mad with my obsessive needs but you have got through it with ease and have done a great job so thank you again.


My final thank you has to go to the Bridesmaids, the two Kristy's or K2 as we have come to know and love them.

I have always thought of Kirsty as not only my sister but as a good friend and I am sure this will be the same for my new sister in law.

You have both done a fantastic job and look amazing but I have to make particular mention to how well you have managed to keep Rachel and the Mums under control not only on the hen weekend but especially over the last few days – I know it won't have been easy.

Finish & Toast

And so to finish as tradition dictates will you please all stand and join me in a toast


Thank you.