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Speech by Chris Holden

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Chris Holden
Speech Date: Jun2006
Before I start my speech, for those of you that like to dabble on the Stock Market a hot tip for you.… Jansen Cilag, they make Immodium, sales have soared in recent weeks. Show packet of Immodium to audience

Who needs Atkins or the GI diet, the Wedding diet's guaranteed to shift &#189 stone in a week slightly more expensive though!

Ladies &amp Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, it is both a pleasure and a privilege to respond to Peters toast and to welcome you all on our special day – a pleasure because it means so much to Mandy &amp I… woops … my wife and I ..that you have travelled to witness our marriage and to share in our celebrations – a privilege, as I realise that for the first time I speak not just for myself but on behalf of the two of us as husband and wife.

We have a lot of thank-you's to make so please bear with me, sit back, loosen your clothing if you like just don't try to loosen someone else's. To all of you whether you have travelled 5 miles or 5000 miles to be here with us today, a big thank-you from both of us for doing so also for your good wishes and your generous gifts, they are very much appreciated.

Peter, thank you sir for your kind words and for going easy on me during your speech.

I must admit to bracing myself for some witticism about my delicate stomach after a Brummie baltis and the need for Jeannette to stock up on air fresheners before we come down to stay……so just in case I needed to get my own back I had made a note to tell everyone about my first night out in Birmingham with the Cassell clan, and our visit to the Elbow Room…..but as time is pressing I'll leave that for another day!

It is somewhat daunting for Mandy &amp I as we commence our married life together considering that our parents have a collective 80 some years of marriage behind them…they just don't look old enough do they? We will certainly endeavour to follow their fine example over the years ahead.

Personally, I would like to thank Peter and Jeanette for the way in which they have welcomed me into there family, for the generosity of their assistance with the wedding and for accepting 4 years ago that their little Brummie girl would soon be speaking with a Yorkshire accent.

Mum and Dad. You must have wondered whether you'd ever have occasion to buy a fancy new hat or wear a funny suit – well finally the day has arrived. I thank you for everything you have done for me over the last …err 21 years.. and all that you continue to do now, for not just myself, but Mandy also.

Your love and support has been tireless particularly during my…what shall I say ‘stroppy moments’ and your generosity today is greatly appreciated by both of us.

As a token of our appreciation for both parents we have some small gifts.

Turning to the most important person here to day…Mrs Holden Jnr – what words could I use to express my feelings upon seeing you walking down the aisle – you look absolutely stunning and I'm proud to be able to call myself your husband.

I thank you so much for all the love and support that you have shown me since we met and for relocating to start our life together here in Yorkshire.

I must admit to being somewhat nervous about your dress considering it was arriving from Milan on the very day that Italy were playing their first match of the World Cup

I had this strange dream where I saw the dress covered in Blue and White sequins with Cassell and a big number 1 stitched on the back. Mandy – you'll always be my number 1. Kiss.

Obviously there's been a fair bit of reminiscing about our 1st meeting and our 6 years together over recent weeks.

I guess the tone was set fairly quickly for what I should expect because I'll always remember Mandy's instructions to me when I was travelling down to visit her in Birmingham for the first time.

She said park on the drive behind my car, walk up to door and press the bell with your elbow – why my elbow I asked – because you'll have champagne in one hand and flowers in the other silly, came the reply.

Mandy likes to shop, holiday, dine out, shop and play golf &amp I must confess to sometimes feeling like the guy who had his credit card stolen but he decided not to report it because the thief was spending less than his wife did.
But darling you are worth every penny.

Well right now I can imagine that Nigel my brother and best man is struggling to both laugh and clench his buttocks together at the same time. As Mandy would say – “such a man thing – can only do 1 thing at once!”

A big thank-you Nigel for your encouragement and assistance today – particularly for your calming influence when we were sat in the front pew &amp I was visualising Matthew playing football with ring cushion as he walked down the aisle.

Most of you won't be aware that Nigel suffers from a rare medical condition which causes him to invent fanciful stories.

He really does unfortunately believe these stories to be true so I'll thank you for humouring him during his speech

Turning to the Ushers for the day- Darren, Mandy's brother &amp Neil, Nick &amp Richard, my ‘old’ school buddies with whom I've shared many a tumble on numerous ski slopes – thank-you and great to see you all again.

Finally and I'm sure that Mandy will forgive me if I refer to them as the ‘Stars of the show’ we have Hannah, Georgia, Emily and Matthew our Bridesmaids and Page Boy.

You all look wonderful and we hope that you will all have memories that you can keep with you forever as to the part you have played in making our special day exactly that.

We'd be lying of course if we didn't admit to being somewhat nervous after the rehearsal but it came together really well, thank-you. We also appreciate the part their Mothers, Vicky and Corin played in getting them ready this morning – and of course Corin for the reading during the service.

I read somewhere that &quota man is incomplete until he is married…….after that he is finished&quot – which is what I am now, so please be upstanding and join with me in toasting the health of the Bridesmaids and Page Boy.