Speech by Chris Warwick
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Chris Warwick
Speech Date: oct 2004
Finally after eight and a half years, I can say this… on behalf of my wife and I, I would like to thank you all for coming, for sharing our special day with us, for your presents and your love.
I would like to thank Ian for his kind words. I'm know I'm supposed to be responding for my wife and I, but she's more than capable of speaking for herself, as she will prove in her own speech after mine.
I'd like to thank my Mum and Dad, Liz and Rob, and Ian & Morag, not only for their financial assistance, but also for their support and guidance when needed, and for leaving us to our own devices and letting us do “our own thing” when we needed to.
We'd like to show our appreciation with some flowers for each of them (flowers for mums and Morag)
When thinking about what to put in my speech I looked at a variety of sources, but I always ended up, back with the Big Man.
The true light,
My guiding spirit,
The one who has a following of millions,
Homer Simpson.
When asked what marriage is like he responded;
“Marriage is like being married to your best friend, and he lets you play with his boobs”.
Every one who knows me well will understand exactly where Homer and I, are coming from with that one.
I then considered writing a poem for today, describing all the loves of my life, so everybody would know how truly happy I am, but unfortunately I couldn't get Emma, Harlequins, Guinness and Lardy Cake to rhyme !
Then during the research for this speech I came across a short verse written by Wilfred A Peterson called “The Art of Marriage”.
I would like to read this now to Emma, but I feel the sentiments apply equally to us all.
The Art of Marriage
A good marriage must be created,
In the art of marriage the little things, are the big things.
It is never being too old to hold hands,
It is remembering to say, “I love you”, at least once each day,
It is never going to sleep angry,
It is having a mutual sense of values and common objectives,
It is standing together, facing the world,
It is forming a circle of love that gathers in the whole family,
It is speaking words of appreciation and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways,
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget,
It is giving each other an atmosphere, in which each can grow,
It is finding room for the things of the spirit,
It is common search for the good and the beautiful,
It is not only marrying the right partner,
It is being the right partner.
Emma, in front of all our friends and family I promise I will try my best to practice this art.
So to my new wife, it doesn't seem five minutes since I was proposing to you on the beech, under the stars, proposing twice to you as it happens, as you made me do it again, “because it was over too fast the first time”.
I'm so happy to be married to this beautiful, stunning, good looking and talented woman. I suppose every groom thinks his bride is the most beautiful in the world, and today that's how I feel.
I'm completely overwhelmed at how fantastic she looks, and feel hugely privileged that's she chosen to be my wife. I have been completely misled by the girls as to what Emma would look like today, so much so, that she looks a million times more lovely than I could possibly have imagined.
Thank you for making this the best day of my life so far, and I hope that every day will be as happy as today…….just less expensive.
Emma has promised not to change after we are married. So I'm looking for to more tact, more diplomacy, and many, many more made up songs around the house.
When I finally got round to telling Emma what I do for a living, I was rather surprised to learn that not only did she knew what a quantity surveyor was and what I do for a living, but also that her Dad and Granddad were ones as well, and not just QS's but Partners in their own firm ! The first meeting with Ian was a tad daunting for a newly qualified surveyor and boyfriend to say the least!
I'd also like to thank Claris, Katie and Jonathon for delivering the readings so eloquently, and to David for videoing the ceremony and these speeches.
I'm quite a supertisous sort of bloke, and I've noticed over the last week or two some very good omens for this day and for this marriage. Last week I saw a shooting star and made a wish, last Monday I saw a double rainbow, today Southampton are above Portsmouth in the football league and to cap it all Harlequins beat London Irish today and are still unbeaten and at the top of the Rugby Premiership !
Now to the “Al's”, Alistair's and Alan. Thank you both for organising the stag do, which I'm told I enjoyed enormously.
Thanks to Alistair for ushing and for being my mate, it is very much appreciated (Alistair's present).
I've known Alan since we started college together some nineteen years ago, we've had some very good times together which I'm sure he'll tell you about shortly, if he can actually remember them. I'd sincerely like to thank him for being my best man today. (Alan's presents)
I should perhaps just mention that Alan suffers from a rare medical condition, which, makes him prone to embellishment and suffer delusions about fairies. He often invents the most fanciful stories, which he sincerely believes to be true. I hope you bear this in mind when he stands up to speak after Emma.
Emma and I would like to thank the three bridesmaids, Emma, Katherine and Laura. You've all been terrific and done a great job today and over the last few months. I'm sure you'll all agree that they all look beautiful. We'd like you to except these gifts as a token of our appreciation and as a reminder of you involvement today (presents)
And finally a toast to our three lovely, helpful, and very patient bridesmaids,
Ladie & gentlemen…the bridesmaids