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Speech by Chris

I used when writing my grooms speech and found it incredibly useful. 

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Chris
Speech Date: 01/08/2017 13:55:06


Thank you for your kind words, Jack.

Although I'm a touch nervous, it may surprise some, but I have actually been looking forward to making this speech. Finally, I can sit at a table with Annette, Victoria, Adrienne and Ashleigh and talk without interruption.

Since I proposed to Ashleigh back in February this year we have been busy planning for today. This has given me a great opportunity to demonstrate the many skills that I learnt working for the Ministry of Defence, by which I mean I have produced a number of neatly colour coded spreadsheets. A Project Manager has three aims; to bring the project in on time, to quality and to cost. On the first two I think we have succeeded. On the last aim however, like all good defence projects, we have come in over budget.


On a more serious note, my wife and I are humbled to see so many of our family and friends together, here to celebrate our marriage. Thank you so much to those who have travelled from near and far, from Sussex to Scotland and as far as from America. At the same time, we have in our hearts and minds those that couldn't be with us today.

If you could be upstanding, please join me in a raising a toast. To family and friends, present and absent!


We also want to say a huge thank you to Ashleigh's parents, Jack and Annette. Thank you for hosting us here in your garden and for all your help in organising today. I would personally like to thank you for welcoming me in to, and making me feel like part of the family. Jack and Annette, you have done a fantastic job in raising three wonderful, beautiful and intelligent daughters. 

Whilst on the subject of great children I would like to thank my parents for raising such a charming, sophisticated and modest son. Ben and Abbey haven't turned out too bad either. Thank you for everything you have done for me over the past 29 years. I know you have made Ashleigh feel incredibly welcome in the time we have spent together.


Ashleigh, I think everyone here will agree with me when I say you look absolutely incredible in your dress.

I can't quite believe it was three and a half years ago now that we both swiped right. At the time Tinder was in the news, the first couple in the UK to meet through the dating app had just got married. Here we are today and I couldn't be happier.

I can't wait to continue building our lives together, buying our first house, even if that does mean curtain shopping again, getting a puppy and starting a family of our own. I love you so much If you could again be upstanding, please join me in raising a toast. To the Bride!


Victoria, Adrienne, Thank you for all your support in planning today. You did a fantastic job of organising Ashleigh a wonderful Hen. Everything you did was so very thoughtful. In particular the photo book with all the messages from friends and family that she will cherish forever.

I can still remember the first time I met Victoria and Adrienne.  As I pulled up into the drive, feeling rather nervous, Ashleigh comes running down the drive towards the car arms waving shouting that I wasn't allowed to come in. It wasn't that she had changed her mind as I first feared but because Honey, Ashleigh's pet rabbit who I would soon learn was actually a boy, had escaped and was loose in the drive. Joining the girls under Annette's Volvo in the hunt for Honey however proved to be an excellent ice breaker.

For my final time of asking, please be upstanding for a toast. To the Bridesmaids!


Nicky, thank you for marrying us. We were both really nervous about meeting you for the first time, but within minutes of you walking through our door you had put us at total ease.

Alex, Rauidhri, Heather, thank you for reading for us. They were beautiful.

Emi, you did a terrific job as flower girl. You look really pretty if now a little muddy.


I must also thank everyone who helped set up the marquee yesterday. Auntie Sue, Auntie Agnes, Uncle Jim, Ali, Clare, Dad, Rachel, Garry, Victoria, Adrienne, Annette, Jack. Without you it wouldn't have been possible. An extra thanks to Fran for preparing all the bouquets, button holes and table pieces.

Best men

Finally, I would like to say thank you to my Best Man and Best Maiden, John and Rachel, and Groomsmen, Tom and Alex.

John and I have been great friends since we first met at University. I couldn't have tackled Betty Lanchester's problem sheets without you! Rachel, you have always been there for Ashleigh and I whenever we have needed a helping hand or I have needed to borrow a power tool. Together, you both organised an amazing stag that I and everyone else thoroughly enjoyed, although I have to say I have since well and truly gone off marshmallows.

There are many others that we would like to thank but we will try and catch up with each and every one of you this evening.

So, without further ado I think it is time for me to hand over to John. Please be gentle else I will let everyone know the bridesmaids’ nickname for you.