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Speech by Christopher Chubb

I hope it helps other grooms as your web site certainly helped me.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Christopher Chubb
Speech Date: Jun2005
Thank you Clive for those kind words.

Ladies and Gentlemen, my wife and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all so very much for coming and sharing with us in our special day, it has been beyond our wildness dreams. And to have so many of our friends and family here has made it all the more special – if that were possible.

Those of you who I have worked with will know that I relish giving presentations, but the thought of this speech has terrified me. So I'll keep this as short as I can as I know you're all dying to hear the next speech.

Many many people here have helped us prepare for the wedding it has been a real team effort, however if I don't mention you by name please be assured that Louise and I are very grateful for everything you have done to make this a wonderful day, you know who you are.

Today so far has been beyond my wildest dreams, They say you don't marry the person you can live with – you marry the person who you can't live without, which is very true of Louise.
So my first thank you goes to Louise, my friend, my love and my bride. Even though you know everything about me and you still said “I do”, thank you.

A couple of days ago Louise and I were discussing whether we believed in destiny or fait and although we never resolved what we did believe in all the best things over the past 8 years appear to be accidents or chance. For example the first time we met it was Claire's birthday I was considering not coming out that night because I'd had a hard day at work and was really tired and was just not up for it, but Andy Breckspear gave me a call managed to convince me to come along and so I went along.

If you ask me about that night, I will tell that I acted diviner and charming and swooned Louise off her feet, if you ask Louise she will tell you I rude, insulted her and got use through out of the bar – not true.

That was 8 years ago last week, these have been the best 8 years of my life and I know no matter what life can through at use and over the last 5 years it has through a lot at us we will be alright because we have each other.

Now, tradition dictates that I now tell you an amusing story or two about Louise; unfortunately she has dictates that I do not such thing. But I will say, that we've been living together now for nearly 3 years, and in that time I've learned a very important valuable lesson,
Whenever you're wrong – Admit it
Whenever you're right – Keep quiet!!

The minister asked us in a pre-wedding meeting why we were together and apart from the obvious that we are crazy about each other. For my part I said that Louise is like a natural high, no matter how bad a day or what ever mood I'm in she's can always lift me up and put a smile on my face and for this I am so thank full that not only did I managed to find such a person I managed to get her to love me.

And to round up this bit of my speech I'd like to finish with a quote from the Hindu marriage service:

I am the sky. You are the earth. We are sky and earth united.… You are my wife. My feet shall run because of you. My feet shall dance because of you. My heart shall beat because of you. My eyes see because of you. My mind thinks because of you and I shall love because of you.

Kiss Louise and give her a read rose.

Louise and I would like to say a big thank you to Clive and Gill for hosting what I'm sure you'll agree has been a wonderful receptions and the fantasic surroundings. And for all your guidance and support.

Linda and Harry a big thank you not only for tonight's receptions but also being the creative director for the whole wedding, ladies and gentlemen everything from the wonderful invitations to the naming cards has been Linda and Harry. So again a big thank you.

Now I comes to my parents, I would like to say a big thank you to both of you, most people worry that they might turn into there parents, not me. This may sound a little strange but let me explain. They've always treated each other with such love, respect and compassion and if I can do the same I know me and Louise we be alright. You've both been perfect role models and thank you not just for today but the last 26 years.

We all this mind we have what in comparison to all you have done is a small token of our appreciation. Thank you so very much.

Give Flowers

Louise may say a few words here.

Lastly and by no means least, we come to my big brother the best man. I wish to thank you not only for an excellent stag do, but more than that for being the best big brother a little brother could ask for. You've always been there for when I've needed you and I really appreciate it.

And before I hand you over I would like to tell you all something slightly concerning about the best man, I think its important you know this, he has a rare medical condition, it comes when he's been drinking and he has an audience it forces he to tell the most implausible, hipocraful stories, so please humour him and laugh long but remember it's false!

With this fact in mind please give a warm welcome to one of my best friends, my little big brother, the best man.