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Speech by Craig L Stevenson

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Craig L Stevenson
Speech Date: 22/01/2010 14:49:20

This isn't the first time today I've risen from a warm seat with paper in my hand.

Thank you Mac for those kind words.

On behalf of Catriona, sorry, my wife and I, welcome to you all.  I can honestly say it wouldn't have been the same without you all, considerably cheaper but that's not the point!! 

As there are a number of toasts in my speech, I'd like to make sure you all have your glasses full.

Someone once said that a good speech has both a good beginning and a good ending.  A great speech has both of these very close together. 

I'm aiming for my speech today to be like a mini skirt…long enough to cover the essentials yet short enough to keep your attention!

I had a fantastic speech all worked out for today but now I'm married, my new wife has told me what to say ……… and she said that's the way its going to be from now on!  My best man warned me that would happen.  After all, it happened to him the day he got married!  And she's been telling him what to say ever since.

Anyway, I'll crack on.  Ladies and gentlemen, firstly I'd like to thank each and every one of you for coming here today to help us celebrate our marriage.  We hope that the day is as enjoyable for you as it is special to us.

Unfortunately its not been possible to have everyone we love here with us today for one reason or another but we know they're thinking of us or here with us in spirit and they're not only in our thoughts today, but more importantly they're with us in our hearts.  So, with them in mind, would you all please stand, raise your glasses and join me in a toast to absent family and friends.

Ladies & Gentlemen, ‘Absent Family & Friends’

We would also like to thank both sets of parents as we wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for them.  We'd like to thank them all for their love and support over the years. 

I can't stand up here today without giving special thanks to my Mum and Dad who should undoubtedly receive a medal for endurance!  You have always offered me guidance, love and support through every stage of my life, even during my Kevin the teenage years, which Catriona may argue are still ongoing!.

  1.    You've done a really good job!

We'd like to thank you for organising the cake for us and other things you've done.  It looks absolutely lovely and will be a shame to cut it but I just cant wait to try it.

I would also like to thank my new in-laws Mac and Betty who have made me feel welcome since I first started seeing Catriona 2½ years ago.  From peeking round the curtains when I was dropping her off after a night out, yes I saw you;  to making me full cooked breakfast on a weekend when I stayed with you.  I hope I can be everything you want from a son-in-law. 

Thank you too for raising a beautiful, intelligent and sometimes stubborn daughter.  It's just a shame you've trained her so well in the arts of shopping and Radley Handbags!

Betty, I'd like to thank you for organising the flowers in church and for your work on Catriona's dress.  They both look beautiful.  And Mac, I'd like to thank you for giving Catriona away this afternoon so willingly ..… a bit too willingly if you ask me!  Is there something you haven't told me?

We'd like to say a big thank you to Kelly, Donna, Sarah and Maddi, our bridesmaids.  I'm sure you will agree that they all looked lovely today.  Thank you especially to Kelly and Donna for everything you have done for Catriona ……..and for not allowing her to run off anywhere this morning at the last minute!

I would also like to say thank you to Ewan, Shaun and Steven, our ushers and Stephen my Best Man.  You've all been working hard today to help ensure everything has run according to plan and your help has been invaluable. 

So, I'd like to propose a toast:

Ladies and Gentlemen: to the Bridesmaids, Ushers and Best Man

We'd also like to take this opportunity to thank Lal and all his staff for all they've done to make today so special for us.  Thank you!

Now to Catriona, to my wonderful and beautiful wife.  I find it so hard to find the words to say how absolutely stunning you look today.  I'm sure everyone here will agree with me. 

  1. When I saw you walking towards me I knew how truly lucky I am!!   And you are too!

I'd also like to thank you not only for turning up at the church this afternoon but also for all the hard work, effort and time you have put in to make today so special. Your creativity, attention to detail and preparation has been superb and you should take most of the credit for what has so far been an incredible and special day.    

We have had so many good times together so far, both on our own and with the help of family, friends and loved ones, most of whom have joined us here today.  I hope and pray that this is the start of many, many more good times to come.

They say you don't marry someone you can live with – you marry the person you can't live without.  That's exactly what I've done today. 

Catriona, I love you with all my heart and I cant thank you enough for making me the happiest and proudest bloke in the world today. 

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to propose a toast to my Wife.  ‘Catriona‘ 

Now, there is an unwritten rule at weddings that no one should look as beautiful as the bride or as handsome as the groom.  Looking round here, I'd like to thank you all for adhering to that rule! 

So that's enough from me, I suppose I should sit down and hand over to someone else. 

When I proposed to Catriona, I put a lot of thought into what makes a good marriage.  As Stephen, my best man, has been married 5 years, I asked him what he thought.  He said a marriage consists of 3 rings; engagement ring, wedding ring and suffering!! Thanks for that advice!

Many people don't know that Stephen has a split personality which causes him to invent fanciful stories which he believes to be true.  I thank you for humouring him during his speech, and maybe even giving occasional forced laughter or applause every now and then.  I believe his medication's wearing off, so we should be in line for a few corkers. 

It now gives me great pleasure, though with some trepidation, to hand over to my best man.  I'd like to ask him now to give us all the best man's speech and given this fantastic build up, I'd like to appeal to his better nature and ask him to take it easy on me.

Thank you very much.