Speech by Damon Morris
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Damon Morris
Speech Date: 24/09/2013 23:38:58
Can I start by saying I've dreading boring you all with my voice , but then the other day my mum said.… “Don't worry dame there always a boring bit, it's just a shame it will be your speech.” Ha-ha so please keep the snoring to a minimum please.
First off can I thank you all for being with me and Wife! And sharing our special day Today… Yes I'm sure Bec can't believe it's finally here and the day finally came when I popped the question. It took me a while yes, Not that I needed an excuse to marry Bec. It's just she has expensive taste.
So to start the thanks I would like to say A big thank you to my new in laws John, Linda and Sarah for their help and support and for welcoming me into the family from the off. Thank you for raising a beautiful, amazing, and driven woman, I say that, although I probably won't be thinking that when she's determined to make me cook tea or wash up and change a pooey nappy! Hopefully John and Linda you are pleased to have me as your son In-law, I'm sure that's what John was thinking when he looked at me dressed in a pink leotard and tutu on my stag weekend. And Sarah thank you for being like another sister to me and being a great aunty to the best little boy in the world, me and Bec will be here if you ever need us… I will do my best to take care of Bec for you.
Can you raise your first glass to my new in laws?
Now to my family… Thank you for the backing over the years and the love you've given me and Bec. I appreciate the hours you put in for my dancing and travelling across the country week in, week out, but unfortunately I have to break it to everyone that I will not be performing any form of choreographed dance tonight! Although my dad does a good moonwalk, so if we get him drunk enough later maybe he may show us to a bit of Michael Jackson… Who knows what might happen and that's if my mum hasn't beat him to it first after just the one glass Too many… Thanks for directing me on the right path till now, just shame dad you didn't know where you were going on that Friday night on the stag weekend as we circled Nottingham finding the hotel… But they have been through the good and the bad times with me and I wouldn't change you for the world. Now to Kate I just want to say thank you for being a loving aunty to Jacob and a supportive sister to Bec and me. You know we will always be there for you when you need us.
So again can you raise your glasses to my family? At this point we have gifts for both our mothers. Just a little something to show how we appreciate how you gave the best start in life and have carried on ever since.
“Like I said earlier I've been a bit nervous and emotional about this speech. Just the other day I was at the petrol station and I don't know what happened. I just started filling up.” There are just so many people to thank… Let me also say thank you to the holiday inn for a great day so far, the friends who gave us presents in the form of ideas for the day, like lindzis incredible painting of us and Louise and martin with the message bottle and a massive thank you to all you brilliant friends and family for coming and making the day special for us.
Plus a special thanks to the bridesmaids..… Sarah Kate and nat. We've already thanked the sisters and I'm scared that if we praise them anymore they might think we actually love them and their heads my not fit through that double door over there. So Nat.… Thanks for being there for Bec and being a great mate and being there when there's a problem or when I am the problem. You all 3 mean a lot to us both and we would like to thank you each with a present. You've helped Bec out with the wedding and giving some good ideas. So can you raise your glasses to the bride's maids?
Also not forgetting my best man.… Some say he used to be a womaniser; some say he has the best looking friends to walk the planet and that he's drives a white van by day..… And if you have a white van tail ending your car it's probably him. … All I know is his name is dan I have to say it was a huge relief when I saw the rings in dans hand, who knows where they could have ended. By the way they we're bec's words not mine. Thanks mate for your support and being a great mate and of course for making me lose all my dignity on my stag do! I'm sure it's fair to say We've been through a lot which I'm sure you're going to bring up in a minute, so can I warn you all what he says are all lies lies lies and make believe.. Anyway mate here is a gift to say thank you. Raise your glasses to my best man! Now to Lewis, thanks mate for being so efficient today and running things smoothly. If you didn't know already Lewis works for British gas so this efficiency and smooth time keeping came as quite a Shock! Who knew as well that someone who fixes boilers all day in such a manly environment can pull of such a pretty bow and be promoted by Bec to chief bower of favours!! Thank you mate for being there for me and Bec and being a great usher and uncle to Jacob… Here's a little something to show that. Raise your glasses to Lewis.
Now to the three little menaces you saw skidding down the aisle and probably eating the candy cart empty later, thanks to my gorgeous son Jacob, my little bruiser nephew, Alfie and the mini lady charmer jack, who I'm sure you will agree looked very handsome in their tails. So lads here's something from me and Bec. Another toast to the new mini 1 direction.
To the grandparents.… Gill, Brian, pam, Gerry, olive and mick.. Thank you all for your support and love you give to us. We really appreciate everything you do or have done for us and want to say thank you! Again raise your glass to our grandparents. But I cannot forget a toast in memory of my granddad who sadly is no longer with us. All though I'm sure he would have really enjoyed today and is looking down on us as we speak. So here's to Richard Morris!
So I think that just about means were that bit closer to seeing the dads skidding across the dance floor with ties around their heads whilst Duran Duran plays and the mothers getting drunk of a glass of wine.. I'm sure that will be us in a few years Bec.
“According to the Internet structure for a well-rounded groom's speech, it dictates that traditionally at this part of my speech I should say some funny, slightly embarrassing stories of my wife, but unfortunately my wife dictates I don't!! So let's start as we mean to go on eh.”
How I couldn't have asked for more, when an amazingly beautiful and intelligent woman said yes to a clumsy man like me! Bec I know it's a cliché but you have made me the happiest man alive today and that started from the day I met you… Those first few parties I saw you at… You were this cute innocent girl and now you've grown into a determined career driven and beautiful mother and if our son turns out half as good as that I will be proud. Thank you for giving me the cutest and handsome little chap (sorry I'm slightly biased). You were there for me when I came back from London and stuck with me when I was down London too. I couldn't have done it all without you and there's too many good times to list. I know there's still many great times ahead and as long as there with you and Jacob that's all that matters. So please for the last time, honestly!! Raise your glasses to my wonderful wife, Becky!!
So Now I'm nervously going to pass you on to my best man dan, remember it's all lies.