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Speech by Darren Hall

I browesed this web site for ideas and tips and thought it really helped. I was very nervous but its true what they say once you get started its a breeze!! Good Luck

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Darren Hall
Speech Date: 01/06/2011 11:26:48

Welcome first of all, on behalf of my wife and I… we would like to thank everyone for coming today, it means so much to us, to have everyone we love and care about here to share our special day and a special thank you to those who have travelled such a long way be here.

I had a fantastic speech all worked out for today but now I'm married, my new wife has told me what to say ……… she said that's the way its going to be from now on! My best man warned me that would happen. After all, it happened to him the day he got married! And she's been telling him what to say ever since aint that right Dad.

As there are a number of toasts in my speech, I'd like to make sure that all of you have your glasses fully charged…Whilst you are all doing this, I thought, I'd let you know how I first met Amy…

Picture this a 12 year old boy getting changed for PE got the shorts and t-shirt on ready to go play football walking across the sports hall trying to look super cool with his mates. All of a sudden I looked up and there in front of me is Amy with extra small shorts on and a rolled up t-shirt bouncing up and down on the trampoline well my eyes nearly popped out my head… Football was out the window and I took to the trampoline.

THANKS FOR GIFTS: Firstly we would like to thank you all for your generosity and the fantastic gifts you have bought for us. I can't tell you how much they mean to us……… I will however be informing you in due course once I have had chance to list them on eBay!

To those of you that have given us a cheque, thank you…No, I really do mean thank-you; we will be using your account details from the cheques and setting up direct debits paying our utility bills for years to come.

MUM AND DAD:I can't stand up here today without giving special thanks to my Mum and Dad who should undoubtedly receive a medal for endurance! You have always offered me guidance, love and support through every stage of my life, even during my Kevin the teenage years, which Amy may argue are still ongoing! You've done a really good job! And if I can do half as good a job with my wife and kids as my Dad has then I'm sure we will be happy for years to come. I'd also like to say a big thank you to my Mum and Dad for helping organize this event today we couldn't have done it without you so Thank you raise your glasses and a big thanks to my mum and dad.

BRIDESMAID:I have a gift for my beautiful little girl who looks a million dollars today and has done a wonderful job today being a bridesmaid she has been practising her dance moves for tonight's disco for about 2 months I now know all the words to Jessie J's album as its been stuck on repeat full blast! So Blu come up here and give your old dad a big kiss…… Also my two sisters Laura and Sophie who have done a wonderful job we have a little gift to say thanks for everything today rumour has it Sophie has got her eye on Eddie for the first dance…… Not forgetting the pageboys little Bill and Stan or Mario and Luigi as that's all that Bill goes on about 24 hours a day I know he is sitting there now thinking how long till I go home and play on the wii, When I get in from work I have not even taken my coat off and I hear “Oi Dad fancy a bit of Mario Kart!” I don't know where he gets his cheek from must be Amy! So come on Boys.

Also got a little something for one of Amy's closest friends who has been a big help with the build up to the big day and is probably more like a sister then a friend as she is always there for her and if she aint there is always on the fucking phone! So Nik get yourself up here girl. I'd also like to say a big thanks to all the boys for an amazing stag doo! Big thanks to Danny for everything that is dressing me up like a bird and then when you think you're over the worst turns you into a nun… Nice one bruv what he don't know is I've only rented his suit till half 6 and there is a massive geezer waiting outside to take it back!! That brings me on to the ushers done a fantastic job today carry it on through the night come on boys up you come round of applauds please for the ushers Danny, Greg and Eddie

BRIDE:And now onto my gorgeous new wife… Amy you look absolutely stunning today. I want everyone here to know how lucky I feel to be here right now. Amy is beautiful, intelligent, funny, caring…….… What does that say babe I can't read your writing?But seriously though, Amy, I love you in so many ways and for so many reasons, because you know me and understand me like no one else ever could, because you believe in my dreams and care about my feelings, because you make me laugh so hard and smile so often, because you have a way of bringing out the very best in me, but mostly because you're my very best friend, my soul mate. I love you with all my heart. Thank you for marrying me and making me the happiest man alive and for loving me as much as I love you. I know this is the start of many, many happy years together.So if everyone could raise there glass for the new Mrs Hall.

BEST MAN:I know a lot of you are thinking who's that good looking bloke sitting up there well if you haven't already guessed yes that's my old man and also my best man because when thinking about my best man I thought of him straight away cos not only is he my Dad he is my best mate too so I'd like to say a big thanks to you dad for all the help and advise you have gave me and will continue to give me throughout my life. We got you a gift to say thanks for everything you have done I put a lot of thought into this as I know you have always wanted to do a bungee jump so I have now booked it for you. Word of warning though, he does have this illness where he makes stuff up and actually convinces himself that it is the truth it also makes him punch out at things if they get to close like steering wheels or rear view mirrors… yes that's where I get it from babe… now that you have been warned I will hand you over. Thanks for coming and I hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening I want to see everyone up on the dance floor tonight..… Oh and mines a fosters!