Speech by Dave King
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Dave King
Speech Date: 01/07/2013 18:22:12
Firstly let me say thank you to Simon for his kind words, very good speech, don't suppose you fancy doing mine…?
Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of my wife and I, we would like to thank all of you for coming today and helping us make this day so special. We know that some of you have travelled a long way and that a lot of you have had to take time off work (or sneak out of school) to be here today. We are genuinely grateful that you all like us enough to do so and enable us to celebrate our marriage in the company of so many family and friends.
And on that note there are a number of people who we both would have dearly liked to be here who cannot be here or who are no longer with us. We know they would have enjoyed it immensely and our thoughts are with them, as we know we would be in theirs. So if you could please stand and raise your glasses TO ABSENT FAMILY AND FRIENDS
We would also like to thank you all for the wonderful gifts that you have been so generous to give to us, we really appreciate them!
Both my wife and I (I think Im allowed to milk this today) would like to thank all of our parents for all of the help and support they have given us in the process of planning and making today happen. I know Sally and I made most of the arrangements ourselves, but the knowledge that your sage advice was only a phone call away was a great comfort. As it always is, even though it may not seem that way at times!
We would like to give my Mum and Pauline a special thanks for their help with the invitations. We have had a lot of comments on how good the invitations were and each one was painstakingly made by hand, taking far more patience than either myself or Sally possess, so Thank you!
On a more personal level, I would like to thank Sallys mum and dad, Margaret and Simon, for bringing Sally up to be the beautiful, warm, loving person I have married today. You did an excellent job. I very much appreciate the warmth and affection you have shown me welcoming me into your family, as has Sals brother Alex and his family. I have felt very much a part of the clan from day one but I guess now its official (although Simon I have to say Ill never quite feel comfortable at the Valley!) I can tell you both that her happiness is the most important thing to me and I promise to do you proud
To my parents, Id like to say thank you for all of the love and support you have given me over the years. I'm sure at times it must have felt like a test of endurance to keep up during my somewhat surly teenage years and my sub-optimal budgeting skills at university but I am glad that you stuck with it. You have taught me so much and I really believe that you have made me the person that I am today, and I thank you for that. You can all draw your own conclusions as to whether that's a good thing or not.
Now, as a token of our appreciation we have a little something for the mums…
[Give flowers to mums]
And I would like to propose a toast, so ladies and gentlemen please stand and raise your glasses, to THE PARENTS!
To our page boys, Nathan and Reuben, and the flower girls Sash and Holly, thank you for being part of our special day. We hope you have had fun! As a token of our appreciation we have a little something for each of you, if you would like to come up here to collect it!
[Presents to the Kids]
To the ushers, the two Andys, Alex, Ed and Rick. Thank you for all you help organising this rabble and making sure everyone was where they were needed, when they where needed. Andy and Rick thank you for doing the readings during the ceremony, we really appreciate it, Rick especially as I know public speaking is not your thing (Andy we know you don't need any excuse to perform). We did get you gifts but you're already wearing them! Unless any of you desperately want a personalised Toy Story book, in which case it can be arranged.
Martin the best man, thank you for helping me organise various things over the past 12 months, organising an exceptional stag do, getting me to the town hall on time, producing the rings when required and generally being awesome. As a small token of our appreciation for all your help, my wife and I have bought you a little gift, use it wisely.
[Gift To Mef]
Now, everyone has two families, their proper family and their friends. Earlier I thanked Sallys parents for welcoming me so warmly into the family, but I feel I should extend the same thanks to Sals friends who welcomed me into the fold with open arms. This brings us nicely to the Bridesmaids. Charlotte, Claire and Stef, thank you for making sure Sally arrived this afternoon, and on time too/only 5 minutes late! (del as appropriate). You all look wonderful and I know that it means a lot to my wife to have you here by her side. I would personally like to thank you all for organising such a brilliant hen party for Sally as well, Ive never seen such a smiley hungover foote! To thank you properly, we have a little something for all of you as well so if you would like to come up here to collect it…
[Gifts to Bridesmaids]
Not only do you get a gift, you also get a toast as well so ladies and gentlemen will you please stand and raise your glasses to THE BRIDESMAIDS
When I was writing this speech and looking for advice I read a piece that said “It never ceases to amaze me how nature and random chance conspire to create a sequence of events which eventually result in a groom telling his and his wife's story at their wedding reception” and that couldn't be more true in the case of my wife and I (still milking it). The short version of how we met is outside a tent at a festival on Clapham Common, but that doesnt quite capture the random nature of it. This was a festival that neither of us had really planned on going to, Sally was given a ticket as a thank-you present in the week before and I was offered a spare on the morning (which I couldn't really afford). Just before we met, Sally had spent a good half hour corralling her friends to be in the same place but had then promptly walked outside for a smoke just at the right time for me to wander past with a lighter. (Sorry parents, this story does involve some smoking, if it makes you feel any better we're both ex-smokers now!)
Now its worth pointing out that both Sal and I are not the best chatting with strangers, in fact if were going into a shop to ask something we'll both try our hardest to be second through the door to avoid starting the conversation (this can lead to some, interesting, situations), but the conversation between us flowed effortlessly. So effortlessly that we spent the next 30 hours together (although I nearly blew it by making her watch university challenge). We immediately felt comfortable with each other, in the same way that you would feel immediately uncomfortable if a man with a gun bursts into the room. I still feel that way 5 years on, and I know that I will 50 years on. It is for this reason that I can say with absolute certainty that you are my soul mate and best friend. I am so happy and honoured that you agreed to spend the rest of your life with me, thank you from the bottom of my heart, I can't wait to start growing old with you.
So, before I hand over to Martin I'd like to ask you to stand and raise you glasses one more time to Sally. My Wife. TO SALLY.