Speech by Gareth Davis
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Gareth Davis
Speech Date: 17/06/2013 13:23:12
Good afternoon Everyone, on behalf of my wife and I, I'd like to thank you all for joining us today in celebrating this magnificent occasion. Oh and If you're wondering, that's our marriage and not the occasion of Katie allowing me to talk freely on behalf of both of us…….though that would warrant a similar celebration! Off we trot!!
When I finally started to think about the speech it dawned on me although I'd quite happily talk the hind legs off a donkey about photocopiers, printers and IT solutions I hadn't actually delivered a speech of this nature before. With this in mind I knew I could turn to the only source anyone can do these days……the internet!! After a couple of hours of trawling through lots of various sites I'd found some excellent material…..… However, I then remembered I was writing a speech, and it probably wouldn't be appropriate to include in this!!
Firstly we'd like to say a huge thank you to Katie's parents, Phil and Sandra, my parents Marc and Jayne and my Nan, Olwyn. Without your generosity we wouldn't be here today celebrating our wedding and enabling so many friends and family to join us in doing so. We will be eternally grateful for providing us with the opportunity for Katie to marry the man of her dreams!
I'd like to personally thank Phil and Sandra for welcoming me into their family, from day one they've made it very easy for me to fit in. However, I didn't think it would be so easy the first time I was introduced to Phil!! It soon came to light with me being a huge Liverpool fanatic; Phil was in fact a big Chelsea fan. At this point I also learned that Jon, my new brother in law was also a big Chelsea fan, I asked myself “was this coincidence?” It soon dawned on me Jon had followed his prospective father in Law into supporting the same team! Why was this? I thought any man who could influence a potential son in law to change his football allegiance was not someone to take lightly! I decided to see how things would pan out for the rest of the evening! I next discovered Phil owns a company that is in direct competition (I use the term ‘competition’ loosely) with Ricoh, the company I work for!! What were the chances!! This could certainly make for interesting banter if things between Katie and I developed! The next thing I discovered was Phil was Chairman at Teignmouth Golf Club, I had just taken up golf as a member of Stover! For those that aren't aware these are quite competitive rivals. I had a feeling this may be hard work, especially as Jon was already now part of the family and like a model son! (Well not a model, but you know what I mean) but I though worst case – few free rounds of golf – that never materialised!!
However what did materialise was far greater. I had walked into such a close and loving family who made me feel part of that immediately and no words can fully describe how much that meant to me. It is that closeness that has raised Katie into the beautiful, kind and loving person we all know her as and I have to thank both of you for that.
To my Mum and Dad, firstly I have to say I don't tell them anyway near enough how much I love them and how much I appreciate everything they have done over the years for me. They've seen me through thick and thin over the years supporting me both morally and financially, as well as giving excellent advice when needed.
They've brought me up the right way, instilling family values and beliefs, the difference between right and wrong, working hard and pursuing my goals, to be fair the last 2 points took a while to sink in but I think every bloke has succumbed to the lure of Championship Manager when they should be revising!! Having said that I did win the Premiership with Liverpool in my first season in charge, so some may argue………..
I feel very lucky to have such wonderful parents and thank you for everything you have done and helped me achieve, I couldn't have achieved half of what I have done without your support.
I'd also like to extend my gratitude to my Nan, she is a true inspiration for the way she embraces life, when we speak over the phone the conversation usually reverts to football and comparing how our respective teams Liverpool and Manchester Utd have got on last weekend. But in all seriousness thank you for your support, some of those family values and beliefs I referred to earlier stemmed from you and Grandpa and I hope Katie and I can share as many happy memories as you both did over the years.
Sadly, my other set of grandparents cannot be with us today but I know how proud they would've been of Katie and Harry and would've loved to have been part of this special day.
I've known the 2 best men, Neil and Will for the best part of 14 years now and have shared some great laughs over the years, mainly at Neil's expense but good laughs all the same. We met at Cheltenham & Gloucester College in 1999 and were all members of the University football team. I'd like to thank them firstly for accepting to be my best men and secondly for organising a cracking stag do, it's not easy organising a weekend for a group of 23 men but they did a great job in ensuring it all went smoothly. Thanks to the lads that came on that, it was a brilliant weekend with loads of great laughs and memories.
I'd like to extend my thanks to my brothers Steve and Kris for accepting to do the readings today and for my brother-in-law for performing unofficial usher duties more successfully than I did at his, but that's another story!
A big thank you to the bridesmaids, Katie's sister Emma and Hannah and also a special mention to Kate who was due to be a bridesmaid however she is due for something else and thought it'd be best to take more of a backseat today I'm sure everyone would agree you all look stunning today. Thank you for your help in organising a fantastic hen day and night for Katie and all of your input and help in the run up to today.
(Please raise your glasses for the bridesmaids!)
That leads me on to the star of the show today, my gorgeous wife. Katie was a bit worried about what my speech would contain but in all honesty she needn't have. When I saw her walking down the aisle she took my breath away and It reminded me how lucky I was that she accepted my proposal and that today I'm able to call her my wife, I think you'll all agree how amazing she looks, and she hasn't even needed a professional make-up artist to achieve that!
In all seriousness, from the day I met Katie I knew she would be the one and I'd end up marrying this girl and today here we are. I love Katie in so many ways and for so many reasons, she makes me laugh and smile so often and is my best friend and can talk to her about anything , she understands me better than anyone and I couldn't pick anyone more suited for me. She has also given me the greatest gift I could ever wish for, our amazing son Harry.
They say you don't marry someone you can live with – you marry the person you can't live without and I think that sums it up perfectly. So thank you for making me the happiest man alive.
(To Katie!)
I'd just like to say a quick thank you before I wrap things up to Rob the photographer; he's been doing an amazing job throughout the day. I'd also like to thank the staff of the Lord Haldon hotel for ensuring everything has run smoothly and keeping your glasses well topped up.
So to wrap up before handing over to the chuckle brothers I'd like to thank you all for coming today again and making it such a special one for us, thank you all for the gifts ad naturally we'll be doing proper thank you's when we return from Honeymoon. Just one thing about the gifts……….Someone has very generously bought us some John Lewis vouchers, however at the part of the process where the website asks you ‘who is this from?’ the input of ‘Katie and Gareth’ would be incorrect. Very confusing I know getting To and From mixed up but it happens. Could you please let us know (we'll make sure it's discreet) just so you don't think we are rude in not thanking you for your kind gift!! We genuinely have no idea!!
Anyway it's time for me to hand you over to the best men where they will make some attempt at making up stories for pure amusement.
Thank you