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Speech by Gareth Dixon

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Gareth Dixon
Speech Date: Jan2006
Ladies and gentleman I'll start by apologising in advance. For those of you that know me, you will appreciate! Its not that I've necessarily got a lot to say it's more about how long it takes to say them.…

I would like to thank Ronnie for those kind words you obviously still don't know me well enough yet. I would like to further thank you for how welcome you have made me feel into your family, although @ When I first asked Anne@marie's dad and her hand in marriage, he told me to leave my name and number in case nothing better came along..!!! Anne@marie and myself were truly grateful when you Anna and Ronnie let us share your house for 3.5 months whilst we had trouble with one that we were buying.
Anyway ladies an gentlemen, this day is an historic day. On this day in 1793 king Louis the XVI was executed One day after being convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers is executed by guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Paris. On this day 1976 concord takes off From London's Heathrow Airport and Orly Airport outside Paris, the first Concordes with commercial passengers simultaneously take flight on January 21, 1976. And on this day, in the year 2006, You attended this wedding reception and heard the finest wedding speech of your entire lifetime, and my best man Mike will be making it.
Anyway @ according to my notes from the book of how to make a wedding speech @ I must now refer to why you are here. Ladies and gentleman you have been selected from the masses, through a rigorous selection process to celebrate the marriage of Anne@marie to myself, today.
On a more serious note though @ On behalf of my wife and I…….we'd like to thank you all for coming here today and sharing our special day with us!! most of you have traveled fair old distances to get here – and my cousin is over from turkey. There are times when it's good to be surrounded by people who are important to you, and for us this is one of those occasions. We hope that you're enjoying it every bit as much as we are and we'd like to thank you for your kind wishes cards….presents and support. – with your generosity we can move on to do lots of exciting things in the house like………… insulating it and replacing the cardboard back door with a nice glass and plastic one.
In the summer of 1999 Anne@marie and I briefly worked together behind the fish and chips counter – I remember her well as she was very witty and sharp with her humor and extremely fit – she ordered me around for a bit and had me scrubbing floors whilst doing sweet FA herself some things never change!! She was with her ex partner at the time and I was with mine!! Needless to say nothing happened and at the end of that summer I left to go back to uni!
2 years later I made a decision to go back to work the summer of 2002 on the ship! And who was there? Well the fit bird I'd met 2 years earlier, to be honest I had forgotten her name, and as we struck up conversation I was desperately trying to read her name badge – it wasn't difficult really as she was thrusting it in my face. This time we were both single BUT still I thought she was well out of my league – she seemed to be bringing out the best in me and I was saying things totally out of character when walking up some steps one day she turned to find me watching she said what are you looking at I said YOUR ARSE and later from nowhere I found the courage to ask her to lunch with me and from that day has brought us this!! The happiest day of my life!!
She has stuck with me through my scabby student days, and together we have been dealt some very bad hands but we always manage to come out on top, mostly through her fantastic approach to life.
My wife!! Recognized and awarded by Going Live as the biggest Jason Donovan fan ever!!! I love you.
Seriously though, I am overwhelmed at how beautiful she looks, and can't believe how privileged I am that she has become my wife. I am amazed to see Anne@marie smiling and enjoying herself as she has been so stressed organizing what you will all agree has so far been a wonderful day @ she has organized today almost single handily.
I would like to now thank my parents for their help and support over the years, they should probably receive a medal for putting up with me through the Kevin the teenager phase. A huge thanks again for the deposit on the house and a further thanks with the making of the invitations and flower decorations.
Thanks you to Sophie the flower girl for her part in the ceremony today – she looked absolutely beautiful and threw those petals perfectly
Thank you to my best man @ I have been best mates with mike since I was 7 one day my Nan took me and my sister to a beach for a picnic, whilst sitting there gagging on sorry eating my chicken paste sandwiches we noticed someone doing double summersaults into sniper position in his vantage point he's at my school I said – my Nan said why don't you go off and play with him then!! Off I went into a new world where he thought me the true art of cliff side walking, bombing down a 100ft vertical grass bank on a caravan style foam seat – and much more. And now as I near the end of my speech, I must mention that Mike does suffer from a rare medical complaint, which makes him prone to telling tall stories that he totally believes to be true. So please bear that in mind when he makes his speech!!!!
Now finally before I leave you, I propose a toast to the ushers &amp bridesmaids who I think you will agree with me look almost as beautiful as Anne@marie – the bridesmaids that is, not the ushers, they just look like… Ushers for the wonderful job they have done today and I'd like them to receive a small gift as a token of our appreciation – ladies and gentlemen – to the bridesmaids.
Thanks you, I will now pass you to the best man!