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Speech by Gareth Sprowell

Please find enclosed the speech I used for my wedding, feel free to use it on your website. Thanks

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Gareth Sprowell
Speech Date: Aug2006
I'd like to start by thanking you all on behalf of my wife and I, for sharing our special day, especially those of you that have travelled a long way and on a Sunday too. Thank you all for your kind wishes, cards and presents. Sarah and I have been worrying about this day for weeks and it means a great deal to us that you managed to make it. It really wouldn't be the same without you all here, just a lot cheaper!

We hope you are all having a great time and have enjoyed your meal.

Until today, August 6th has not been a very historic day: I was hoping to give you all a short list of fascinating events that had happened &quotOn this day in History&quot, but not much has happened: On this day in 1890 the first execution by electric chair was carried out on a man who murdered his lover with an axe, in 1945 the Atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. On a lighter note, in 2006, you attended this wedding reception and heard the finest wedding speech of your entire lifetime, and my best man, Chris, will be making it.

Hefin &amp Kate

I would like to give a big thank you to Hefin and Kate for making this day possible. Without their help and support, none of us would be here today. Both myself and Sarah really do appreciate all you have done for us over the past few years.

I also have to thank them both for bringing up such a wonderful daughter.

You have both always made me feel welcome and part of your family throughout the years I have known you, and for that I thank you, especially when I heard that Sarah had 3 older brothers and head teachers as parents!

Mum &amp Dad

I would also like to thank my parents, who should really receive a medal for endurance. They have always loved and supported me through every stage of my life, So thanks mum and dad for all the love and guidance. And especially the financial help today and over the years!

I would also like to thank mum for making the cake. If anyone doesn't feel well tomorrow, you know who to blame!

As a token of our thanks, Sarah and myself have got our parents something to say thank you for all they have done.


We have been planning this wedding for over a year now, although it seems like a lifetime. Well, I say &quotwe&quot, really Sarah did all the work, I just agreed to show up on the day!

I first met Sarah in school over 7 years ago, and we have been together ever since, I'm sure the next few years will be as happy as the previous 7.

As I'm sure you'll all agree Sarah is the kindest, most unselfish person you'll meet, and will do anything for anyone, which is part of the reason that I love her. It's nothing to do with the fact that she is a great cook and supports United!

They say that if you want to know what your wife will be like when she's older, then look at her mother………..pause, funny look

I'm sure I'll be fine as Hefin has assured me that Kate does everything for him &amp lets him go to the pub whenever he wants!

I feel extremely lucky to be married to Sarah, and I must say she looks stunning today. So thank you Sarah for being you, and for putting up with me.


Thank you Chris for agreeing to be my best man. It wasn't a hard decision, because all the other lads said no!

I've known Chris all of my life, and he has been and will continue to be a great friend. Knowing him so well, I know that he will be extremely nervous about his speech right now, but I've seen him make a fool of himself in front of a crowd most Friday &amp Saturday nights for 10 years, so just act yourself!

As a thank you, we have got you a gift. I don't know whether or not to give it now or wait until you've done your speech.


We would also like to thank Mandy for spending all morning doing Sarah &amp the bridesmaids hair, they all look fabulous and we thank you for all your time and help. Here is a little gift from us both.

Ushers &amp Pageboy

Another thank you must go to our 3 ushers Liam, Carregan &amp Daniel, and James our pageboy. They have all done a great job today and look great in their suits.

Here is a gift for you all to say thank you for your help.


A final and big thank you goes to our bridesmaids: Bethan, Natasha, Bethany &amp Megan. You all look stunning today and have done a great job, thanks a lot.

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding. I would like to propose a toast..…
…………to the bridesmaids.

Here is a gift for you all as a thank you.
That is the end of my speech – Thank you all again, and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day. Thanks.