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Speech by Gary Cole

I found the 'example speech' section of your site very, very useful when I planned my groom speech last year - so I thought I should return the favour and submit my speech to you. I hope it helps all the nervous grooms to be in 2005.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Gary Cole
Speech Date: Jan2005

Thank you Peter for those kind words …


So firstly, we'd like to thank everybody for coming. It's very moving for both of us to see our closest friends and family here in one place on such a special day – also in such fantastic surroundings. I'm sure you'd all agree with that. We've been overwhelmed by everybody's efforts that have been put into planning today, and also the generous gifts we've had purchase for us. So thank you all very much for all your kind presents and messages, it means a lot to us.

I'm really pleased to see so many of you that have traveled a long way to come today; and it's always good to see the university gang together one group. I'd like to offer quick congratulations to Ed and Ursula who only got engaged last weekend.

Especially good to see Vincent from France. I've known Vincent 19 years and I'm very touched he's here today. I'd also like to encourage any French speakers amongst you to mingle and socialize with him because he's here on his own as his wife Christelle is 8 months pregnant. He gets really upset if you mention that we're rugby world champions or that the French football team is a bunch of chokers – if anybody needs to know any rude words just ask me – he taught me all of them.

I'd also like to like to say a quick thought for people that haven't been able to make it today. Particularly Annette's Uncle Gordon & Auntie Betty from Australia and also John and Alice Brewer from Canada. We're all thinking of you and will no doubt have a drink for you later.

Parents – Blunden

I must say in the early days, having a cupboard full of shotguns … and dead pheasants swinging from the tree in the front garden it was quite a worry being Annette's boyfriend. In fact, the first time I met June & Peter was over a famous Blunden roast dinner.

Desperately trying to impress, I found myself in heated discussion about “the season” – only to realize some moments into it that I was talking football, they were talking shooting. To compound my misery, Annette had jokingly told her mum I didn't eat beef, so June cooked a whole chicken just for me – only to look like the fussy, pudgy office executive they already thought I was … so it's nice to hear we finally got there in the end. Thanks for your kind words Peter, it means a lot.

On behalf of both of us, I'd like to say a very heartfelt thank you for your help, not just for the wedding itself, but also for your support at the really important times over the last few years – we really do appreciate everything you've done. Personally, I'd like to say thank you for always making me feel like part of the family, and to June for giving me tips on how to tame Annette. Although I have to confess I've had mix success with the “show her who's boss technique”.

Parents – Cole

Well firstly, I wanted to say how amazing the wedding cake looks. Mum, you've made some impressive ones over the years, but this one tops the lot – possibly even my Manchester Utd one when I was 17 – so thank you for all the time and effort. Of course, we'd both also like to say thank you for all your help & support with the wedding, we both really appreciate your efforts in making this day so amazing.

On a personal note, I know I haven't always given you the smoothest of rides, but I would like to publicly say how grateful I've always been with all the things you've done for me over the years. You've always made incredible sacrifices for both Mark, and me, but more importantly you've always been really supportive of the decisions we've made almost without question. It's only now that I'm becoming older and wiser myself that I can see how hard it must have been for you.

You've always seemed to have to right balance between hard and fair, liberal and strict, generous and tight.… although there were times when Mark and me questioned the wisdom in stopping our pocket money at the age of 11. But looking back I definitely think delivering 3000 newspapers a week at 6am every morning is character building stuff – it certainly taught me that if you want anything in life, you normally have to get it yourself and I'd never want to stop believing in that.

Annette & I have arranged a little present for both mums for all your help with the wedding.

Bridesmaids & Ushers

Firstly I'd like say thank you the bridesmaids, you all look fantastic in your outfits. I know Annette wanted me to say a special thank you to Alex & Lucy for all their help with the wedding preparations this year. You're the greatest friends she could wish for – who else would wear orange for her today?

Thanks also to Conor for performing the song with Alex during the ceremony and also to Mark & Lucy for doing such good readings

I want to also thank the ushers for being good friends over the years and also their help in the run up to the wedding, and also for their helping today. Dressing up as butlers has certainly added to the theme of the day, and I've even overheard some kind observations from people today. Things like:

Things like: It's so nice to see Alan Partridge here, especially coming dressed in a Paul Hodge outfit

Things like: Good to see Ginger Spice making a comeback, but pleased to see him performing on the guitar because he never could sing very well

Things like: How traditional it is for the master of ceremonies to wear really tight trousers over his 38 inch derriere

How sweet it was that Dan Fuller agreed to be our page boy

Best man

Then there's the best man of course.

When I got engaged last September, I was advised by my boss at the time to choose someone with great organizational skills, a strong sense of general wisdom and generally someone who's willing to lie about how nice you are. But I never did trust his judgment, so I stuck with John.

You might eat food like a rabid dog, think that the Angling Times is an extreme sports magazine & be more hedonistic than Paul Gascoigne but I wanted to express my gratitude for all the good advice, laughs and memories from the last 28 years of my life – you've been a truly great friend to me over the years, and this year has been no exception. Cheers.

Although obviously, we still have to hear his speech. No pressure. Paaaarp.…

1st Toast

Toast to the ushers and the bridesmaids


I've found it hard to summarize how much you mean to me and how it makes me feel now that we're married. They say that Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution??

Marriage for me is about being really true partners, and we've definitely got that. Our relationship is basically so good, because we get on so effortlessly. I think it's often the huge number of really minor things that make or break relationships and the simple truth is it's these very things that I adore most about Annette.

The truth is I can't ever see a time in my life when I won't find your sense of humour funny or your judgment really sound or even something as simple as thinking the first 10 mins in bed each morning are the best minutes I have everyday.

My only regret about marrying you today … is that I didn't do it 4 years ago. This is my 26th birthday card from 4 years ago when we went on a dream backpacking trip together. For me, this isn't a birthday card, but a little symbol of everything I love about you and I've wanted to marry you ever since.

We've been together 8 years, but I can honestly say that today … I think you look the most stunning and beautiful I've ever known in all that time. I really, really love you and I'm really proud and honoured you're my wife.


Can everybody please join me in a toast to my wonderful bride …

Pass over to John

Let me know pass you over to John who will hopefully make very short and deniable speech