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Speech by Gary Winter

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Gary Winter
Speech Date: oct 2003

I'd like to start by thanking Alan for his kind words and also to thank him on behalf of everyone for footing the bill for today's festivities………

Having had a wonderful spread and knowing what we have to look forward to tonight, I now understand why he had the heating turned off all last winter!

I was going to begin with ladies and gentlemen
but on looking around I'm glad I didn't. So here goes.

Distinguished guests, those of lesser distinction, and those of no distinction at all……
Family, relatives, (new and old), in-laws and outlaws, friends, friends of friends, and freeloaders

Welcome to our wedding reception.

I would particularly like to extend a warm welcome to all our guests from Coventry and Warwickshire……

Welcome to the wonderful county of Leicestershire, and for those of you who want to put your watches forward, it's now 2003…..!!

I'll never forget the first time Cheryl took me to meet her parents. There was me trembling at the knees and there was Alan sitting in his white satin robe and fluffy slippers……

I thought, “I need to break the ice here”, so I asked him what football team he supports. Of course he replied Coventry, so I said “it must be exciting when you win a match.

“ Don't Know” he said, I've only supported them for 40 years”……

Seriously though..…

The bible tells us, ‘Who so-ever finds a wife, finds a good thing’.

I think I knew as soon as I met Cheryl that I'd found a good thing and I'm sure everyone who has had the pleasure of knowing her over the years will agree with that.

I can honestly say I was overwhelmed when I first saw Cheryl today. The word beautiful is just not adequate to describe how you look today.

Cheryl as most of you will know, is indeed beautiful, she is also hardworking, intelligent………
And I'm sorry love, I can't read the rest of your handwriting..…

I believe we make a perfect team.

I mess up, she tidies….…

She washes, I iron. (But if she thinks I'm ironing that dress, she can think again!)

I would like to offer my congratulations to Cheryl for planning today's event almost single handedly.

Wedding planning has never been an equal opportunities business, but she did let me sign the occasional cheque……

There are a number of people I would like to thank today.

First of all, to my wife……… Cheryl.

Thank you for agreeing to marry me. I realise I'm getting the best of this deal, because all you get is me.

I know that today is the result of the best decision I have ever made, and I'll try my best make sure you can say the same thing.

My mum and dad.

Thank you for supporting me over the years. We've seen some good times and some bad but I've always known that you would be there for me in either event.

Alan and Maureen

Thank you for making me so welcome in your family.

I now won't be able to use the excuse that I'm a guest to get out of making a cup of tea!

I'd also like to take this opportunity to thank you for bringing up such a beautiful and intelligent daughter.

But I'll you leave to argue which trait comes from whom.

John, my best man.

John and I met through people who are we are no longer close to, but we've stayed great mates and his friendship and support has always been there for me……

And apart from that, he's a great bloke to have in your pub quiz team!!

By the way, I'm keeping your present back until after your speech, just in case you try to incriminate me!

The bridesmaids………..all of them!

I'm sure you'll all agree how wonderful they look today. I would also like to thank them for keeping Cheryl calm over the past 24 hours. I know from personal experience, that wouldn't have been easy!

A special thank you to our daughter Bethany for being particularly well behaved today.

The Ushers, our sons Jonathan and Ryan

Great job today lads and can I say, you look brilliant in you suits.


There are a number of gifts we want to hand out, but we'll do most of them later so not to keep you too long

However, we would like first of all to present bouquets to the mums………

Secondly, we would also like to give a bouquet to show our thanks to Liz for making our wedding cake.

I'm sure you'll all agree how wonderful it looks. I'm know it will taste as good as it looks……

So Liz, if you'd like to step forward..…


I would like to end with a few suggestions to Cheryl for our future life together. These are taken from the book “The differences between man and wife”:

Learn to work the toilet seat. If it's up, put it down. We need it up – you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down.

We don't remember dates. Mark birthdays and anniversaries on a calendar and remind us frequently beforehand

BEER is as exciting for us as handbags are for you

ALL men see in only 6 colours. Peach, for example, is a fruit, not a colour.

Lastly and most importantly…..…

Christopher Columbus didn't need directions, and neither do we.

And with that I'd ask you to charge your glasses and be upstanding for a toast to the bridesmaids.
I give you the bridesmaids