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Speech by Gary

Was nervous, but a few jokes and a bit of rehearsal really helps

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Gary
Speech Date: 08/01/2016 10:32:59

Good evening everybody. I'd like to thank Rob for those kind words, or Dad as I now like to call him.

Since knowing Rob, we have grown close over the last 5 years and there is nothing I wouldn't do for him and there is nothing he wouldn't do for me. In fact we spend most of our time doing nothing for each other. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now, I did have a witty speech ready for you today, but as I am now married, I have been told what to say.

OK, here goes “On behalf of my wife and I”… We would like to thank you all for being here, to share our wedding day with us. Thanks for the cards and fabulous gifts we have received, they are much appreciated, and I hope you have all enjoyed the day so far.

Before I go on, please feel free to use the disposable cameras on each table.

I would also like to thank my Usher John. Not only did John organise the Stag do to help out my brother, but he did a fantastic job today and I am glad he has been there for Jen and I. He has helped the day go smoothly and I really do appreciate all the help he has given.

Let me now say a few words about Gill, Jens mother. Gill is a generous and loving person and I am honoured to have her as my mother in law. I will always look after your precious daughter and will always do right by her. Thank you for accepting me in to your family and referring to me as son number 2. However, I am still aiming for the number 1 spot so Rob, stay on your toes….

Let me also thank Sarah for her reading in our ceremony today which meant a lot to us. Also, Emily, Rob and Sarah's daughter looked beautiful as always today and we thank her for being part of our special day.

I would also like to thank my parents for their patience with me over the years. I am sure I was a joy to bring up, and caused them no problems what so ever. From the first day I introduced Jen to you both she has been welcomed into the family and made to feel special and loved. We look forward to many more BBQ's and drinks.

Finally, I would like to thank Jen, my wife, for having me as her husband. Seeing her for the first time today made me realise what a lucky man I am. I had pictured the moment when she walked down the aisle but nothing could prepare me for how beautiful she looked. She truly has made me a very happy man and I am looking forward to spending many more happy days together. I would say this is the happiest day of my life but that implies that it is all downhill from now on and I know with Jen that this will not be the case.

One last special thanks goes to my brother who is the best man (not the better man though). I would like to thank him for being with me on the day. Earlier today, I heard some girls having a big argument about who was going to have the first dance with the best man. Being my brother, I felt honoured that this argument was taking place. So, I got a little closer and I heard ‘no, you do it, no you do it, I know, let's have a couple of drinks a toss a coin’.

So, before I hand you over to my best man, I would like to propose a toast. I would like Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding….