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Speech by George Yair

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: George Yair
Speech Date: Jul2005
Ladies and Gentlemen

I was really nervous about standing up here today to make a speech, suffice to say this is not the first time today I have risen from a warm seat with piece of paper in my hand!

So, on behalf of my new wife, I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for making this occasion a memorable one today and to celebrate our marriage with us.

To all the people who have travelled to be here, welcome

Especially to ********** who has flown all the way from Singapore to be with us today and is only here till Monday, that's true friendship & dedication.(and another holiday destination for us !)

It is really good to see all of our good friends and relatives on our big day.

To be honest, we had great difficulty in trying to work out our numbers and seating plan, and after much deliberation we came to the conclusion that we should position our guests according to the presents we received,

Well, I must thank all you guys at the back who gave us our tea towels. Pillowcases and cushions !

Seriously, though, we want to thank you all for all your best wishes and gifts,
It is appreciated.

Thanks must also go to the Hotel and their staff and in particular ****** ****** the General Manager who has turned round a very difficult situation, the photographer, the Videographer, the Florist and **** and his wife who will be entertaining us later (you have probably seen “Almost Angelic” on the Karen Dunbar Show, well this is the tribute band !,but please don`t tell them that) and other people who have assisted in our big day, *******, my Sister-in Law who has been most supportive and other people which I have omitted to mention, but you know who you are !!

Well I can reveal that today, you are in for a treat on 2 counts

1) You are going to hear the best wedding speech you have ever heard
It will be articulate, sad, informative and so, so funny Snot mine (So please listen out for **** speech.


2) You are also going to witness the best first wedding dance you have ever seen at a wedding. So everyone keep your eye on ****** boy tripping the light fandango, or just plain tripping !

On this note of dancing both **** and myself agreed that we should really take dancing lessons to brush up on our dancing skills and after much deliberation we agreed that the best way forward was to go to separate dancing tutors to learn some basic steps, Well, we have been practising separately for some weeks now, and **** has just informed me that she is looking forward to dancing the slow foxtrot, well that came as a bit of a shock to me as I have been learning the waltz.

My wife, what can I say about you that can be repeated to an assembled mixed audience with children?

Every groom says he feels like the luckiest man alive… Well today I do… Those of you who have had the pleasure of knowing **** will know how intelligent, funny, serious and truly enchanting she is.

Sorry **** – I can't read the rest of your handwriting.

I have not only gained a new wife but I have gained a gardener as well and with Dobbies just nearby, I have gained a new weekend pastime of visiting it on a regular basis !!

A little bit of background on how we met,

I have known **** for some 5 years now, as we met on a works course in ********* The course was a ****** !

A fellow Team Leader in Paisley informed me that she had made initial enquiries about me and my “availability” well, not wanting to seem to keen, it took me about a year to ask her out. And today is the result of that meeting.

Worth the Wait !!!! wasn't it **** ???

Before **** & ***** came down to *** to live, I was happy in my wee abode
Advocado bathroom suite, not the prettiest but functional, Kitchen a wee bit dated, but again practical. Furniture was again dated but what does a single man need.
Garden that was easy maintained etc
So here was deal, I was forced to replace the windows, the kitchen, fitted a new bathroom, New leather suite, on arrival it was a new landscaped front garden, new landscaped back garden, new patio, new Potting Shed.

BUT I am happy, poor but happy !

As most of you will be aware, we have been planning this day since last year, and most of the organising has been carried out by ****, (so all credit to her for this) and if you have any positive comments see ****, but if you have any complaints, apparently, you've to come to me.

We agreed that she would organise the wedding and I would arrange the honeymoon, well I can now reveal that she will be going to a place that she has never been before and is Very hot !
I am pleased to announce that I have booked her into a kitchen !!

Seriously though, the planning and organising that took place was awesome, so to **** well done
Thanks to you I am very happy, and lucky that you are in my life and we have a great future together

I would like to say a small poem to **** to reflect today's events and our future life together

When you are sad, I will dry your tears.
When you are scared, I will comfort your fears.
When you are worried, I will give you hope.
When you are confused, I will help you cope.
And when you are lost, and can't see the light.
I shall be your torch, shining so bright
This is my oath, I pledge till the end.
Why you may ask? Co`s you're my best friend.


I would also like to take this opportunity to thank both our respective parents for without them and their support we would not be here today.

Thank you for all your love, guidance and support and I am sure that if ***** dad John was here today, he would be a very proud man and I am quite sure he will be looking down on us today.

Thanks go to everyone who has been involved in today's proceedings.
***** for giving **** away,
*** for being my Best Man,
***** for being ***** Bridesmaid and arranging her “Hen-night”
****** for being the Flower-girl.
******* & *** for being the Groomsmen/ushers.
And ****** for doing the civil reading.

When I asked *** and ******* to be my Ushers, I stated that they should dress and act in a manner that would not take away the attention from the Groom and Bride and I must say that they fulfilled that role perfectly.

To ***(My Best man)
You're not only my Best-man, more importantly than anything, you're my little brother & as my brother you've had to put up with loads from me over the years, but you've never questioned my intentions or reasons. You've always been there and supported me in whatever I've done or the way I've done it.
I owe you thanks not only for carrying out your Best-man's duties impeccably but also for everything we've shared as brothers through the years
And by the way ***** car needs a service!!
In anticipation of the Best Mans forthcoming speech, he will no doubt say a few words on my Stag night, something's are best left out, but I know he is dying to slag me off on this.
We went to Go-Karting where we were put into 2 teams,
*** my brother chose his team which composed of
*** the Traffic Cop, ***** the “White van man, and ******* and ***** both Boy racers !
We had a careful driver, ******, A non-driver, **** and me a Driver Trainer.
So mad, uncontrolled dangerous driving won the day and we came 4th with them coming in 2nd.
To my team, we were the victors as it's the taking part that's important not the winning at any cost.
I find it to be quite ironic that I am supposed to speak highly of my Best Man and our friendship, knowing that just minutes from now he will be doing his utmost to embarrass me!
But in the end my confidence was well placed. ***, you have done
me proud and have risen to the occasion – which is, I'm told by his wife ****** is a rare and generally unexpected achievement for him.
Most of you don't know that *** is a Traffic Policeman and suffers from a common disability, which causes him to invent fanciful stories and tell lies especially under pressure especially with an audience present. He really does believe these stories to be true and I must thank you beforehand for humouring him during his speech.
His hobby is sitting out on his decking looking at his fish pond and talking to his resident garden fairies.
Here`s the evidence
On this note, I am very happy that you all have attended today to celebrate our marriage. I do hope that you enjoy yourselves.

Can you please be upstanding and toast the beautiful bridesmaid and flower-girl

I give you ***** and ******

Thank you