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Speech by Graeme Phillips

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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Graeme Phillips
Speech Date:
Well, Ladies and Gentleman……here we are. Many people told me ahead of today, how very lucky I was to be marrying Sarah, including Sarah in fact, and I have to tell you that I am truly delighted to address you as a newly married man.

I must confess however, that despite my previous experience as a fully paid up acting lovey, I am really quite nervous about standing up here……suffice to say therefore, that this is not first time today I've risen from a warm seat with a piece paper in my hand.

Speaking on behalf of both myself and my wife (something I don't think I'll get to do too often!), I would firstly like to thank you all for giving up the opportunity of attending Goodwood Festival of Speed, the polo at Cowdray or Van Morrison at Petworth Park and choosing to be part of our special day – it is made all that more special by your presence here. Mind you, I thought the original guest list totalled 20, so it just shows the lengths some people will go to for drink and a free meal.
Some of you will know that I first met Sarah when she came for an interview with the company I was then working for. The management team had already spent several gruelling days interviewing dozens of potential staff for the new Southampton store and I'll admit that fatigue and inertia had set in. All that changed for me, when quite late in the day in walked a petite and very pretty girl with a smile that lit up the room. By the end of the interview I knew I'd found the woman I'd spent all my adult life hoping to meet.

Needless to say, Sarah got the job and in those early days, I definitely did the pursuing. In fact Sarah's response to my carefully considered, rehearsed and devastating approach, delivered over the top of a pallet of paper, was….and I quote.… “That's a really bad idea”. Happily, Sarah took a risk and nine years later, I think it's been shown that it was in fact the very best idea of all.

I suppose every groom thinks his bride is the most beautiful in the world and that's exactly how I too feel. Sarah still has the ability to light up a room when she enters it and I was completely overwhelmed at how stunning she looked. I commented before the wedding that with my usual eye for such detail, I probably wouldn't notice what she was wearing, but there was absolutely no danger of that and I feel hugely privileged that she's chosen to be my wife..

They say you don't marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cannot live without…….my life with Sarah has proved how very much she is the later of those two. Indeed, I can't really see myself as a complete person without her.

Therefore, my biggest thanks go to you Sarah. Thank you sharing the good times, supporting me through the bad and for everything you have done and continue to do, which makes every day special. You are my true North, my best friend, my confidant and my reason to smile. You know everything about me and yet you still said “I do”. Thank you. (GIVE SINGLE ROSE).
There are two people I would like to mention who are sadly no longer with us, and are therefore absent today. The first is Sarah's Aunt, Rose. It is a great personal regret for me that I didn't have the opportunity to meet Rose, but I am sure from everything I have heard about her, and particularly given her love of Angels, that she is smiling down on us today here at The Angel Hotel and wishing us well.

The second is my good friend Nick. At a particularly turbulent time of my life, Nick introduced me to the world of theatre, recognising and focusing my latent lovey tendencies and strong arming me into my first and many subsequent acting roles and encouraging me to try my hand at directing. Everyone who knew Nick would I'm sure agree, that given his love of a good party, he could have only the one reason for not being here today.

So, I would like to propose a toast to absent friends……to absent friends.
Ok, now for the rest of my speech.

I would like to thank Paul for his kind words. As Sarah's father, I know it must have been hard for you today – giving her hand in marriage, entrusting her future and passing the responsibility for her welfare to another man. Although, I have to say that I do think the Reebok running shoes and the sprint back to your seat weren't really necessary!
All joking apart though, in Paul and Barbara, I have been so very fortunate to find a second mother and father. From day one they have made me feel a part of their family and the practical and emotional support and love that Sarah and I have received over the years has been tremendous. Thank you both. And on top of everything else, you raised one very special daughter.

Now, my precious mother. Ma, you have always been there for me when I needed you most. Through the toughest of times that only you and I know about, your love has never faltered and you have given me so much support over the years; I can never thank you enough. I also need to thank you for your guidance and for pointing me in the right direction – usually only to watch me go off and do exactly the opposite of course…but that's what sons are for and do best. I hope today that I have given you another reason to be proud to call me your son.

And now I think we have some flowers for the two Mums…

Knowing him as I do, I should really wait until after his speech before I express my gratitude to my aptly named ‘best man’, but I would like to say a big thanks for a job well done today. For those of you who don't know, Jeremy was my boss for 5 years and despite a few professional differences, for which read, drama queen spats with full on handbags, he's a really good friend and a really, really nice bloke…who would never say anything embarrassing about me in his speech. However, just in case, let me assure you in advance that the good stuff's entirely true but anything else is pure fiction.

I also need to say a big thanks to my new brother-in-law, Dean, for doing a great job as our usher today…although I'm sure that his wife Ira, being Russian, found it as enlightening as I did that English wedding etiquette apparently demanded that Dean personally carry out a security frisk of all the lovely ladies attending today.

To my cousin Dawn, our grateful thanks for giving such a lovely reading and likewise to my brother-in-law, Marcus, for his assistance with the ceremony music.

Our special thanks also go to Bryan for being our photographer for the day. Bryan, I hope the lens isn't too badly damaged by the reflective glare from my receding hairline and if you can manage to airbrush out the grey bits, I'd be most grateful.

No wedding is complete without a bridesmaid…and what a bridesmaid. My eldest Niece Rosie conducted herself beautifully today and I'm sure you'll agree, looks every inch the lovely young lady. Sarah and I have a small present for you here Rosie. (GIVE PRESENT).

Well, despite a scandalous and totally unfair reputation I seem to have acquired for waffling, that's me almost done.

If I may, I'd like to leave you with a final and I feel poignant thought, with which I'm sure all the husbands in the room will identify…….Last month I heard a radio interview with a Mr & Mrs Arrowsmith who were celebrating their world record 80th wedding anniversary. Mr Arrowsmith was asked what he thought the secret of their long and happy marriage was and after thinking carefully for a few moments, he said that it could be summed up in two words…….Yes, dear!

Knowing that if I asked Sarah whether it was now time for me to shut up and sit down, I would doubtless get the same two words in reply, can I please now ask you all to welcome a man who needs no introduction…but I will introduce him anyway….my best man, Jeremy.