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Speech by Grahan Clare

Here's my Grooms Speech. My speech was created with alot of help from your site it went down very well indead. Great site, keep up the good work.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Grahan Clare
Speech Date: nov 2002
Before I start with my thank-you's, I trust you've noticed the cameras on your tables? Feel free to take photo's throughout the day. It'll probably be a good idea to take them early on as I'm sure you won ‘t be able to focus them later as the drinks start to flow…oh and Wilba no moonies plz hey mate.
On behalf of my beautiful wife and I, we would like thank you all for coming along today, and sharing this very special day with us. And a huge thank you for the wonderful presents and best wishes.
I would like everybody here, especially Janet, to know how lucky and proud I am to be standing here today speaking to you as her husband. Jan, my wife “Mrs Clare”, is beautiful, caring, intelligent, charming and ………………………..what's that?… I can't read your writing hon!
Seriously though, I am overwhelmed at how beautiful she looks, and can't believe how privileged I am that she has become my wife. I am so lucky she's an amazing person, a wonderful mother and a fast improving cook, I'd do almost anything for her in fact I even had some cosmetic surgery last Saturday which I'm sure you can see. I'm so lucky to have a woman like her, its nice to see her smiling and enjoying herself today as she's been so stressed organising what you will all agree has so far been a wonderful day – she has organised today almost single handily.

I was going to create a poem for today describing all the loves of my life so everybody would know how truly happy I am but unfortunately I couldn't get Janet, Everton, Katie & Beer to rhyme! But what I will say is the last eight years have been the best of my life and I wake up everyday see Katie and Jan and feel like I've won the lottery..
I'd like to thank Nora & Tony for everything they have done for us and especially for making me feel so welcome into the family for the last 8 years.
I promise to take good care of Janet and, of course, do everything that she tells me to do..…
….I'm not saying she's bossy…..but I know my place!
I'd also want to say a special thank you to my mum.
You and my dad gave me the best upbringing imaginable. You have been there for me when I've needed you and have given me so much love and support over the years. You've seen me through my school and university days, seen me through my ‘Kevin the teenager years’ (I'm sure some may say I'm still in them) and have given me such a wonderful start in life.
For Mum and Nora we have a small gift as a token of our affection and gratitude for you both.
I would like to propose a toast to the ushers & bridesmaids (who I think you will agree with me look almost as beautiful as Jan – the bridesmaids that is, not the ushers, they just look like…errr Ushers) for the wonderful job they have done today and I'd like them to receive a small gift as a token of our appreciation.

I'd also like to thank Helen & Katherine for delivering the readings so eloquently and to thank Sandra for arranging such beautiful flowers & balloons.
And my last thank you is to Chris for being my best man,
They say being a best man is like snogging the Queen Mother…it's a great honour but nobody wants to do it. Thanks very much for all your help mate and for organising a great stag do which I'm told I enjoyed enormously. We've also got a small gift for you.
I should perhaps just mention at this point that Chris suffers from a rare medical condition which, makes him prone to embellishment. He often invents the most fanciful stories, which he sincerely believes to be true. I hope you bear this in mind when he stands up to speak in a few moments.
I could stand here all day and go on & on telling stale joke after stale joke but I'll leave that to the best man…… ladies, gentlemen I give you Chris.
(go easy mate).