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Speech by Hitesh Patel

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Hitesh Patel
Speech Date: aug 2002
Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd firstly like to say a big thank
you to Martyn for his kind words and Glynis for the lovely poem. Well,
I had this wonderful speech prepared for you, but instead I have to read
this one.

Both Roberta and I would like to say a high thank you to everyone for
coming here today and sharing this special occasion with us. It means
even more as we realise mest of you have had to take time off work to be
here. Thank you to those who have travelled a long way to be here. We
hope you enjoy the day, have fun, relax and be merry.

A big thank you goes to all the parents, as we wouldn't be here today if
it weren't for them. Thanks for all of there help, support and very
open cheque book which has made this day possible. Martyn and Glynis,
thank you for allowing me to marry Roberta and accepting me into your
family with open arms. I just hope that I live up to your expectations
of a Son-In-Law (Moving swiftly on)

Mum and dad, a special thank you for all your love and support over the
years and welcoming Roberta into our family. I have to say that I am
very proud to be your son. You've always been there when I've needed
you and you've got me through thick and thin. So as a thank you to both
parents, we have gifts we'd like to present to you.

We would also like to mention that Glynis has made Rhyannan's dress
especially for today, and what an outstanding job she has done.
Rhyannan looks lovely, thank you.

To my wife Roberta, you are the one person who knows all my faults,
everything about me, and love me just the same, even putting up with me
getting up really early in the morning for work when I don't need to!!
I'll be the first to admit that you've planned this day to perfection
without much help from myself as it's always work, work, work so a hugh
thanks for holding everything together. You are looking absolutely
stunning; I am sol looking forward to spending the rest of my life with
you. Thank you for making me the happiest man in the world and I love
you with all of my heart. (Quick kiss to your wife)

OK, thats enough of the mushy stuff.

Next on our list of thank you's is Noel and Mollie. Thank you both for
travelling all this way and for interrupting your well-deserved
retirement. The service was lovely; your wife's singing was perfect.
You've made Roberta's day by being here since she has always wanted you
to carry out her wedding service. We also have a small token of
appreciation, would you please come and receice it.

Moving onto Kaishan, our pageboy, A whopping thank you for looking after
the rings today, we also have a small gift for you. Would you please
pop up and collect it.

What did you all think of the ushers Dave and Natu today? Did they do a
good job? We wish to thank you both and Krishan our Mini-Usher. We
also have gifts for you all, so please make your way up and collect

Next, we would like to thank Rhyannan for being bridesmaid, I'm really
amazed at how well you've scrubbed up! Only joking, I'm sure everyone
will agree you look fantastic and we have a small token of out thanks to
give to you.

The flower girls are so adorable in their outfits and we thank you for
your excellent work, and looking so pretty today. Eleanor and amelia,
would you please come up and collect your little gifts as a thank you.

Ladies and gentlemen, please be upstanding. I'd like to propose a
toast.… To the Bridesmaid and flowergirls.

And last, but by no means least, I would like to give a hugh thanks to
my best man Ashok. You have always been there for me and has always
supported Roberta and me in everyway, thank you and here is a small
token of our appreciation.

And that now brings us to the best man's speech. And I would just like
to say, none of it is true, it was my long lost evil twin brother and if
you don't like any of those excuses, then it was Chetan's (Groom's
Brother) fault.

Thank you all.