Speech by Ian Andrews
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Ian Andrews
Speech Date: Jun2007
Thank you Barry/Dad for those kind words.
Now, Before I start with my thank-you's, you have probably all seen the “fun cameras” on your tables? So please feel free to take photo's.
Right, On behalf of Suzanne and myself, or should I say on behalf of my wife and I – We would like to thank you all for coming, and sharing this very special day with us, it means a lot to us to see so many of our family and friends here. So thank you for your kind thoughts, cards and gifts, today wouldn't have been the same without you…just a hell of a lot cheaper.
When I was looking at what should go into my speech I discovered that it's really just a long list of thank you's, a bit like the Oscar's. Well I haven't won an oscar today, I have something much better, I've married Suzanne, so thank you for marrying me. Now speaking of the Oscar's, as you'll know, it's pretty hard to get an invite to the right party and we'd like to begin by thanking the post office for making our wedding similar. They did their best to stop a lot of you coming by charging you for the invitations. Note to people getting married in future, size and girth do matter where the post office are concerned! So we've bought those of you who had to pay to attend this exclusive event a lottery ticket, the only condition is that if you win the jackpot you pay off our mortgage!
Well I did have a joke at this point about Suzanne getting hold of my speech and re-writing it, but of course she took it out when she re-wrote it…
But seriously, Suzanne's a very special woman, she's beautiful, she's smart, she's funny, the list goes on and on, but…I…can't read her handwriting.
So moving swiftly on. I'd like to start by thanking my parents for bunging me up well. They have provided me with the help and support to get me where I am today, we would also like to thank them for the hospitality they have provided over the last few months and days.
Suzanne Bride:
I would like to thank my mum for walking me down the aisle, being such a good sounding board when I've needed her and all the help and support that she's provided me, particularly over the last few months.
We would also like to thank both our parents, not only for their financial assistance with the wedding, but also for their guidance and help when asked, and for leaving us to our own devices the rest of the time. Please accept these gifts as a thank you.
Thank you Tracey for writing the invitations, after Ian spent hours tying 75 bows round the order of services, I can guess how much hard work it took. Also after my big effort tying a bow on a favour boxes, thanks for doing the other 98!! We have a little gift for you.
Now a few people have decided to have birthday's around now to help celebrate our wedding. So happy 70th to Eric, happy 30th to Laura, and also happy birthday to Claire, Chris, Gill, Toby and Teresa. So after three…Happy Birthday to you…
Thank you Mark, for being my best man and helping me through the day. Martin and Alex for your help at the church and other ushering duties, and Eric for your chauffeuring duties in transporting the bridesmaids.
A few more thank you's, to Ken and Kathryn for the church readings, Mary's friends Dot & Margery for doing such a wonderful job of the cake, and Mike's mum Julia for the marzipan bride and groom on top that caused Suzanne so much stress. And not forgetting everyone else who has helped us.
And finally, thank you Andrea, Lynda and Gill for being Suzanne's Brides maids, you all look wonderful today. I know Suzanne has appreciated your help and support over the last few months, and I thank you for getting her to the church in time. Also a big thank you to Abby, for looking so cute and pretty.
So, to finish, Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding. I would like to propose a toast … to the bridesmaids.
Well I could stand here and go on and on, but I've herd that the next speech may be quite long, but before she starts I must mention at this point that Andrea does suffer from a rare medical complaint, which makes her prone to telling tall stories that she totally believes to be true. So please bear that in mind when she makes her speech!!!! so, Ladies and gentlemen, Andrea.