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Speech by James Bowery

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: James Bowery
Speech Date: Jan 2009
On behalf of my wife and I we would like to thank you everybody for coming.
I'm sure you can agree with me that today has been an emotional day, even the cake is in tiers

Doesn't she look beautiful?

Alan thank you this morning for giving your daughter away, and not making me work 7 years then 7 years more for Rachel.
Thanks also go to both to my Dad and Mum and Alan and Mary. For helping so much towards the reception. It has turned out wonderful hasn””t it. It has got to the point of certain members of the family seeing images of wedding involuntarily in their sleep.
Thanks again to all who have turned up today I hope you are having a good time.
So many gifts! provided by everybody. It really is wonderful, come again next year! Seriously though thank you everybody for your thoughts and gifts. I know it means a lot to Rae and it does to me too.
Thanks Mum, by the way the cake is round the wrong way! Thanks go to both my Mum and Mary for so much. Mary specifically for her addiction to shopping, getting all the bits and bobs for this reception, and ringing so many people for us, doing a lot of organising. Mum specifically for thinking of the little things that nobody else would have thought of.
Glen. Cracking talk, and you weren't at all distracted by Rae's beauty, don't know how you did it. Thank you Diane for dressing him this morning. I have had some insights into Rae this morning and will be reminding her of these things for many years to come. Thank you for a lovely talk, and having me over to stay.
Now there is an unwritten rule at weddings that no one should look as beautiful as the bride or as handsome as the groom. And I am pleased to say that I have certainly had no competition on that score from the ushers or best man.
Dave, Dan and Jay Thank you for agreeing to help out. You are doing a brilliant job.
The bridesmaids, don””t they look beautiful? Becki, Hannah and Esta. Nervous, but beautiful. We would like to thank you for your help today. And also to our Mini-me's little Nimnim and little Lucas, and to Dave and Kate and Clair and Aaron for allowing us to borrow your littlens.
to anyone else who has helped
I need another word for thanks really. There have been so many people that have made today what it is.
Most importantly thanks to Danielle for doing my hair, you did in 10mins what would have taken me several hours and several tubes of gel!
Thanks to Fran for doing Raes makeup today, you have had the easiest job of anybody as you didn””t need to do anything. Oh and for doing my nails ?
A lovely sister from our congregation, Jean, made the cake for us she hasn't been able to get here today. But she has done a superb job. So thank you Jean, if you see the video.
Wedding went really well didn't it – apart from the bride being late.
Today is going so quick it has just been a blur. It is just the day my wife and I had wished for.
We couldn't be any happier!

Doesn't my wife look stunning!
She really is a wonderful person, supportive, and always up for a good argument, usually ending up with us tickling each other till we can't laugh anymore.

I am so happy to have found you, and fortunate that you spoke to me.

Now its not often you get to marry your best friend. I do love you Rae.

When we first met, I thought she was too old and had terrible dress sense, and she thought I was too young and had a terrible haircut. So we got together and sorted each other out, well I did my bit.

Young ones will have to close your ears now, since our friendship soon developed through texting each other. Then next thing I know I'm sending her a text saying I want to see you again. It wasn't long before Rae came down to stay. Next thing I know she is invited to go on holiday with us in Newquay, a month away by the very same person that said just before I left for Stoke ”don't go meeting anybody up there will you, it's too far!”

Hmm, did I ask Alan for permission, well he covered that in his speech so I don't need to do that bit.

One day on the service working with Alan I was very quiet, I think he noticed and played on it on purpose. My brain was working overtime trying very hard to ask if I could have his permission to ask Rae to marry me..
I think I blurted out: What do you think of Rae then, just to get him talking. Trouble is the only thing I could think of next was, what do you think of me? To which I got the answer from the ever joking Alan: ”You don't want to know that”
By this time the game was up, my lack of tact had made it obvious that my next words were ”I would very much like to ask your daughter to marry me and would like you permission to do so”
I believe this is the first time I got a serious answer out of Alan, but not before joining up with the rest of the service group. He left me waiting until we were away again. And finally said that he would love for that.
I'm sure I did 4 hours on the service that day, but my watch only said 1 hour!

Thank you for all the kindness and support you have given to both of us. You have been very kind putting me up and putting up with me staying at your house.
During August when Rae was preparing to move down to Burnham, a phrase kept being repeated to me. The first few times I didn't think too much of it, but more and more different people started saying the same thing. &amp quote take care of her wont you&quot I now see why, she is very hard work and needs lots doing for her. But don't worry because it is exactly what I plan to do.

First off mum, dad, I have to thank you for the way you have brought me up. If it wasn't for this I wouldn't have been ready for this cruel, harsh world. One that keeps chocolate from their children.

Thank you dad, if it wasn't for you help on all the cars I have had I would never have made it up here so often.
Thanks mum for all those wonderful cakes, deserts, tea, dinners, cakes and deserts putting up with me being generally crazy, driving you up the wall. The cakes were nice too.
You have both been amazingly supportive all through my life. Your upbringing has set me up very well.

Phil Mr Best Man was your preferred title
Your help has been very much appreciated by Rae and I.

Over the years I do very much enjoy our long thought out discussions about the world about how glass is a solid and the fact that Nightcrawler was in the third x-men movie. Phil does enjoy being wrong and will argue his point badly to prove it as well.

Tonight his party trick will be to drink a pint of water.

Many people don't know that Phil lives in a parallel universe which causes him to invent fanciful stories. He really does believe these stories to be true and I thank you for humouring him during his speech.

On behalf of my Wife and I isn't she gorgeous Again thank you all very much for coming and enjoying the happiest day our lives with us, you have each and every one of you added to it. If I have forgotten to mention anybody that helped us out rest assured Rae will remind me in a minute.