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Speech by James Titmuss

My wife and her father are part time wedding photographers and have been to over 200 weddings in the last 4 years, making this speech difficult to write given that I couldn't copy from anywhere seeing as they would recognise previous wedding speeches.   Oh, and for the Rab C Nesbit comment, my wife and her family are Scottish...

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: James Titmuss
Speech Date: 03/06/2013 16:22:25

This is the first time I've spoken at a wedding, except during other people's speeches, which is much easier, so please bear with me

Right, I researched and researched how to do this speech, what to say and how to say it. I trawled through hundreds of websites, discovered that in order to get around the Google Safe Search there are certain websites will be called the most innocent of things, and ended up frustrated at the lack of “original” material I could steal and call my own. Between Tom and Sara they have been to hundreds of weddings making this very difficult to steal from others. And then someone said “have you seen the groom speech that chap from McFly did?”, so I looked it up. Turns out he sings the whole thing to worldwide applause and it got over 10 million views on YouTube….so, I'm going to rip it off and copy it completely…..

*nod to the guy at the back with the sound system*

**Black Lace – Agadoo**

*shake head*

Well….bang goes that plan…..let's move on….the speech starts now!

You all know the drill here, there will be a series of toasts so try and stop yourselves from guzzling down your drink on the first one. Too many refills and you'll have to be reminded of the wedding tomorrow morning when you wake up on a lilo in the Thames.

Welcome to Essex!

Right, the speech starts now!

My friends, my family, and my new family…

I am the happiest man alive to be able to say, ON BEHALF OF MY WIFE AND I, welcome to our wedding!

I'd like to start by thanking you all for being here to share this special day with us. It means so much to us to have everyone we love and care about take the time out of your lives to be with us today, not forgetting those who are no longer with us but remain always in our hearts. If we can all stand, I'd like to toast those who are gone but never forgotten!

Thank you to Tom and Christine for all the love and support you've given me in welcoming me to your family right from day *count*263. I feel truly blessed to call you my family. Thank you Tom for not being as scary as I'd built up when asking for Sara's hand in marriage. You know I sat in the car for nearly an hour plucking up the courage to even knock on your door?? Thank you Christine for being as lovely as you are and I think everyone here agrees you look beautiful today.

I have never thanked you both properly for welcoming me to your family and I want to take this opportunity to add that Sara's happiness is the most important thing to me and I promise to do you both proud. Ladies and gentleman, please raise your glasses to my fantastic in-laws, to Tom and Christine!

I've never believed in fate. The idea that some things in life are destined to be so…it just sounds nonsense. That was until I went out with my brother for his birthday, stood at a packed bar waiting to get served and looked across at Sara. The world literally melted away and in that moment it was just the two of us. In my head we were already married! What didn't help was my first….10 words to Sara were “no”. Sara was asking me questions, do I know you? Do you work here? Do you live in Shoebury? Do you know any of these people?  and despite my brain trying to be Casanova, my mouth was doing a fantastic impression of Forrest Gump. Anyway, I improved, Sara thought my impression of an idiot was cute and here we are.

Sara is an incredible woman; beautiful, clever, funny, caring and generous. I am so thankful that she was happy to offset that by marrying me. I would like to thank my wife for genuinely making me the happiest man in the world. You look…fairy-tale beautiful and when I saw you walking down the aisle I had the same thought I had the first day I met you……I absolutely…would!

This day has put so many things into perspective and helped me realise how truly blessed I've been throughout my life. I have such amazing parents in mum & Ralph, dad & Maggie. You have always been there for me, through thick and thin. You have been my rock in life giving me perspective, guidance, unconditional love and every opportunity possible. I would like us all to stand and please raise your glass to my amazing parents!

Thank you to the bridesmaids. You all look absolutely beautiful and thank you for seeing Sara through today. You have all been fantastic. Ladies and Gentleman, please raise your glasses to our beautiful bridesmaids Charlotte, Laura, Lara and Sian!

A special thank you to Joanna and Jim for being our witnesses today and to Sean and Ian for your fantastic readings in church. Between you all, you've made the day both perfect and legal

My brother is my best man and it is only as adults we realise the true nature and value of brotherhood. Kristian is there for me whenever I need him, as I am for him. He knows me better than anyone and yet is still happy to admit to others that I'm his brother. I see Kristian as the best we can be and a true best man. Thank you for not losing the rings, for letting me claim credit on the many DIY tasks you've done for me, and thank you for being my brother. Please raise your glasses to my brother, Kristian!

They say don't marry someone you can live with, marry the person you can't live without and I know it's corny but nothing else so perfectly captures how I feel.

Sara, you make me the happiest man and the best person I could possibly be and I will spend my life making sure you feel the same. I have married my best friend, my soul mate, the most beautiful woman, inside and out, that I have ever met and I love you with all my heart. Ladies and gentleman, It is really the happiest moment of my life that I ask you all to stand and toast to my beautiful and incredible wife, my darling Sara

Now, in a slight break from tradition I'd like to pass you over to my friend Richard. I've known Richard for a long time and, along with Sean, they've steered me through the darkest of times and kept me grounded in the best of times. It's their friendship that has made me the man I am today and I will always be your friend in return. ….well…having said that.… let's see what his speech is like and we'll go from there. I know that Richard's idea of preparing for this speech was to watch Rab C. Nesbit over and over….and on that note…

Ladies and gentleman, Richard…..