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Speech by Jason Deans

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Jason Deans
Speech Date: 10/01/2011 15:09:26

Wedding Speech 7th August 2010

Introduction (Thank Steven)

Thank you to Stephen for his kind words.

On behalf of my gorgeous wife and I, I would like to take this opportunity to express how thankful we are that everyone could be with us today. This is a very special day for us and we really are blessed that we can share it with the best friends and family anyone could ask for.  The support we have received over the last four years from everyone has been truly overwhelming and I mean it when I say this could not have happened without our friends and family.  I hope everyone is enjoying themselves so far and continues to enjoy themselves for the rest of the day.

As we all know this wedding has been four years in the making, and without doubt we can say those four years have been ‘eventful’ to say the least.  There has been some serious planning going on as expected, however this has mostly been carried out by Nicola, my mum, my new mother in law and my new sister in law.  In fact I would go as far as to say I have been the ‘yes’ man and if I dared say ‘no’ I would not only have one person to answer to but all 4 of them.  I am sure you will all agree with me that they have done a terrific job, so thank you especially to Nicola and also everyone who has helped make this day so special.

Absent & Lost Friends & Family

Being relatively young at 23, Nicola and I have been very fortunate, in that most of our friends and family can share this special day with us.  However there are a few people who remain very close to our hearts that unfortunately cannot be with us today.  I know they would have been very proud of us and I am sure their thoughts are with us, just as our thoughts are with them.

  1. Please raise a glass to Lost and Absent Friends & Family

My next thank you is to June and Steven, my new mother and father in law.  Thank you so much for all your help and support over the past four years.  Ever since I met Nicola, June and Steven have treated me like their own and I can only thank them for that.  We have had some fantastic times together, whether it be on holiday in Florida or at the bingo in the railway club, and I hope we continue to enjoy some fantastic times for many years to come.  I can still remember the day I walked into Junes work and asked her if I could marry Nicola. Nervously walking up to the till, I asked the question, and still to this day I don't think I got an answer, but I took the tears and a nod of the head as a yes and ran to catch my plane to Spain.  I was a bit more apprehensive phoning Steven, but there was no need.  The answer was as follows, AYE, NAE BOTHER, WHERE YIS GETTING MARRIED ABOOT.

They have supported myself and Nicola in no matter what we do, not only in terms of financially helping us but also being their at important times to keep us going in the right direction.  The woman that I have married today is a testament to the way you have brought up your children and Nicola and I will only strive to do the same when we have kids.  Nicola means the world to me and I will try my best to make our relationship the best it possibly can be, and treat her as well as I possibly can.

  • June, please accept a small gift from the both of us

Now to my mum. First of all, you look amazing today and the outfit you have chosen is perfect.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done, not only for me but for the two of us as a couple.  You have helped us in so many ways and supported us no matter what our decision, we really do appreciate it and I hope you will continue to support us into married life.

Without my mums help the engagement could not have happened when it did.  It was my mum who brought the engagement ring over to Salou with her on holiday and sneaked it in to my room on the night I was going to pop the question.  This was due to Nicola being in control of all the luggage and bags when we were flying there, so any potential hiding place I could have hid the ring in, would have been found out very quickly.

I am so proud to call you my mum and the way you have brought up your children is an extraordinary achievement, but it was your passion to make our lives as good as they possibly could that has got us here today.  I genuinely hope you have enjoyed your day so far and we cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for us.

  • Mum please accept a small gift from the both of us

Now to my dad.  Nicola and I would like to say a big thanks to you for all that you have contributed to make this day what it is.  You have stood by us as a couple through the good times and the bad, and we both are very grateful for your support.  I hope you have enjoyed today so far and I am sure you will enjoy yourself tonight as well.  However after a few beers tonight I know you certainly won't enjoy tomorrow.

1.      Please raise a glass to our Mums and Dads.

Best Man

My Best Man..  Ross, thank you for accepting to be my best man, you have gave me tremendous support in the build up to today, I could not have asked for any more from my best man and I hope you enjoy your day as much as I am enjoying mine.

Unfortunately for Ross, he will have to be careful with what he says in the next 10 minutes or so, as he has asked me to return the favour and be his Best Man at his wedding next year.  And as you all know every dog has their day and I will be sure to have my day next July.

2.      Please raise a glass to the Best Man

Bridesmaids / Flower Girl

To our Bridesmaids, the three of you look absolutely amazing today.  Thank you very much for giving Nicola so much support in the build up to today, and also the help you have given both of us in getting to where we are today.

Also a big thank you to our flower girl Lucy, she looks so cute in her little dress.  You done very well today and we are so glad you were part of our special day.

A big thank you also has to go to Kathryn & June for organising Nicolas Hen week in Benidorm and also her hen night when she was back home.  I know that Nicola appreciated this very much and had an excellent time on both occasions.

3.      Please raise a glass to the Bridesmaids and Flower Girl


I would like to say a big thank you to my ushers, Jordan and Connor. Two very good friends of mine, who have helped make this day special.  They both exceeded my expectations by simply being on time today.  Seriously though, they done a great job getting everyone into the chapel and making sure that the day ran as smooth as possible, so a big thanks to them.

A big thank you to our Page Boys, Martin & Mason and also to our Ring Bearer, Frazer.  You all look very smart in your kilts and you were a great help today.

4.      Please Raise a glass to the Ushers, Page Boy and Ring Bearer

Also thank you to Tony and Morgan who were kind enough to do our readings at the chapel and they done a great job, so thanks very much.

There is also another very special occasion today.  Connors girlfriend Emma is 21 and we would like to wish her a very happy birthday and please accept the little treat we have for you..  SING HAPPY BIRTHDAY


I must also say thank you to Canon Leo Glancy for a beautiful ceremony today and I am sure you will agree that the chapel looked amazing.


Also a big thanks to the Glenskirlie, they have been so helpful throughout the planning of this wedding and any questions we had were answered, no matter how silly.  The food, the setting and the service has been first class so thank you very much.


Now to the most important person in this room, my bride, my wife, my biggest supporter and my best friend – Nicola.  You look absolutely stunning today and I am the proudest, happiest man you could meet.

Nicola is the reason I get up in the morning. To know that there is someone who is always  there willing to fight your corner, to help you through the difficult times in your life and also care as much about me as she does for herself, then you know that they are a very special person.

A few people have asked me in the build up to today why I have chosen to get married at 23, simply because when you are with the person you want to spend the rest of your life with you will know all about it.  Without Nicola I am not worth the clothes I am standing in today, she means the world to me and I will try my best to be the Husband you expect me to be.

Everyone who is here that knows Nicola, will agree that she is a great person to be around.  She has such an infectious personality which rubs of on everyone she meets.  Nicola is always up for a good night out, even if she is always first to bed, and we have enjoyed many special nights out together.

9 years have passed since we first met and a quick 9 years it has been, the place we met: a very classy establishment in Grangemouth known locally as JTs, the chat up line: never really needed one, the matchmaker: Nicolas friend Allana (Thanks Allana) and The first date: a bottle of merrydown to share sitting on a bench down the local park.

Since our first encounter 9 years ago we have enjoyed some amazing times together.  I am the luckiest guy in the world, you make me so happy and I am so proud that I can FINALLY call you my wife.

5.      Please be upstanding and raise a glass to Nicola…….the new Mrs Deans

Thank you and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the night!!!!!