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Speech by Jason Thompson

Firstly thanks very very much for your website, it certainly helped with the speech. We had lots of laughter and lots of crying as well so it couldn't have been that bad. Thanks again, you certainly helped me to make it a special day.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Jason Thompson
Speech Date: oct 2003
Thanks Russ for those kind words,

On the subject of your speech, I hope that as Michelle's husband I can live up to the image you have just painted of me, or failing that, at least continue to keep pulling the wool over your eyes!!!


Before I start I would like to point out the fun cameras on your tables. Please can you take some pictures for us?

Please bear with me if I have to keep looking at my notes

I'll try and keep this brief because as you all know I have a tendency to waffle on sometimes, I have so many people to thank so please relax and bear with me for a few minutes.

On behalf of my wife and I, I'd like to thank you all for coming and sharing our special day.
I know this is meant to be our day but of course it wouldn't be as special a day if it weren't for our family and friends being here with us. I am sure that you will agree that we or should I say Michelle, found the ideal setting for this memorable occasion. I would like to say a special thank you to those of you who have travelled some distance to be here today. It is quite a humbling experience to realise that you have friends and family that care so much for you and that are willing to go to so much trouble to be here. Some of you are low life contractor scumbags and I appreciate you taking an unpaid day off work to be with us today

We would like to thank you all for your generous gifts, I know it is a bit unusual asking for gift vouchers but having lived in sin together for the past couple of years we already have everything. We intend on using the gift vouchers to buy an entertainment system for the front room. I would also like to thank the chef for the fantastic food. We were going to do the speeches before we ate so that we could relax more, but when it came to it none of us actually had the guts to stand up and face a hungry crowd, but more importantly you know how much I like my food.

I would like to offer my congratulations on a job well done to all those who played a part in today's ceremony. Mitch I'll get back to you, Jonathon thanks for the reading Michelle and I really appreciate it. Georgia and Jess you both look stunning, thank you for keeping Michelle calm this morning but more importantly for making sure that she didn't run away, and actually made it here. I am sorry that I couldn't fit you both in the helicopter but the pilot had to sit somewhere and Georgia won the toss of the coin. Surprisingly enough with Georgia as an influence Michelle was only fashionably late instead of too late.

I would like to thank Russ for helping me to keep the secret of Michelle's helicopter ride, Michelle knew something was up but she was convinced it was a horse and carriage. I wish I had been there to see the look on her face, I suppose I will have to wait to see the video to see how shocked she was.

I would like to thank Russ and Rose for welcoming me so openly into their family. You have both been very supportive, I know how much Michelle appreciates all the help you have given her over the years. You have done a fantastic job in bringing up Michelle and she is the most caring and loving person that I know. I promise to take care of Michelle and her horses. Please don't think of it as losing a daughter but think of it more as gaining another hungry mouth to feed and clean up after.

I would like to thank my mum and dad for putting up with me for all these years. You were always there for me as a child and even though times were hard I never felt unloved.
Dad I can't tell you how special it was when you built me my first go cart or the time you bought me a bike and sprayed it bright orange, I know that mum didn't appreciate the orange paint in the kitchen, maybe you should have done it outside. Thank you mum for all the good times we have had together, I really loved all the time that we spent together collecting fruit to make into wine and jam, even collecting manure for the garden was fun, but your accuracy with the shovel left a lot to be desired. You have both been there for me through all the good and bad times, thank you so much for all your support. Thank you for welcoming Michelle into the family and for being so supportive, and mum thanks for all your help with the final touches of the wedding.

Without doubt the most important thank you today is to my new bride (pause) Michelle you look absolutely gorgeous, you were right about the dress, it was worth the wait. Thank you for marrying me and making me so happy. I never thought that I would have another best friend as good as you, but since I met you, you have become my best friend and the one I can always turn to for love and support. I can tell you anything and know that you understand. You have made me the happiest and proudest man in the world. I don't have to hope that our future together will be a happy one, I know it will be. Every day I wake up and find that I love you more and I thank god for helping me find you.
I don't know how I got through the last 34 years without you, I have finally found what I have been looking for for all these years. You are always there to talk to, to console me, to encourage me, to help me, to pick me up when I am down, to keep my feet on the ground when I get too ambitious, but more importantly you are always there to love me. We have shared so many great experiences over the past couple of years and I am really looking forward to sharing so many more with you.

Absent friends, I would like to propose a toast to absent friends, to Naomi my daughter, to Mary and Val and to Bob who passed away last week. Raise glass – To absent friends

And finally I need to thank Mitch the best man. Every bridegroom needs a best man he can totally rely on, somebody organised, who can take charge and make the day run smoothly – a person who is very serious and responsible. Well what can you do if you don't know anybody like that? Well in my case I picked Mitch.

What can I say? I only met Mitch about 8 years ago whilst we were still in the army, he was a lot slimmer back then but so were we all. You have always been a good mate and when times were hard you were always there to talk to and to lend advice. When times were good you were always there to help me enjoy them. Naomi used to love it when you came round and I remember she used to beat you up all the time, nothing new there eh? Girls were always beating you up. You have done me a great honour being my best man and I can't thank you enough. You were a good crewman when you were on my det in the army and I still remember being woken up with a cup of coffee, a full breakfast and a lit fag to get me started, We had some great times together and I am proud to be able to call you my best friend.

Custom has it that the groom gets to present his defence before the best man has the opportunity to present the case for the prosecution. I have no idea what stories he is planning on telling you about me, I am such a shy and retiring sort of guy and Mitch might resort to making something up to make his speech more interesting. I will admit to the donuts but the story about the chicken is just not true.
Mitch is T total so please don't embarrass him by offering to buy him a drink, actually he is allergic to alcohol. If he drinks too much he becomes really gobby, as you can see he is already half way there.

Thank you all again for coming and sharing this special day, I hope that you all have a great time, I can't tell you how much Michelle and I appreciate you all being here.

I would like to propose a toast to the bridesmaids and attendants, Georgia and Jess, to Mark and to Mitch.

I now hand you over to my beautiful wife who has a few words to say, (pause) I never seem to get the last word any more

Evening speech

Ladies and Gentlemen: My wife and I would like to thank you all for coming to share this special day with us.

It is so good to see so many of you here, we have had a fantastic day and it wouldn't be the same without you all here to share it with us.

I would like to thank the band for putting on such a good show

I appreciate that a lot of you have had to travel a long way to be here and I hope that you have a fantastic evening. Michelle and I have been quite touched by how many of you have actually made it here, I just hope there's enough food to go around.

On a serious note I would like to propose a toast to absent friends, to my daughter Naomi, to Mary and Val and to Bob who unfortunately passed away last week.

To absent friends

I will now leave you to your evening, have a great night and thank you again for coming.