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Speech by Joesph Hodgson

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Joesph Hodgson
Speech Date: Jun2005
Thank you Rob for those kind words.

I'd like to start this speech by saying a big thank you to all you wonderful people who have made such a fantastic effort to be here for our very special day. It's very humbling to think that people have travelled from such far away places as Germany, Holland, Plymouth and Widnes to help celebrate our wedding.

You know it never ceases to amaze me how far some of my friends are prepared to travel for a free feed.


I would like to pay particular regard to Dawn's parents Rob and Rita.

Firstly for bringing such a wonderful daughter into this world, who incidentally, looks even more looks even more beautiful today than I ever could have imagined, and for being fantastically loving and patient parents to Dawn for all these years. Believe me, this is no mean feat if you've ever encountered Dawn when she's both hungry and having a bad hair day.

Secondly for their contributions in all forms towards today. Rita in particular has worked tirelessly for today working on everything from invites to the flower arranging. It wouldn't have been half as lavish an occasion but for this and Dawn and I cannot express our gratitude nearly enough.

Thirdly for granting some handsome, dashing, silver-tongued lothario with chiseled good looks and cute butt her hand in marriage. Unfortunately, and much to their dismay, he got cold feet and did a runner so they ended up with a bumbling idiot such as myself as a Son-in-Law. Rob and Rita have always been a constant source of love and support throughout our relationship and from the first time I entered their house I was made to feel welcome and treated like one of their own. I feel very privileged to become a member of their family.

Toast Rob &amp Rita


I wish I had a funny little anecdote about how Dawn and I met, such as we got stuck in a lift together or I bumped into her at the traffic lights but I don't. We met in a much more conventional way, it was in a nightclub, Dawn was drunk, I was sober and took advantage of the situation.

It was during this initial meeting that we swapped phone numbers. I rang Dawn the day after and several times after that and only seemed to be getting a luke warm response from her. I had just about given up hope on this possible new romance and the bitterness was beginning to creep in. I remember thinking to myself at the time “I'm not ringing her again because no bird gets a 7th phone-call from Joey H”. It was then the phone rang and it was Dawn suggesting we go out on a date.

The moment I saw Dawn on that first date her fate was sealed. I knew there and then that I would move heaven and earth to make this girl mine.

Even now after 5 years of living together, I still have to pinch myself when we're sat at home on a typical midweek evening watching Coronation St. when I see Dawn beside me. Not only because this beautiful, clever and warm hearted girl has chosen me as her partner but because also she upped sticks and moved all the way to Burnley just for me.

For the last eight years Dawn has been an amazing girlfriend to me. She has always given me her unwavering support and encouragement even if this comes in the form of nagging sometimes and I know that she considers me in every little thing she does. Above all this though, Dawn is my best friend.

Dawn is not only a fantastic partner but as I'm sure that Rob &amp Rita will agree she is a wonderful daughter. She is so loving and considerate and in all the time we've been together wherever we are, her family's well being has never been far from her thoughts. If we are lucky enough to be blessed with a daughter one day I can only hope she turns out just like Dawn.

Nothing could have prepared me for the magnificent sight of Dawn walking down that aisle today and I am truly honoured that she has agreed to be my wife and spend the rest of her life with me, I promise I will treasure every single moment I have by her side.

Dawn from the very bottom of my heart I thank-you.


I would also like to thank my parents Mary &amp Terry for being there for me for the last twenty odd years.

Firstly to my mum, who has always been there for me when called upon, whether this is

A cup of tea and some gentle words of sound advice in times of woe,

A last minute sewing job on my favourite shirt before I'm about to go out

or more directly, and rather more frequently as I recall a smacked arse and a flea in my ear for doing something I shouldn't have been.

There is a phrase Terry once told me and is very fond of which goes

‘The older I get, the more I recall how little I knew when I knew it all’

Never a truer word was spoken, I didn't know it all, I still don't know it all and will never know it all but I do know that whatever mistakes I have made in the past and inevitable mistakes I will make in the future, my mum and Terry's unconditional love, kindness and forgiveness will always be there me and it is this that has moulded me into the person that I am today.

I only hope that they are half as proud of me as I am of them.

Toast Mary &amp Terry

However I would just like to point out this was the same Terry who said Burnley would be in the Premiership by 2001.


I think that we can all agree on how heavenly both the bridesmaids look. Zoe &amp Lauren both look absolutely breathtaking and I am sure that the parents of both girls are as proud of them as Dawn and I are.
Not to forget Maisie, from the moment we started planning the wedding we hoped Maisie would be our flowergirl. She's such a beautiful little girl and we feel so proud that she is part of our wedding party.

Please accept these gifts as a small token of our appreciation for being our bridesmaids.
Toast the Bridesmaid


Moving on to our ushers. Both Dawn and myself thought that it would be very apt to have both her brother Dave and my brother Colin to act as ushers. And what a fantastic job they've done ……….of acting like ushers. I haven't seen one of them without a pint in their hand yet today, let alone doing any of the serious business of showing guests to their seats or generally being of some use.

No, seriously we couldn't be more pleased with how well these fellas have done today, and for this we thank you. Oh, I'd like to say a special thank-you to Dave for making me dress up in women's underwear on a busy Saturday afternoon in York on my stag do. I think this experience could have opened up a whole new avenue in my life.


Another thank you we would like to give is to Barry and his wife Maureen. Barry for such kind words at the blessing, and for those of you who don't know Barry is a retired chaplain who, 31 years ago married a young couple by the name of Rob and Rita. I hope that his blessing brings us the same good fortune as it did for them and who knows we may be up here again sometime in the distant future as the parents of a child who has just been wed.

And to Maureen whose boundless energy and enthusiasm in the planning and preparation of this day cannot be overestimated. She has been tower of strength to Dawn's family, particularly over the last two years, her kindness and generosity has been without equal.

To Barry and Maureen we thank you


Finally, on to the best man. After reading up on the subject, the Best Man has a very important position in the proceedings. It takes certain qualities such as being charming and trustworthy, having good organizational and leadership skills. He must be dynamic and observant ready to react at the first sign of a problem. Most importantly, above all of these things, he must be responsible.

I bet you're wondering why I picked Paul as mine.

Paul and I go back about 15 years. We became friends at school and barring a couple of years when he went off to university have been close friends ever since.

In the summer holidays I used spend night after night staying over at Paul's parents’ house playing computer games and experimenting with his mum's deep fat fryer. It was from this period in my life that I learnt a valuable lesson that has stood me in good stead ever since… YOU CANNOT DEEP FAT FRY ANYTHING IN PLASTIC.

In our teens we discovered alcohol and the mysterious effect that it had on your behaviour. Of all our friends Paul always looked the eldest and because of this he was always the one sent into the off license to buy the booze for the rest of us. The vast majority of the time he was successful and delivered a bountiful harvest of cheap cider and super strength lager, however the odd time some shops refused to serve him.

Looking back, maybe this had something to with the fact that when he was asked for identification he would produce the driving license of a 49 yr old woman.

Paul wasn't there the night Dawn and I met, in fact we'd been seeing each other for quite a few weeks before they met for the first time. It was a strange meeting, the two of them sizing one another up. I thought at one point it was going to get ugly and they were going to start fighting. Knowing Paul as well as I do, I would have backed Dawn to win easily. However, with me as their common interest they muddled along and I'd like to think that they now consider themselves friends in their own right.

All joking aside, there was no decision to be made as to whom would be my best man. Paul's always been a true friend and his door is always open should I ever need help whatever the problem may be. Over the years I have got to know his parents Frank &amp Dot very well and along with his Fianc&#233e Kirsty and her son Josh. I not only consider these people friends but rather an extension of my own family. So on behalf of Dawn and myself, Paul we thank you.

One final thing I would like to add, as some of the lads have found out to their cost Paul has never been one to let the truth get in the way of a good story so take a pinch of salt with everything he says over the next ten minutes. Thankyou very much.