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Speech by Jon Cornish

I was so lucky, my groom speech went down a storm last month – I couldn’t have wished it to go any better. It’s ideal for dad’s remarrying. Its quite personal but should be easy to adapt. The trick with it was creating the ‘rollercoaster’ of emotions flitting from happy to serious to romantic with a little teasing. The style kept people interested, they laughed and cried!

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Jon Cornish
Speech Date: Oct2006
Stand up SLOW
Count to 5
Look round – eye contact..…

Ladies, Gentlemen, Friends, ON BEHALF OF MY WIFE AND I:

we Thank-you John brides dad
for your kind words,
Thank-you for the help and support you have given us,
thank you most of all for agreeing I marry your loving, caring, fun and beautiful daughter

I am now a proud member of one of the gentlest, most caring family's I have known

..… to my Mum and Dad things have not always been easy but thank you for always being there especially when I have needed you.

We'd like to Thank Mel's Nan very much to for making our wedding cake. A lot of time, effort and a little worry into making it and it looks absolutely delicious &amp and very professional too!

As for the Ushers – they say you should not look as handsome as the Groom – with you two there was never any danger of that happening!! &amp#61514 Thanks for your help today boys!

And to all of you crowd it's brilliant that you are all here to celebrate our day with us. To be invited to a wedding is to witness a moment in history, it's about sharing our day with all the people we love, care about…and go drinking with!

Thank-you very much for the gifts and cards we can't wait to open them!

So far the day has been fantastic remark if something happened..…

As you know I am a man of few words &amp#61514 ..… so I wont keep you long……

I thought I'd take this chance to set the record straight about how Mel and I started out on the journey which has brought us here today.…

Just over 3 years ago a single man was walking down town high street with his two daughters.…

outside The Meadows shopping centre they bumped into a girl he had seen a few times at work, they stopped and said Hello,

she told him in a strangely animated and informing manner that she had been slipper shopping Yes slippers the things that old people wear! in fact she was insistent that we all looked at the slippers she had purchased, and went on to pull them from the bag to show us!

For once he was lost for words and a few moments he made his excuses and walked on.

After a few yards one of his daughters said “She seems nice Dad, why don't you go out with her?”

He replied “She wont wanna go out with me”

A few weeks later at work, they met again.

She asked if he'd like anything for lunch from Tesco?

He said “Yeah that would be nice, can I you get me…..”.

She interrupted him “I'm not shopping for you, if you want something you can come with me” …..3 years on and nothing has changed!

It could be said that after the shopping trip we became pen pals – well more email pals and over the next few days and weeks we sent literally hundreds of emails back and forth getting to know each other it became plain where it was going, but would she come out for a drink with me? – Would she hell !

Eventually I resorted to the oldest, most romantic of tactics –
I phoned Mel one afternoon and said “I'm at the Kings Head put your coat on and get in the car and drive here” – Thank god she actually did and half hour later we were on our first date!!

After a while it became apparent that things were slightly complicated for Mel and she needed to start flat hunting

.… being the caring sharing man that I am, when she did not seem to be getting on very well with finding somewhere to live I offered her a place to put her suitcase – as you all know apart from the odd holiday and business trip – that suit case has never left!

After a while Mel's mum, Carol, came to visit. During that visit she gave me a crucial bit of advice.… “don't listen to her” she said. Recently, no doubt under pressure from her daughter she has withdrawn that!

Now over the years Mel has engaged some interesting tactics to keep me,

these have included promising me breakfast in bed….… then serving up a microwaved left over sausage roll !!!

on another occasion she bought a photo frame for the lounge and then told me that the d&#233cor didn't go with it…..… so we decorated!

I could go on with so many many more…..… don't worry Darling – I'll stop there!

Whilst I am on my feet I want to say few important words:

Whilst they wouldn't admit it there are people in this room that have been through a lot with me, over a lot of years, they have provided enormous support and in some ways put back together a better stronger and I hope nicer bloke

I won't embarrass too many of you by naming to many of you, but there a couple that do need to be said:

My Best Man John Thank-you for your unbreakable loyalty, I hope you are about to prove you're the very best man by given me lots of praise in your speech. If not I'm leaving now!!!!

To my Work Partner, Mrs Borland Thank-you for your willingness to listen to me day in and day out – or at least pretend too! Thank-you for your solid advice and for your faith in me and I've not forgetting your self satisfaction with being the very first to predict marriage for us!

– I have no doubt that others of you that deserve my gratitude, some of whom have listened to me late into the night, know who you are glass raised: “Thank- you for getting me here”

Now I turn to my beautiful wife: MRS Melanie C………..!

I am so proud to say that you are my wife you really do look amazing. I knew you'd look beautiful, but today you took my breath away!

I've got someone in you who's, funny, stunning and caring but most of all, someone who loves me for who I am.

You have changed my life, the life of grooms daughters Charley and Katie and shown us what being loved and cared for is about.
You have bought so much fun and laughter into our lives.

Do you remember I once told you not to talk to me in the mornings as I was always grumpy – that seems like so long ago now!

I never dreamt I'd be so lucky as to find a woman as special as you Mel.

I've loved the last three years and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you – MY WIFE Toast to Mel, the Beautiful Bride!

Now here is the part of the afternoon you have all been waiting for my best man build it up with voice, JV, Johnny One Punch, Mr John V………!!!!!!!! clap

After Best Man Speech Thank yous by Bride or if nervous Groom……

Mum – Carol
Mum – Wendy
Nan cake