Speech by Kevin Stanley
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Kevin Stanley
Speech Date: Sep2006
Kev's Wedding Speech
Thank you Ali for those kind words, it means a lot to both Kate and I that you've shared them with everyone.
Ladies and Gentlemen, you are about to witness a unique event in history. This is the very first and last time that my wife is going to let me speak on behalf of both of us.
Thanks for Coming
Seriously I'd like to start by thanking you all for coming and being part of our special day. To look around and see friends and family, both old and new, makes what is a wonderful day for us, even better than we could imagine.
We didn't choose a September wedding for the weather having proposed at the end of April, which I'll come to later, there were two main factors, autumn is our favourite season, and after 6 years together it's fair to say we were ready to go without a long engagement! And right now I can honestly say I'm glad we did, because from the moment Kate said yes I've been waiting for today to come!
Speeches and Dave
Now in case you're wondering why we're having the speeches before the meal, let me explain. Firstly, I don't want any distractions from my food, secondly, I also want the same for my Best man Dave, and I'm sure when he delivers his speech he's going to remember this act of kindness as well as how generous I was in my speech when I was his best man.
In the event that he doesn't it is worth mentioning that he has a rare medical ailment that causes him to invent fanciful stories, specifically those that don't show me in a good light, anything else is just fine.
Mum and Dad
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my parents for all the love and support they've shown me over the years, whether it's been following my chosen career, my interests, my heart or even our football team – I've always felt able to pursue my dreams without restriction and for that I will always be grateful.
Mrs Dodd, or can I call you Rosemary now we're family, I'd like to thank you for the way you've welcomed me into your family, and more importantly made sure that I've always been well fed and watered, it's an example that I'm pleased to say Kate has done her best to follow.
Please rest assured that I will continue to love Kate with all my heart, comfort her when she's upset, calm her when she's flustered and do everything I can to ensure that for her every day is happy one.
Kate – Meeting
This brings me to my new wife. I can remember the first time we met as if it were yesterday. It was Saturday 18th March 2000 and I was in my second year of University. Mike, Kev and I were quite happily sat watching Casualty with a brew, playing a bit of Darts, generally not doing an awful lot and being content with it. Enter John, who came into my room and proceeded to whine on about us being boring and middle aged. No startling revelations there then. But for once his persistent complaining paid off we got canned up and went off to jump about at the Zones “Indie” night.
As often seems to be the case, when your not looking for something it just jumps out at you, I don't mean that literally, it wasn't Kate's way of coming on to me, rather, our eyes met across the dance floor and we were instantly drawn to one another.
Kate – First Date
A first date quickly followed and the signs were there that fate was on our side. Arriving at the pub I realised that my memories of our previous encounter were somewhat hazy, in fact I wasn't 100% sure if I could remember what Kate looked like! Little did I realise but Kate was in exactly the same position, and neither of us had wanted to let on when were on the phone! But as luck would have it, we arrived at the exact same, looked at one another and realised exactly who was who!
Kate – Working Away
The first date became a second, a third and forth and a fifth and before long we were seeing a lot of each other. Shortly after I spent a year working near London, which meant we just saw each other at the weekends, it didn't really suit us and we had a few ups and downs but deep down we both knew everything would be just fine, and sure enough it was.
Kate – Moving In
A final year at Uni followed for me while Kate got to grips with her first social work post, then I got my first job near to home and things were ambling along just nicely . Kate was offered a job in Huddersfield and it was at this point we decided the time was right to move in together.
It was the best decision we have ever made. From that moment onwards our relationship grew, we became closer than I'd ever thought possible. We shared our lives, our interests, our hopes and our fears and loved every moment of it.
Kate – Proposal
So there was no sudden decision to get married, no startling revelations, just a feeling that the time was right. So I went out and brought a ring, then the very next day, a warm April evening, I suggested we go for a walk, to the local reservoir. Just around the corner from our home, somewhere we often go for peace, quiet and tranquillity. And it was there that I asked Kate to be my wife, the perfect time, the perfect location and she gave me the perfect answer.
Looking at you now Kate I can't adequately describe how wonderful I feel, all I know is that for me this is Love, just how it should be, with kindness, understanding, tolerance and joy all rolled into one. I love you more each day and I will continue to do so, for the rest of my life.
Now I'd like to work in a football analogy, especially with Forest being top of the league, but League one really doesn't do it justice, we would have to Premiership Champions, having just stuffed Chelsea 4-0, Morenio in tears, and I've got the match ball.
Other Thanks
So thank you all again for being part of this day it really does mean a lot to us both.
I'd like to thank Donna, Rob for their reading and friendship over the last few years, and to wish them luck with their impending new arrival. Phillip I'd like to thank you for ensuring a part of Granddad was with us here today, it really meant a lot, not just that you did it, but it was you who did it.
Kiri and Josh, thank you for scattering the petals in such an expert manor, and you do realise I'm going to expect you to always sit as still as you did in the ceremony.
Dave, thank you for making the decision of who to be best man very easy, you've been a true friend for longer than I can remember….and for your help with the button holes.
We're going to be cutting a very beautiful cake shortly and for that thanks go to Anita and Graham, I think you might just have surpassed the Bag-puss birthday cake! And not forgetting the Isabel and the Hotel staff both for all the work they have done, and are going to do.
Thank you again to our parents, without whom we wouldn't be the people we are, without which we wouldn't be here today, and finally I want to say thank you to Kate for agreeing to be wife.
I'd to make a toast to absent family and friends, wherever they may be, who I know would have loved to be here today and whose thoughts are with us now.
“Family and Friends”
And now one to my two sisters, one old and one new, for supporting Kate this morning and leading her down the aisle
“The Bridesmaids”
Thank you.