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Speech by Lawrie Brand

Bare in mind, I'm 5ft6, safe to say I've always been the smallest chap amongst friends growing up. 

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Lawrie Brand
Speech Date: 10/09/2013 10:42:26

Thanks for your kind words John.

Beth tells me at least 80% of what comes out my mouth is complete rubbish, so I will try to make this as painless as possible…There will be plenty of toasts over the next few hours (wink), so please make sure your glasses are fully charged!

Firstly, on behalf of my wife and I, I'd like to thank everyone for coming down today. I know most of you have travelled a very long way to be here, some even from the other side of the world. It's amazing how far some people will travel just for a free meal, hey Andrew! We'd like to thank you all for your kind wishes, cards, gifts and support, they really mean a lot to us. It's great to see you all here today it really wouldn't be the same without you. So cheers everyone!

A big thank you goes to my new Mum and Dad, Kate and John. Without them, this day wouldn't be anywhere near the perfect day Beth deserves. They've been very generous and fantastic throughout. Almost every day since I proposed, Beth's been calling them to check and double check every minor detail. On that note I'd like to thank BT for their unlimited minutes on evenings and weekends. Cheers to BT!!…Seriously, you've both been instrumental in making this wedding a success helping with all the important decisions and getting hands from the beginning. Also helping to guide Beth away from that fully kitted out pink wedding she's always dreamt of!

Thank you both for welcoming me into your family and making it very easy for me to fit in. Finally thank you for bringing up such a wonderful daughter, there's never a dull moment in Beth's company. She is the most amazing person I've ever known and I promise I'll take good care of her… Ladies and gentlemen please raise your glasses to John and Kate!!

A thank-you goes to the other Mr and Mrs Brand in the room – Mum and Dad.

How could I have got through life without these genes, it's as if I won the genetic lottery… My parents have told me throughout my life that size doesn't matter… but I can assure you in life size DOES matter… growing up was probably the hardest part… I say growing… I didn't do much… I was so small as a kid I used to fit into the same clothes as my action man… it wasn't all bad; I used to borrow Barbie's Ferrari at the weekends… So every cloud…

But seriously…Thanks for your love and support over the years. Thank you for making me the man I am today and for putting up with my cheek…Please join me in a toast to my Mother and Father, Sharon and Brian. Cheers!

My wife and I would like to thank our brothers Ashley and Robert for their watchful eyes over us younger siblings whilst growing up. To this day they are complete gentlemen and have been fantastic ushers for us today. Robert thanks for playing the piano during the ceremony…Ash I know you were ready to step if needed, don't worry!

Thanks to all the guys who have contributed to making our Wedding day special. Our pageboy and flower girl, Sam and Lyra. Alice, Katrina and Thomas for their readings, Max the ring-bearer and the Toastmasters Rory and Tom. Now Tom was expecting a slightly different role today when Beth asked him to be a Toastmaster. Originally he thought it meant on the morning of the wedding day, he'd have to make everyone toast. So, if you're still keen to fulfil your toast duties Tom, why don't you come to our Villa for about 9am tomorrow morning!

Special thanks to Quinn for being our photographer. You've been fantastic today and fitted into my shoes perfectly, doing absolutely everything Beth tells you to…

Apart from my wife, there are four other beautiful ladies here today, Sian, Hannah, Bec and Liz. We'd like to thank them very much for being wonderful bridesmaids. Bec's been very giving with her time, rearranging her diary to be with Beth at every dress shop, every dress fitting, every shoe shop, every hen do and at every event drinking every drink going. A big thank you to Hannah and Liz for supporting Beth and helping her along the way, you've been great friends! Sian, I know Beth would like me to thank you personally for always being there for her 24/7, she couldn't ask for a better friend.

Sian, thanks also for organising a fantastic London Hen Do for Beth and to all of you for making her Marbella Hen Do so special. That's right; there were two Hen Dos! Sharing the same name as the queen, Elizabeth felt the need for two celebrations. So ladies and gentlemen please join me in toasting the bridesmaids …To the bridesmaids!

Thanks to the best men Lloyd and Andrew for all they've done for me over the past 18 years or so, you've been true friends…for just putting up with me for that long!! And depending on how incriminating your speech is, we may even stay friends after today. Thanks for a memorable Stag Do, though I‘m not sure ‘memorable’ is the right word to describe it. And finally a huge thank you to the both of you for listening to me harp on about how much I'm into this girl called ‘Beth’. To the best men!! Cheers!

Now to the most important person in my life. Firstly I'd like to thank my beautiful wife for agreeing to marry me. I'm sure you'll all agree Beth looks even more gorgeous today than she does normally. Today really is the greatest day of my life because I've married my best friend.

Marriage to me is devoting all your time and effort to make that one special person happy, indulging in the good times and being there for one another through the bad. Beth, when I proposed, I took it as a commitment to making you happy and to do what I can to be there for you in any way I possibly can until we're old and grey.

I will owe Beth for the rest of my life for the huge amount of effort she's put into our wedding. Over the past 12 months, you've put your heart and soul into making this day perfect… and it really is.

I've found it hard to pin point one specific reason to why I love Beth so much, so instead, and I'm sure Beth will be happy to hear, I'll give you a few…Just a few though, don't panic, I know it's not just me eyeing up the wedding cheesecake…

When I first met Beth she stood out from the crowd, not only with her beauty, but I've never met someone as happy go lucky as she is. Her inner-child spirit is something to be admired. She sees the good in everyone and everything, and always has a smile on her face…On our first date we actually broke a Guinness World Record together for the longest first date, lasting 11 hours…I was expecting a round applause there, but don't worry, you all obviously know many World record holders. On the date I thought I was being a great entertainer as Beth was constantly smiling and laughing, but I later came to realise this was just who Beth is. The kind of girl who makes you feel good about yourself no matter how terrible your jokes are.

I can't be here all day as I know my wife is eager to slip on her dancing shoes. Elizabeth you are the most unselfish, generous and caring individual I've ever met. You make me laugh every day and I'm never happier than when I am with you. I love you with all my heart and I look forward to our ‘BRAND’ new lives together as a married couple.

Ladies and gentlemen please be upstanding and raise your glasses to my beautiful wife, my bride and joy, Elizabeth!!

Now is as good a time as any for everyone, and I mean everyone, to go grab a drink from the bar, as it's now time for the best men to say a few words.