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Speech by Lee Cole

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Lee Cole
Speech Date: Feb2006
At last, the end of the speeches. I promised my self I would try and keep it short so I'd not bore you all, and reduce the time the guys have to wait for the bar to open. However, I don't get too many opportunities to address such a big crowd, so it's a shame to waste it.
I said at the engagement party that I was a man of few words, well things haven't changed, although over the last four years I have learnt a few more like "yes dear", "what ever you say dear" and "course you can watch Eastenders dear". In fact since the engagement party, I have had even less chance to speak for myself, as Sam has become such a good speaker she has made a career out of it! (She is a radio presenter)

I must firstly thank all of you here for making the journey and thinking it worth spending the day with us. Our wedding would have been fantastic on its own, but to have you all here to share it with us makes it all the more special. Thank you all those that have traveled that bit further than normal, America, Cyprus, Yorkshire and London. Some of you have gone to a great length for a free meal. I would like to mention also those who could not be here today. Sam's Grandfather, and Grandmother, who would be so proud of her today, Neville who will be missed greatly. Absent friends.

This speech is more of an Oscar acceptance than an after dinner speech so here goes with the thank yous.

Denise and Dennis, Today you have made Sam and I, very, very happy. The day has been a dream. It is due to your flair and imagination, your patience and love, your skills at organization and a great deal to do with your cheque book that today is so wonderful. But today you have given me something more precious, something that money can't buy, you have given me your little princess. I promise I will love her and cherish her, feed her and polish her and from time to time you can have her back!
>From the moment I first appeared on your doorstep you have made me feel
welcome in your home, with nothing less than a welcoming smile and a table full of food. You have made it very easy for me to feel at home, and I will be forever grateful that they are my new in laws. I don't think Dennis has realized yet that he is now married to a mother in law. Today I stand before you very humbled by your love and generosity and honored to be allowed into your family I will always try to do the best for Sam I can, and be the best of son in laws.
Thank you

Mum and Dad, I am lucky enough to have two of the best parents in the world. Dad apart from giving me a love of rugby you have always let me do my own thing and stretch my mind and wings. Thank you for giving me a great start in life and showing me the world, and introducing an innocent 16 year old to the delights of Hong Kong and the Suzy Wong bars…Mum for all the times as a child when dad was away thanks for being there and defending me, usually after fights at school or bringing the police to your door. Thanks also for not being their when I sneaked a few beers from the fridge. I am sorry I made live difficult for you and hope today you can both see how happy you have made me and just how much you both mean to us.
Thank you

Ushers and Holders,
Elton as ever you are laid back non-fussed and as cool as that famous cucumber. A cool brother, who could only be made better by sending the odd birthday card, or picking up the phone. Richard as my new brother in law you have made my little sister very happy and me an uncle again, thank you for being here today I am so very sorry I couldn't be there at yours.
Daniel and Alex my new brothers in law thank you entertaining me all these years at the dinner table I am sure in the coming years your jokes may get better. Thank you also for ensuring the nurses didn't rip me to pieces on the stag weekend, but honestly I was doing fine on my own.
Les and Martin. Les you would argue with the devil and convince a Saint they were wrong, and you will always tell me if I am, much the same as Sam.
Martin you have been a good friend for many years now and are always there if I need a drinking partner. Both of you share my passion for rugby Martin you may be an International rugby player, Les you can keep the player of the year award I have the army winners medal.
Laurence and John having only known the “family” for 5 ½ years, one of the few things I have learnt about them is they have some of the nicest, friendly, generous and humorous friends going. And you two. Thank you for supporting us in our first steps in married life.

Jack and Thomas my little nephews you have been as good as gold and almost worth your weight, you are very dear to us both and I hope you both grow up to cause your father as much nail biting as he did to his.

Guard of Honor, Andy, Andy, Nick. Thank you guys. Very smart, and very dependable. In the time old military fashion I am paying you off with a crate of beer. It is in the car.

Bridesmaids, Marion, Danielle, Annuska and Angela.
As always you are all looking great and as hot as ever. I promised the guard of honor there would be some eye candy for them to look at, sorry guys forgot to mention they are all taken. I know Sam thinks the world of you all and you are never far from her thoughts, the amount of time she spends on the phone is testament to that.

Best man Craig
I can not argue with anything that Craig has said, even though it was all lies, as he is quite tough. (Craig is the world LIGHTWEIGHT Karate Champion, although the only people in his weight category are 12 – 14 year olds) Craig and I have been friends for many years now and I have learnt through experience he is dependable and very loyal. When I asked Craig to be best man it was due to his calm, reasoned and unflappable nature. I was hopping he would show some of those qualities today in his speech, just show's how you can't trust anyone. Craig though has a nasty habit, which I discovered one night at his mum's. He invites his friends to stay at his house and then half way through the evening he gets so drunk he wonders off and gets lost, leaving his buddies i.e. me, to find their way home to his mothers in the middle of no where! As luck would have it, it was only a cold rainy January night. But his mum had stayed up, as she knew it would happen, apparently I was the third person he had abandoned. When I am in the mire Craig has never seen a thing, and when needed he is the first to help I can honestly say Craig is the best man. Not better Craig just best.

My Wife
Sam and I met 5 and half years ago on the beach in Bournemouth, and we hit it of straightaway. I knew it was going to be one of those special moments that you could recall and cherish forever. Sam must also have felt the same as she later told Angela on the way home she had just met the man she was going to marry. As always I was an instant hit with the ladies.
It wasn't long before I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her so decided to propose. Being a man of Morals and Standards I decided to do the job properly and ask Dennis for Sam's hand in marriage. As I showed off the ring Dennis said they would love me to have Sam's hand as long as it was the one that was always in his wallet.
Being the romantic type I thought I would ask whilst on our skiing holiday in Bavaria. We visited the fairy tale castle of Schloss Newswannstein which is the original Disney castle and featured in the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. So on the slatted bridge over the 40ft waterfall I asked Sam if it was a romantic venue. Yes was her reply so I thought of getting the ring out.
However I was suddenly struck with a thought. If Sam said YES then knowing her she would get all excited and fumble the ring through the slats in the bridge, and there goes 2 months pay check!!! So I waited.
We meandered down to the edge of Swan Lake over looking the Castle and the waterfall and again I asked if this was a romantic venue, again the reply was positive, so on bended knee I whipped it out.
I asked her if she would make me the happiest man alive and would she marry me? She phoned her mum and asked which should she do.
Sam instantly said yes, and I knew I had made the right decision. Nothing could spoil my day, not even the odd looks from the locals, something to do with the dirt and grass stains on my knee. It's tough going being romantic.

I still feel I have made the right choice even after 4 years, Sam as you can see is still absolutely stunning even more than the day I met her if that was possible. She is very loving, very generous and shares everything with me, her likes and dislikes, her first sweet and last rolo, even her temper and PMT. But still I know I'm one of the luckiest men alive…..Cause she tells me so every day.
I am scared to say this is the best day of my life as it might imply it is all down hill from now, but this is the best day that I've had and I've dreamt of it for a long time and I promise it will only get better. If it only gets as half as good as our parents marriages then it will be fantastic.

Sam I love you very much and hope I can make you happier than you make me.