Speech by Mark James
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Mark James
Speech Date: 02/05/2014 15:02:40
Thank you Malcolm for your kind words.
I will give you that £10 at the bar later!!!!
First of all, on behalf of my wife and I……… I would like to thank everyone for coming today, it means so much for us, to have everyone we love and care about here to share our special day…and a special thank you to those who have made long journeys to be here.
………I can honestly say it wouldn't have been the same without you all.
The Accountant in me would also say it would also have been a hell of a lot cheaper, but that's not the point.
Can I just say, Caz, you look absolutely stunning today. When I saw you walking down the aisle this afternoon I felt like the luckiest man in the world.
To our parents.
Caz and myself would like to thank you for all your support over the years. You have been so good to the both of us.
Thanks especially for all your help in organising our big day. Your massive contribution has helped make our special day everything we could have hoped and wished for.
You have been amazing. So thank you.
Malcolm, Thank you so much for welcoming me into your family and bringing up such a wonderful daughter.
I am surprised you let me considering that you knew me from all them years ago when I was the little brat on the school bus.
On behalf of all my mates here today who went on the salkeld bus we apologise for anything we got up to in them days.
You have also been a great help over the last two and a half years whilst we have been living at Parklands crescent.
The amount of times you have let delivery men into the house or helped me with DIY is greatly appreciated by both of us.
I am not sure if you will lend me any more tools though the amount of times I have broken them.
Mum and Dad, thank you for everything. I couldn't have asked for a better upbringing. If it wasn't for your support from Childhood, University and up to now I wouldn't be were I am today.
Dad, The hours you worked to ensure that Dan and myself had a good upbringing is incredible, I struggle at a 42 hour week.
Some of my best childhood memories were from when we used to come with you for trips away in the wagon.
Memorable ones include a wet and windy trip to the isle of Mull on valentines day with 4 of us sharing your one bunk cab for a night and our stay at Weston super mare. what a scary place that is!!!!!
Mum, you have always been there for me.
I know it is like getting blood out of a stone to get anything out of me but you have always been there at my time of need. I can always remember what you were like the day you dropped me off at Newcastle, to say it was emotional was an understatement.
On a lighter note, mum has always been very protective of me, An example of this was one Sunday morning after I had been out in the bright lights of Penrith. Slightly hung over, I had Mum shouting at me with a small white Tablet in her hand. “What the F is this” I think were her words. When I replied saying it was a smint, she looked very embarrassed. Her you go mum, I have a pack for you.
At this point, I would like to let our parents know how proud we are of them. So for our parents, we have small token of our thanks.
Give gifts
So if we could all be upstanding, I would like to raise a glass to our wonderful parents.
I would also like to thank the Glassons, Nobles, Atkins and James’.
Family is important to both Caz and I and we are so happy there are so many here today. Knowing my family, I think the bar manager will be over the moon as well.
At this point I would just like to mention a special person who could not be here today, Caz's Mum Pauline.
I unfortunately never got the chance to meet Pauline, but from the stories I have heard from the family since I have known Caz, I am sure she was an amazing lady. I am sure she is looking down on us today and I am sure she is so proud of you caz.
Also some of our grandparents who are sadly no longer with us.
Joan, who was like a mother to Caz since her mum died
Ethel and Jimmy Noble, Caz's grandparents on Pauline's side
And Tommy James, My granda, I was only 6 when he died and it was such a shame he could not see me grow up.
I am sure they all would have enjoyed today
So if we could all be upstanding, I would like to raise a glass to absent family and friends.
The bridemaids, Siobhan, Chloe and Helen, you all looking stunning today and I'm sure everyone here would agree! Thank you for all the love and support you have given Caz over the years, and for keeping her calm over the last 24 hours or so. A job I do not envy in the slightest.
if we could all be upstanding, I would like to raise a glass to the bridesmaids.
My Ushers,
Joe and Sam, Mates for life. We have been friends from pretty much the day we were born.
Barry, you must have had your work cut out this morning with all the Ladies up at roman road.
And cassanova over there, Young Denty, I think he must have spent the most time this morning making sure his hair was right. Thank you all four of you.
Also thank you to Thomas for his reading. Think we have a star in the making there.
Our page boys, Jake and Taylor and our flower girl Ava. I'm sure everyone agrees at how cute they all look today.
As a thank you we have a small gift for each of you.
Dan, my Best man and little bro
Thank you for agreeing to be my best man and all the help you have given me and caz over the last 2 years with the house. I am sure you were relieved to finally cross that job off your list last month.
Also thank you for organising two great stag do's. I would say they were memorable but I can't remember a thing from either of them. It is probably best that I can't.
I am sure all of you will have seen the wonderful cake over their. I would just like to thank my Uncle Pete and Aunty Carole for their time and effort to make such an amazing cake.
As a thank you, we have a small present for you both.
I would also like to say thank you to Aunty Christine for all her support in helping Caz with her stunning wedding dress. Caz can not thank you enough.
We also have a small gift for you for all your help over the last few months.
And now to my Beautiful bride Carrie-Anne
This might surprise a lot of you but I have to thank Gavin Little,
If he had not employed me at his butchers shop all them years ago we might not be here today.
Apparently Caz took a bit of a fancy to the new Saturday boy at the butchers and often had to drag her mum and aunty Christine up the Devonshire arcade to get a look at him.
To be fair to her I can't blame her.
I am surprised that caz is still with me after our first date.
I almost got caught speeding twice
my first words to her when she got out of the car were “Christ your short”
and I kept running off to watch the football as Carlisle had a crucial play off game on the TV.
Thankfully that first date did not put her off.
I think it is the second or third time I have said this but I am the luckiest man alive today to have such a stunning bride.
Caz, you mean the world to me, you are my best friend, you know me and understand me like no one else ever could, you make the good times amazing and have helped me so much through the bad times.
I am also so proud of what you have achieved in your life considering what you went through at such a young age, Getting through your degree and doing so well at work, you have done your mum proud.
I cant wait to spend the rest of our life together.
So finally if we could all be upstanding, I would like to raise a glass to the beautiful bride.
Now that's enough of me and I will hand you over to the entertainment, The best man, Dan. Go easy on me mate!!!
Thank you