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Speech by Mark Jones

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Mark Jones
Speech Date: May 2009
My beautiful wife! Doesn't she look fantastic!

I would like to thank you all for joining us in celebrating our wedding.

Right, this is obviously a massive day for both April and me and we've had some great times together in the 14 years we have been together. We met in July 1995 and it was kind” of by mistake actually as we met in a library while I was studying IT and April was studying my backside. LAUGHS Actually, we met in a bar one night and little did I know 14 years later I would be calling April &quotMy Wife&quot ! We have actually been engaged for over 8 years so I would like to apologise to my Wife for keeping her waiting! PAUSE But we finally did it!!!
I would like to say a few words about my life with April:-
. I just want to tell my wife that I love her today as much as the day I fell in love with her..PAUSE.. I want to thank you for being patient when I spend 4 hours washing the car and &#189 an hour cleaning the house…PAUSE.. Seriously though, April, you are such fantastic support to me, my life, my career – US…Our future! And I thank you for supporting me and pushing me out of my comfort zone to pursue better things in life. We have a great life, a fantastic home and have travelled to some beautiful countries – and I have you to thank, for constantly supporting me in any decision I have made and I must say it has paid off. It's a bit of a rollercoaster but I know we always have each other..And I know you are always there for me… Toast to the Bride….THE BRIDE!


I would like to say a big thank you to Reg &amp Edith. Thank you for your support and friendship. You have made me feel like a part of your family since day one. Thank you too, for raising a beautiful, strong and independent daughter. April is full of life, with a wonderful character and a strong nature which has helped push me in whatever career I pursue. She is a true credit to you both. Thank you for allowing me to have her hand in marriage. I am sure you already know that April's happiness is my absolute priority and that will continue for the rest of our lives together. PAUSE I would also like to thank my Mum &amp Dad Angela &amp Terry for making me. PAUSE Thank you for raising me the way you did and for pointing me in the right direction. I am sure you will all agree with me that they did a fantastic job!! LAUGH I would like to make an extra special thank you to the Ruffell family who have travelled far to join us today! It is with great pleasure that you have joined us to celebrate our wedding. We have had some great years knowing your family and hope the friendship remains for life.

Thank you to Sandra and Tracey, the Bridesmaids. I'm sure you will all agree that they both look absolutely stunning today. PAUSE Thank you both for everything you have done for April, both today and over the last few weeks and months. Thank you both also, for not allowing April to run off anywhere this morning at the last minute…
Therefore, it is my duty and my great pleasure to ask you to join with me in a toast to Sandra &amp Tracy, the Bridesmaids.
The Bridesmaids!
I would also like to thank Ben for agreeing to be my best man today. We have shared many good times together and I am very pleased that we have kept in touch. Over the last 10 years Ben has become a true and reliable friend although I do doubt his advise sometimes as he said to me &quotyou will always look back on this as the happiest day of your life&quot This however, was on my stag do the other week, when he handed me 㾶 and shown me the door to the lapdancing bar in Chester! PAUSE..LAUGHS..

Ben, you, Ange and Charlie mean a great deal to April and me and we look forward to many more years of friendship and laughter and seeing Charlie grow up.
I must also offer special thanks to a few people in particular who have helped us in making today such a special occasion:- I'd really like to thank Colin &amp Di in helping us prepare everything for today and your interest in our wedding hasn't gone unnoticed, in fact you have been brilliant! So thank you very much!
And finally, a big thank you to Leah, Sarah, Henry &amp their sons The Crogen residents for your hard work in making sure all the prep for our wedding has gone smoothly! You must all agree they have such a beautiful home in such a picturesque location!
And just before I go, I guess you all know the drill by now, there's a free bar so please enjoy a few celebratory drinks on us! There will be hot food tonight and menus will be handed around later on. We have a fantastic band coming on at 9.15 so if you can, please try and stay as late as you can – they are an 8 piece band and are the finale to our wedding!
We don't have a finish time but live music must finish at midnight. So please stay until you are ready to go home or when the beer has run dry! And if you have any questions or need help in any way then please feel free to speak to Ben or I!
Thank you for listening, over to Ben…!