Speech by Mark White
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Mark White
Speech Date: 01/05/2012 19:17:35
1 – Firstly, on behalf of MY WIFE and I, I'd like to thank Paul for his toast, and for his kind words. And everything you have done thus far Thank you, Paul.
You'll have to excuse me – I'm not really accustomed to public speaking and I'm more than a little nervous about making this speech. It'd be fair to say this probably the first time in ages or even ever that I've had to stand up from a warm seat with pieces of paper in my hand. But Of course, I have a fantastic speech all worked out for today.
It's lovely to see you all here today to help us celebrate the happiest day of our lives. I know that a few of you have travelled a way to be here and that means a lot to us. It really wouldn't be the same without you all.
Unfortunately, it's not been possible to have everyone we love here with us today, but we know they're here with us in spirit and they're not only in our thoughts today, but more importantly they're with us in our hearts. So, with them in mind, would you please all stand, raise your glasses, and join me in a toast to absent family & friends.
– To absent family and friends –
2 – Apart from my wife, there are also 3 other beautiful ladies here today, we would like to thank the bridesmaids the wonderful JASMINE,JENELL AND SAMANTHA for their help and support over the last few months and obviously today. In my eyes she couldn't have picked THREE better girls for the job, YOU ALL mean the world to both of us.
3 – Now there is an unwritten rule of wedding etiquette that states that nobody should look more handsome than the groom and I'd like to thank our ushers Scott ,matt and Simon and our Best Man Paul for sticking to that rule to the letter.
I'd also like to thank them for all their help today and particularly to Scott and matt for my stag day and night out earlier this month which had its funny moments from rail problems and being helped by the machine to cheat at bowling it brought back memories of going out and are antics when we worked together thanks very much for that guys so would you all please stand again and raise your glasses to the bridesmaids and ushers
– To bridesmaids and ushers –
4 – We would also like to thank our wedding coordinator Julie for all your help in making this all possible and setting up everything for us its all utterly fantastic and for that help we would like to OFFER you this gift – OF APPRECIATION FROM US BOTH – thank you very much Julie.
5 – Now I would like to thank my wife for agreeing to marry me and for making me the happiest man in the world. I think you'll agree that she looks absolutely gorgeous today and when she walked up the aisle, she took my breath away.
If I had to single out one thing about why I love Jenna so much, it would be the fact that she makes me feel happier than I ever dreamed I could be. And I intend to spend the rest of my life making sure that the reverse is also true.
Having lived with Jenna for a few years now, I have learned a valuable lesson – when I'm wrong, admit it. When I'm right, keep quiet!
6 – Now anyone who has got married will know how much work and effort is involved in the preparation and planning of a wedding, but I've gotta say, JENNA has been fantastic, pretty much doing it single handed I mean, I did look up from the tv here and there to nod an approval or two but she has been incredible. Now most people in this room will know our wedding day shares the same day as another day yes St Georges day but no I haven't forgotten it within all the wedding prep my wife actually thought I would not do it !! it leaves me with no excuse to forget the anniversary yes people its my wife's birthday today also!! So finally I would like everyone to please stand for a final time and first join me in singing happy birthday to Jenna and then raise your glasses to her after that thank you