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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: MARTIN EATON
Speech Date: 02/09/2012 18:34:46

Well Well Well Well – hands up who never thought they would see this day?

Not even the Vicar from St. Leonard's Church Marston Green! When we went to collect the banns certificate, he asked “couldn't your daughter manage to collect her own certificate?”

Firstly I would there is a few people I would like to thank.

We both would like to thank everybody for coming, and all the cards and presents and good wishes.

We consider it an honour and a privilege that so many people have made the effort to come.

Big thank you to Jean or Nan– for letting me marry Chris, and thank you to Kevin for giving her away.

Thank you to Emma, or mommy Phillips! (who made me feel so welcome in my initial weeks at C2C work), Nicola, (who is always on hand to assist with any spread sheet problems at work, don't worry Nicola, I don't need any help today, you do not need your guitar, as we have a disco!)

(Thanks to Maxine for that bit of info!)

Thanks as well to Maria, (happy birthday by the way – this is one that you will never forget), Chloe, Courtney, Paige and Tyla for also being bridesmaids.

At this point I would like to raise a glass, and toast the bridesmaids

Thank you to Kelly for doing the flowers. And a thank you to Di Prosser, Kelly and Michelle for helping to do the room up.

Thanks to Gloria, not only for being maid of honour, but also for putting up with me for all these years! And many thanks from both of us for being so kind as to let us live together at our house.

I am not sure about carrying her over the threshold, unless somebody has a fork lift truck I can borrow!

And many thanks to Gloria, Dave, Stephen, Maria, Adam and Ben for welcoming Chris into the family!

Thanks to the Benidorm crazy gang, Martin, Tony, Steve and Donkey – for getting me through a memorable stag weekend, stand up and take a bow!

An extra special thanks to Martin & Tony, for introducing me to THE POWER OF A PESHWARI NAN! –

I actually wooed Chris by taking her for a curry, in Coleshill – with a Peshwari Nan to die for!

Also thank you to Graham, for being my best man.

Now to get my own back! 

Some people may have been a little surprised by my choice of best man! But I have known Graham for over 30 years and without both him and Marian, I would have spent many a Christmas evening like Billy no mates. And also we have spent some good times together – like the time we went to France to visit my dad's caravan. And Graham insisted he knew the way back to the cabin on the ferry, and we ended up in the wrong cabin – with a half naked lady on the bed and Graham with a red face!

Then he suggested that we go to a drive in movie – thinking that we were going to see a Blue film – which ended up being Charlie Chaplin!!!

Finally Graham if you remember the time that we were all at our house having a party in the bar – and you accidentally knocked a battle of whiskey over my Dad – Bert! 

Well Mom and dad, you now finally get to see Graham pay up!  Here is the bill for the dry cleaning and the bottle of whiskey!!!  (HAND OVER ENVELOPE)

See dad – I told you I would get the money off him eventually

Finally the biggest thanks are reserved for my Mrs Happy!

For agreeing to become Mrs Eaton and making me Mr Happy Hippo!!!

Some of you may be surprised that Chris isn't a Thai Bride after some of the cracks made at work!

We first got in touch over a year ago in July 2011. Well I knew last year was going to be lucky for me!

I also now know we have some lucky numbers – Chris's is number 3 – for 3rd time lucky!

Chris has been married twice before, the first time never worked out, and her second husband, Pete, sadly died when only in his 40’s – then she met me – Chris probably thinks life's a bitch!

And my lucky number is 27.  After all the Blues won the Carling Cup on the 27 February – and I first me Chris face to face on 27 August – well it should have been the week before – on 20 August – but unfortunately she bottled out! So perhaps it was fate that we met on my lucky number 27!

I am so glad she decided to turn up on that day – as she is one of the kindest, honest, straight forward ladies that anybody could wish to meet! We know that we both have our faults, I have had my health problems over the years – and Chris has – such as being diabetic and suffering with a dry mouth – enough said about that I think!

She loves me for what I am, and not for what I have got – and I am the same – I love her for how she is – And neither of us wants the other to change!

So to all the doubting Thomas's that have been saying – everything changes now – let me assure there is no chance!

I will be exactly the same, still going to all the Blues games that I choose, still a gentleman, and still breaking wind at will!

A lot of people have said – I have always been a lucky so and so!

Well that may be true. But I just did not know how lucky – until today!

All that is left is for me to say this in those immortal words –

It is a long long road; it has had many joys and sorrows too. I journeyed on, and kept right on, and now that I have met my Mrs Happy I have reached the end of the road.

And now, I am starting a new journey along, what I hope will be another long and happy road!

And now we are both keeping right on!

I hope you all have an amazing evening, because we are both going to!

And in Chris's own words – GAME OVER!

Thank you all.