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Speech by Martin

Since I used your site for ideas, i thought i''''d volunteer my groom speech. We Married in July 2007 Thanks for your site. A great idea.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Martin
Speech Date: Aug2007
Thankyou Jack for those kind words .

You are all about to witness a unique event in history. The very first and very last time that the Wife is going to let me speak on behalf of both of us. It is a privilege and an honour to do so. I just hope that, so soon into our married life, I don't let Dawn down .


Well to start with we would like to say a big thank you to everyone here today .Thankyou all for choosing to share today with us . I know that this is meant to be our day ,but of course it wouldn't be as special a day if it wasn't for all our friends and family being here with us. So once again a big thank you to you all and thankyou so much for all the wonderful cards and gifts .

Michelle/Mark Ushers

A big thankyou to Michelle and Mark for agreeing to help us out at the church , you have both done a great job and as a mark/token of our appreciation we have a gift for you both.

Hand out thankyou gifts


Of course the biggest thankyous of the day has to go to our respective parents and newly formed in laws. We would like to thank them for all their help and contribution in making this day everything we could have dreamed of. Thanks to Margaret for all her hard work and effort that she has put in making the cake and all the flowers and due to the number of phone calls between Margaret and Dawn, BT would also like to say a special thank you too.

I would personally like to thank Jack and Margaret for bringing up such a lovely daughter and thank you both for making me feel so welcome in your family. I am an incredibly shy person, but you have made it very easy for me to fit in and I hope I can be everything you want from a son-in-law and more.

I would really like to thank my mum and dad , who should undoubtedly
receive a medal for endurance. They have always loved and supported me
through every stage of my life, even during my Kevin the teenager stage
that seemed to last well into my twenties, and which Dawn may argue hasn't ended yet. So thanks mum and dad for all the love and guidance you've given, and I hope I can make you as proud of me as I am of you.

So for both our mums and dads – we have a gift as a token of our thanks.

Hand out thankyou gifts

GEORGE Ring Bearer

Of course how could we forget another young man who played a big part today. That is our son and ring bearer george , who I'm sure you will all agree not only looked handsome , but also did a great job of carrying the rings down the aisle . George heres a thankyou from mummy and daddy for being a superstar today .

Hand out Thankyou Gift

GORDON Bestman

I would like to thank Gordon for agreeing to be my best man , ive known and worked with gordon for years now and he has been and will continue to be a great friend . Hes so far helped the day run smoothly and as I said before I couldn't have asked more of a best man .We have of course got you a gift to say thank you but I have to say im tempted to keep hold of it until ive heard your speech , oh all right then a big round of applause for my best man gordon.


The one person in the room to which I owe the most thanks, is Dawn. Firstly thanks for all your efforts in co-ordinating our big day. Your creativity, attention to detail and preparation was outstanding and you should take most of the credit for what has been an incredible day. I am sure you will all agree how stunning she looks today and nothing could have prepared me for what I saw when you walked down that aisle today . Thank you for marrying me and making me the happiest and proudest man in the world today , I don't have to hope that our future together will be a happy one, I KNOW it will be . As Dawn will tell you – I'm often wrong, but in marrying you, I know I've made the right decision.

Ladies &amp Gentlemen, please be upstanding, for a toast, to my Wifemy bride n joy To DAWN

Well I could stand here and give you a load more stale old jokes, but instead I think I'll leave that to my best man. ….… Ladies and gentlemen, Gordon Jackson.