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Speech by Matt Beacroft

I wanted something simple, and didn't want to try to make it too funny, incase it wasn't! It went well, I delivered it better than I thought I would and everyone said it was lovely, so all good :)


Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Matt Beacroft
Speech Date: 02/10/2012 12:16:32

Good evening everyone,

Thank you Del for your kind words

Well…I can't lie, I have been ABSOLUTELY dreading this moment, standing up in front of all of you and having to speak on my own. I'm not one for public speaking, but I will try my very best. Apologies for reading most of this also, but I didn't want to forget anything important.

First of all, I would like to.… on behalf of MY WIFE and I… Thank you all for coming, and sharing our special day with us and a huge thank you to those family members who have travelled from overseas to be here (including some of which I have only had the pleasure of meeting this afternoon!)

Without every single one of you, it just wouldn't have been the same, maybe considerably cheaper… but not the same.

Unfortunately, (as Del has mentioned), it has not been possible to have everyone we love here with us today, but we know they're here with us in spirit and they're not only in our thoughts today, but more importantly they're with us in our hearts. So, with them in mind, would you please all stand, raise your glasses, and join me in a toast to absent family & friends.

– To absent family and friends – 

Before I begin the rest of the thank-you's, I would just like to say how beautiful Natalie looks today. Ever since we booked the venue, I couldn't wait for the moment she met me at the altar, looking like she does. I'm sure you'll all agree that she looks absolutely stunning.

First of all, we would like to thank Uli, for making our Wedding Cheesecake, which we will shortly be having for dessert. We have enjoyed many various creations and tasters over the past few months, and I'm sure today's will be the best yet! Please accept this small gift as a thank you for your efforts……

There are so many thank you's we need to make for various help we have been very lucky to have received, and we are touched at how generous people have been, so thank you to Nat's Grandparents Diana and Peter helping to organise our Honeymoon, Olivia for filming our day, Giulietta for making our confetti, my sister Claire for baking many cupcakes for everyone to enjoy tonight, and the lovely readings during the ceremony by Steven and Aimee. You would have already found a little thank you left on your table.

And so, the most important thank you's go to our parents, A massive thank you, for everything they have done to help make today happen, they have been very generous and I'm not sure all of this could have happened without them.

I would personally like to thank Sue, and Del for bringing such a beautiful lady into the world, and into my life. I promise I will continue to look after her and make her happy. Last of all, thank you for making me feel part of the family, even before I officially was.

Mum, Dad, Thank you for everything over the past 31 years, I know I have been a pain at times, but I hope I have made you proud. And thank you for making Natalie feel so welcome in our family.

Please accept these gifts as a thank you…

Whilst I am here, and to take the attention off me for a brief moment, I would like to wish my parents a very happy 37th Wedding Anniversary today. I'm sure Dad's pretty happy it coincides with today, as he doesn't have to take Mum out for an expensive meal! I hope, not only do we share the same anniversary date, but we too have a long happy marriage.

I would like to thank the Bridesmaids, who all look lovely. I know you have all been a great help in keeping Nat calm through the many stresses of planning today and we both really value your friendships. A special thank you to Sharon, who has been amazing, not only chief bridesmaid but a best friend to Nat. Your help and support has been everything a Bride could ask for. I hear you, the bridesmaids and some of Nat's closest friends organised a great Hen Do in Bournemouth, and Nat was overwhelmed at how much you completely spoilt her, so thank you.… and from what I heard, be warned, these girls (point at table) are very competitive!

And not forgetting our beautiful little flower girl Jessica who made the wedding entrance extra special, you were such a star!

Please accept these gifts as a thank you…

And then there are my Ushers, Dave, Matt and Russ. Although they have all entered my life at different times, they are each as valued as each other, and three of the best friends I could ever ask for.

Please accept these gifts a thank you…

And now to the most important person here, the Bride. My wife, the new Mrs Beacroft! Anyone who has ever organised a wedding knows how much time, and effort is actually involved, and being a man I did not fore-see this. Other than sifting through hundreds of emails at work every day for the past few months, and slaving over the dining table to create our lovely wedding stationery, I haven't nearly been as active as Nat in planning today. Thank you, for not only agreeing to marry me in the first place, but for your hard work in organising our special day and making it so perfect.

From our first date, I knew you were special, and not long later confirmed you were the one I wanted to spend my life with. Today is the start of our lives as Mr and Mrs Beacroft and I'm excited to spend it with you. I love you.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please be upstanding for one last time, and raise a toast to the beautiful bride

– To the beautiful bride –

Finally, my Best Man, Lee. We have known each other for our entire lives. In fairness, forced upon each other by our Mum's before we even had a choice, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We've been good friends ever since, in fact more like family, sharing many holidays together with our families, and plenty of evenings at each other's houses whilst our parents got louder and cruder, but they weren't drunk… honest!! Yes, you lot!! (Point at Linda's table)

I'd also like to thank you for organising my Stag Weekend in Bournemouth, along with a great bunch of close friends who made the weekend memorable. I'm sure you will all be seeing or hearing more about it shortly!

Thanks for being a great best man and best friend. This is for you …..


I would like to thank you all once again and hope you have had a lovely day so far, and enjoy this evening. 

Now for another moment I have been dreading, I will hand you over to Lee. …..

Thank you!