Speech by Matt
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Matt
Speech Date: 24/11/2013 17:32:37
Thank you for those kind words from Edwina.
Now I know most of you know I'm a quiet lad so doing this speech is a bit terrifying for me so go easy on me.
On behalf of my wife and I, that sounds good, I could get use to saying that, we would both like to say thank you for sharing and celebrating the happiest day of our lives. We know many of you have come from miles away, from London, Birmingham, Stockport and even as far as Blurton, to be here today and that means a lot to the both of us. It wouldn't be the same without you here, it would of been cheaper, but not the same. We'd like to thank everyone in advance for the cards and gifts; we're very grateful and look forward to opening them.
Unfortunately, it's not been possible to have everyone we love with us today, but we know they are here in spirit and they not only in our thoughts but more importantly in our hearts. So join me in a toast and raise a glass to lost friends and family.
Firstly, we would both like to thank the staff at Moddershall for making today the most perfect day we could of wished for * and so glad the suns out for it too/even if it has rained today*, you've made the day so easy for the both of us and from start to finish have been great.
To my amazing parents for all their help and time to get to today, if it wasn't for them, I don't think we would be here today. All that nagging was worth it in the end. From ordering the suits all the way down to making up all the favour boxes. Thank you for all your support in life and I only hope I can make you proud as I start my life with Berlina, I can't think of any better role models than you two. I only hope that Berlina and I make as good a job of our married life as they have of theirs. And that all our children are as perfect as I am.
To my new mother in law, Gladys, father in law Lyk and sisters in law Ed and Sab. I would like to thank you for all your help with getting to today for travelling to Stoke, it means the world to me for you all coming this way and helping all the family with accommodation over the weekend. You've made me feel so welcome in your home and made me feel part of the family from day one when we first met on Christmas day nearly 3 years ago. It's always a pleasure to come and stay when we can. Gladys I would like to thank you for raising such a wonderful and beautiful daughter, and of course Edwina and Sabrina, and for letting me have her hand in marriage. Asking that question was certainly up there with nerves for this speech. I can tell you that I will look after Berlina and that her happiness is so important to me that I promise to make you proud too. I can't wait both to visit Ghana and learn new ways of live and culture. I've already leant so much with a few words to a Ghanaian engagement.
We have gotten you both gifts as a thank you for everything (bring out flowers)
Thank you to the ushers today, Lee and Rich, looking like Phil and Grant Mitchell, on a good day. We've got you a gift as well as a thank you.
Apart from my wife, there are 6 other beautiful ladies with us today who have helped, Edwina, Sabrina, Bose, Yvonne, Katie and Chloe. I'm sure everyone will agree. Again, thank you to Gladys who had the dresses made while out in Ghana. A thank you on behalf of my wife for all your help during the day. Also, thanks to Edwina for arranging the hen do – I heard they had the RSPCA turn up, someone reported that cats were been harmed, but it just turned out to be Berlina on karaoke. If you'd all like to come up and pick up your presents.
And now for our page boy, did a great job earlier with the rings, biggest job of the day. You want come up to get your present………..… we'll come to you later on.
I'd like to that the boys for coming on the stag do's. More of bigger thank you from Berlina for bringing me back in one piece. Unfortunately, we don't have gifts for you. Thanks for all coming to Munich and to Chester, with Munich it was a joint stag do, so we were dressed as Batman and Robin, in the style of Only Fools and Horses, of course, I was Rodney. Also a quality day in Chester at the races in stag onesie and night out dressed as a nun. I've tripled my fancy dress wardrobe from it all. Thank you to Chris and Andy for arranging these do's.
Now for Andy, the best man, my best friend. Thank you for agreeing to be my best man. I've known Andy now around 14 – 15 years now from when I first started playing tennis, to going on nights out and holidays. I always knew on a Friday or Saturday nights I would get a text to say ‘Hanley tonight?’ My reply would normally, ‘Yes’. Thank you for all your help not just today but since I asked you to be my best man. Again, thank you for the Chester stag do, the onesie will get plenty of use this winter. Got you gift as a thank you.
And now for the main person of the day, my wife. I'd like to say thank you for agreeing to marry me, and making me the happiest man on the planet. When I saw you walk down you looked absolutely stunning. You make me so happy when I'm with you and can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. You're the most amazing person I know, always thinking of other people and helping them than thinking of yourself.
From the first time we met, I saw her walking towards me, the first thing I remember seeing was her gorgeous pair..… of eyes. We went for a drink in Birmingham and chatting getting to know each other, we both thought that we both didn't like each other, but we both did. Always remember my car at the time kept stalling every time I stopped, this didn't look good as I took Berlina home, but at least she for the funny side of it.
Every weekend we would look forward to as I would either stay at Berlina's flat or she would stay at my parent's house. It was always hard to leave or see her off at the train station but we would text and call each other every day.
In the first couple of months of seeing Berlina, she had to go in to hospital for about 10 days and it wasn't nice seeing her there, but I visited everyday and this really made me man up and I realised that she was the one for me as I hated spending time away from her knowing she was there. Like I say always looking after others than looking after herself, she told me to go to Wembley for the FA Cup semi final whilst she stayed in hospital. Glad she told me to.
Looking back at our 3 years together, it's been the best years of my life, spending time away in Chester, Birmingham and Cyprus. When I asked the question to marry me, I had it all planned to ask at midnight on new year for 2012, as many of you now Berlina isn't a late night person, so 5 minutes to midnight I had to wake her up, not the most romantic start to it but I got the answer I wanted.
I can't wait to spend the rest of our life together and share many more great memories together, I love you babe. If you'd all like to raise a glass and join me in a toast, to Berlina.
Planning this wedding has been exciting, finding the venue, the suits and I'm sure trying on all your dresses to find the perfect one. I can definitely say we won't doing this again.
For some strange reason, custom says that the Groom has to present his defence before he's had the opportunity of hearing the Best Man making the case for the prosecution. I have no idea what stories he is planning on telling you about me, and frankly I'm worried. As my character is so unblemished he might have to resort to making something up. So please take anything he tells you with the appropriate pinch of salt.
Thank you, I'll now hand you over to my best man, Andy