Speech by Matt
This site was such a great help for me when planning out my speech. Being an American, I was not used to the basic structure going into it as we don't really have the same traditions in the order and make up of each speech (especially the grooms speech) and seeing so many great examples was invaluable. Thanks so much and hope my addition helps as well. Matt
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Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Matt
Speech Date: 13/07/2018 15:15:00
Thank you Alan, and thanks to Omar, Emily, Dad, and Hugh for your speeches, all of which had the perfect mix of heartwarming words and embarrassment at Libby's and my expense that I expected from each of you.
Well the day has finally come and Libby and I want to start by thanking each and every one of you for being here. Let me also assure you that you are all a part of the most important British/American union this year – you may have missed Megan Markle and Prince Harry, but you didn't miss us and that's what really matters.
But honestly, it means the world that you could travel to celebrate with us. Whether you've come just down the road from Lough Neagh or Belfast, as far away as San Francisco, or any place in between, we thank you so, so much. I do however want to give special credit to those coming from somewhere outside the UK who risked driving on the wrong side of the road – you are braver than I am and took on a lot to be here… I mean it is called the right side for a reason… But no really thank you all again.
[Libby's Parents:]
Hugh and Alice, besides raising the love of my life, I am so thankful that ever since my first Christmas here two years ago you have gone out of your way to make me feel like part of the family. Before coming over that first time, I remember Libby assuring me that hers were a gin family and with me being the typical craft beer-loving American, coming to the house and seeing a pantry fridge full of microbrews from around Northern Ireland for my visit was so welcoming and really touching. From that point on, I've cherished being a part of your loving family and now that we've made that official I am incredibly honoured.
Libby and I also want to say that we really could not have done this without your support – and with us being an ocean away through most of the preparation, your help with planning for so many facets of this, along with personally giving us a Skype tour of this incredible venue with Emily was amazing and a lot of this day wouldn't have been possible without you. I also need to make sure that everyone knows that Alice is personally responsible for all of the flowers and their arrangements. So thanks to her for those – they are beautiful and we are forever grateful. Also as part of dessert tonight there is also a fruitcake baked by Alice – I think I've eaten about half of it alone every Christmas I've been here.
[My Parents:]
To my parents, we would also like to thank you for everything you've done for us. I know above all that Libby at least needs you to know how thankful she is for how wonderfully you've raised me. And I am so fortunate to have such caring, selfless people to call mom and dad. On that thought I knew that you and her family would get along so well because each of you are so similar in that way and were each so welcoming and loving to us as we began our lives together. Libby and I have had the best examples of good-natured, thoughtful, and wonderful couples to learn from throughout our lives and that has meant so much for us going forward.
So let me ask everyone here to stand and raise a glass to Alice and Hugh, and my mom and dad, Pam and Rick. We love you. TOAST.
Now, on behalf of Libby and myself, special thanks goes out to Emily, Anne, and Monica for being the best set of bridesmaids a bride and her groom could ask for. Some UK guests may have noticed an American tradition made its way into our reception this evening and we whole-heartedly thank you Emily for that lovely speech.
When Libby and I were comparing notes on American vs. British/Irish weddings, she loved the idea of having a woman give a speech as long as it didn't have to be her… and Emily, I hope you don't hate me too much for bringing that custom over. But thank you, it was great. Now though, I think it's only fair that Libby should stand up and give the speech she now owes you and Sam for your wedding. Maybe later?
Libby and I would also like to say thanks for all the love and support throughout the lead up from each of you. I think the three of you deserve a toast – so let us stand and all show our thanks for your support of Libby and myself and for being the best sisters and best friend that we could ask for on this occasion. TOAST.
So… I really didn't know what I was going to say at this part before today – mainly because I had no idea how I was going to react to Omar's speech. I didn't know if I was really going to thank him at all. Now that the damage has been done I think I can still thank him for being an awesome friend, best man, and the best teacher for how to live with someone for years and not want to murder them. You've turned me into the perfect roommate as I've taken those lessons to heart and I think they should come in handy with Libby. Also, I should say that as I had written this speech weeks ago it was at this point that I was planning on making a joke thanking FIFA for not scheduling Egypt to play today so we would have Omar's presence this evening, but I guess now we really only have Egypt to thank for that don't we? Sorry buddy.
To my brother Todd and new brother-in-law Alan, thank you both as well. Your support through this has been incredible and if I ever need a family member to run a very long distance very fast for me for whatever reason I've now doubled my options.
Thanks as well to Mark and Sam, my long-time and other freshly minted brothers-in-laws, for their doing the readings at the ceremony today and to Hannah my new sister-in-law for being our second photographer.
We want to also show our appreciation for being able to have our wedding at such a beautiful location. Libby and I want to thank the owners and all the staff for being so helpful and so responsive to all our many emails. Thank you.
We also want to thank our caterer for what I know will be an excellent meal. Thanks for being so accommodating and I know I can't wait to try everything.
Also, our photographer has been absolutely amazing throughout the day. Good luck making me look photogenic – I don't envy you – but at least you had Libby's loveliness to balance us out.
And speaking of Libby, I want to finally say a few words about her. You are my best friend (sorry Omar), my fearless and ruthless board game rival, and most importantly the mother of our cat. I remember just over four years ago you invited me and a couple of our good friends who are here today, out to Chumley's (a local bar) to watch the US play a World Cup match when they still made it to World Cups. I don't remember who they played or if they won but I do remember I thoroughly enjoyed being with you and thought you might feel the same based on how much I was making you laugh despite not being particularly funny. And thankfully you haven't gotten sick of me yet.
For those of you who don't know, Libby and I met as I was finishing up my graduate program. She had just gotten her PhD in Scotland and was joining my advisor's lab as a post-doc. So, I think this is also a perfect time to personally thank our advisor who is here tonight for being the person to bring Libby and me together. On top of everything else you've done for me – your hiring Libby had the most amazing impact on my life and I am eternally grateful. I also got to be there for Libby's interview presentation for the job on Skype and it's funny to think back on that moment and not realize at that point that this was the woman I'd be spending the rest of my life with.
Libby, I am so happy to be able to live that life with you. Being the funny and beautiful person you are I couldn't be happier and I hope you are as excited to continue living our life taking too many pictures of our cat and trying as many foods as humanly possible – along with all the less important things. So for the final time, let's stand and raise a glass to my wife, Libby. TOAST.