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Speech by Matthew Alexander Wall

Grooms Speech - Matthew Alexander Wall (17 September 2005) [Note: Speeches to be carried out before the start of the ‘Wedding Breakfast’ at 6.00pm]

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Matthew Alexander Wall
Speech Date: Sep2005
I am the first person from my immediate family to get married and probably the first out of my closet friends here today, so in some ways it makes this speech harder as there is no precedence to follow. Well I looked on the internet, looked at various books about a ‘Grooms Speech’ (bearing in mind this was six months ago) and the advise I read, was to follow a ‘traditional order’. Well I have done that to a certain degree, but after talking to Roz about this speech on numerous occasions, I am just going to say everything from my heart.

So far the day has been amazing, beyond my wildest dreams, and do not want it to end, as it is the happiest day of my life. Knowing Roz, I think she will be wearing her dress the first day back after the honeymoon, but who could blame her as she looks absolutely stunning and has promised that she will wear it at every anniversary.

I would like to begin by thanking Kim for his kind words. I am very proud to have you as my father-in-law. For those of you who do not know Kim, he is an absolute gentleman, he never complains about anything, he just gets on with life and sometimes I just want to give him a big kiss on that beard but he always backs away for some unknown reason (who could blame him!). Seriously, ever since the day we met, I have been treated as one of the family which has made our journey to this day that much smoother.

Thank you both for your blessing and for your contribution towards this wonderful day. I promise that I will make you proud and do everything in my powers to make Roz happy. Some of you may not know but Kim's chocolate addiction has cost me a fortune in resent months, and here is the last small bar from me.
-Small Joke Present- (Kim, ‘Father-in-Law’)
Sue, it all paid off in the end taking time to choose your outfit and its’ perfect and Hattie your dress maker, must be very pleased as you look lovely.

The past nine months since we got engaged (I will talk about this in a moment), have been so exciting and have really enjoyed the planning and preparations, even though at times, it has been very stressful for us both. For those of you that don't know, the excitement of the run up to getting engaged, gave me an ulcer, as I was not certain that Roz would say ‘yes’, but she did and that it why, I am standing in front of you all here today.

How did we get engaged then (well it all happened so fast!). One Saturday morning a brochure came for a new town house in the centre of Cheadle Hulme, and I said wouldn't it be great if we could live there together and Roz said “yes” which, was very exciting. We looked around the marketing suite and Roz really liked it. I got a text message from her on the Monday morning, after I said that “we should do the right thing first before moving in together”, in which Roz replied and quote as I still have it in my phone today “You are so right, I can't believe I have met you, I am so lucky. I am so excited about our future together; I love you more than ever”.

Well, that convinced me that a ‘ring’ was the answer, as I had all the necessary proof that I think she wants to marry me, even though we had never spoken about marriage. I was still very nervous and that ulcer was getting even more painful as the anxiety got worse!

I spoke to Cofathec, my employer and booked a day's holiday which was spent looking for a ring. I found the most perfect ring after looking in many jewellers. The next task was to ask her father Kim. I rang Kim in the afternoon and said, “Can I come round this evening if you are not busy”, Kim replied and said “no problem Matt”, wondering in his head what on earth was going on and looked very confused. Roz was also very suspicious, as I asked her if she could stay in that evening. I got to Sue and Kim's house, and Sue being Sue who is extremely kind, asked if I had come for my tea as soon as she opened the front door. I said, “That would be nice as I very rarely say no to her food but could I see Kim first, as I have something I would like to ask him”.

Kim was just finishing off his tea and I asked “could I have your daughters hand in marriage’, Kim relied very quickly after nearly choking on his food, “which one”. I nearly fell off my chair shouting ‘Rosalind’ from the top of my voice and from that point on the rest is straight forward.

Mum and Dad, thank you for everything that you have given me during my life and for all the encouragement and support. All those endless tennis lessons (even though Ally, Geraint and Harry are both beating me at the moment) and supporting me throughout school and university. I would like to thank dad for all those endless talks about construction which, led me down the right career path. Please accept this small gift as a token of my appreciation but you must smoke it outside.
-Small Joke- Present (‘Dad’)
Last year was a tough year for us all, with Mum being very ill but she is doing extremely well and you look lovely today in your outfit and I am extremely proud of you. Thanks mum, for arranging the cake, the favours and all the little touches you gave throughout the preparations and the financial contribution you and dad have given to us. I couldn't have asked for two more loving parents, and I know that your love and support will continue for many years to come.
I now come to the most important person in my life, and that's Roz, my beautiful bride and wife (I love saying that!). I am so proud to say that you are my wife and you look absolutely stunning today. When you got to my side in the church in your beautiful dress (which to this day, I don't know how you kept a secret from me), was the proudest moment of my life and you look like the most perfect princes. I tried to imagine what Roz would be wearing and it far surpassed anything I thought and I was so relived that my legs did not give way in church. This week has been so exciting and we have both been very emotional. I cried on Monday evening after watching a video of a wedding relating it to ours today.
"Roz, you know that I love you and I hope that, by marrying you today, in front of everyone we care about, you can see just how much you mean to me. I can say that within the first few dates, I knew from within my heart I wanted to marry you and I will look after you forever and give you so much happiness (it was certainly love at first sight!). I cannot imagine life without you and am so proud to be your husband and I want us to grow old and grey together.
Roz already has a nickname for me, as I am a little bit old fashioned and traditional but not quite shopping totally at M&S yet and that is ‘Grampsy’, (please don't tell anyone else outside this room!). Well, I have plenty of time to think of a nickname for you over the next few years.

We have so many plans to make throughout our lives together but, whatever happens, I know that we will be together for ever and that is all that matters in this world. I have a small poem which has taken me sometime to choose as I want to express in words how we feel about one another and it is called ‘Today I Married My Best Friend’.
Today I married my best friend
Our bond complete, it hath no end
We share one soul, we share one heart
A perfect time, a perfect start.

With these rings we share together
Love so close to last forever
This special day, two special hearts
Let nothing keep this love apart.
© Rachael Elizabeth Cooper, 1977.

There have been so many people involved in the planning and preparation of our ‘big’ day, and it is now time to thank them all. I am going to thank and give out the presents for the men and my wife the ladies.
Thank you Ally for being my best man, you are doing an excellent job, as I know you were worried about today and am sure your speech will be excellent (no pressure on you!). Thank you for sinning in church, you sang it so beautifully. You are the best opera singer ever. Ally, you are a brilliant brother and I love you very much and don't ever change your kind nature as this is one of your best assets and I am sure Helena your girlfriend is very proud of you today. Please accept this gift for all your help and for just being an excellent brother over the years.
-Present- (Ally, ‘Best Man’)
Thanks to Wilf our page boy, who's main duty was to deliver the rings to Ally which, he successfully acheived and you should be extremely proud of yourself today. You were so clam and you will grow into a fine gentleman. Please accept this present from us both and please don't annoy your little sister Lydia with it!
-Present- (Wilf, ‘Page Boy’)
A huge thank you goes to our bridesmaids Emma, Anna and our flower girl, Lydia. I would like to say how lovely you all looked and thank you for doing such a wonderful job today, especially Emma as Chief Bridesmaid. I could not have asked for a more thoughtful and loving sister-in-law. Pete, you are a very lucky guy.
Thank you to John Berry, a close friend of the Southgate's for driving the bridesmaids to church. We very much look forward to being your neighbours if all goes to plan. Please accept this gift as a way of thanking you for your kind offer of being the chauffeur.
-Present- (John Berry, ‘Chauffeur of Bridesmaids’)
Thank you to Dr John Woodhouse, another close friend of the Southgate's for preaching the sermon in church today, and for saying grace and we both wish you all a safe travel back to Australia in the forthcoming months. Please accept this gift from both of us.
-Present- (Dr John Woodhouse, ‘Preacher’)

Thank you to the staff at Mere especially Janice and James and for helping us with the planning along the way. I am sure you will all agree it is a beautiful setting, and informed an excellent golf course. Dad, please don't get too excited, as there is a lot of water around the course and plenty of trees if you play tomorrow.
Roz's uncle and Grandma are unable to be with us today and our thoughts are with them both.
And so to my final thank you, Tom and Geraint, our ‘ushers’ and very good friends, without whom, well certainly Tom, today might well not have happened, as it was through Tom, I would not have plucked up the courage to speak to Roz in the Picture and Piano in Didsbury and would be regretting that moment for the rest of my life! Please accept these presents on behalf of my wife and I for all your help and support in making the day run as smooth as possible and for also arranging the stag do.
-Present- (Thomas Mitchell, ‘Chief Usher’)
-Present- (Geraint Davies, ‘Usher’)
Thank you to you all for being here today, for the wonderful gifts and most of all for your friendship now and in the future. Here's to a wonderful and fun evening!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, would you all please be upstanding. I would like to propose a toast to the men – Kim, Dad, Ally, Tom, Geraint, Wilf, both John's and of course the main reason for today, my beautiful wife Roz.