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Speech by Mick Allerton

We found your website extremely helpful and thought that maybe my husbands speech could help any other nervous husband to be’s with ideas etc. Thanks Regards Mrs Liz Allerton

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Mick Allerton
Speech Date: Aug2004
I'd like to thank Scott for those kind words and also to thank him and Julie for footing the bill for today's festivities.

I was going to begin with ladies and gentlemen but looking around the room I'm having second thoughts. Actually before I start with the thank yous, have you all seen the cameras on the tables? Please feel free to take photos throughout the day and onwards into the evening, but just in case, tables 6 & 7 please keep them clean!

So on behalf of my beautiful wife and I, we would like to thank you all for coming along today and sharing this very special day with us and also a huge thank you for all the wonderful presents and cards, which are very much appreciated.

Scott & Julie. We would like to thanks you for all you support, not only with the wedding preparations but also the past 9 and a half months after the birth of our son Sean. You have guided us through some stressful times and given us a much needed hand when both of us were feeling tired and a bit helpless. You also made me feel very welcome into your family over the past 5 years and I am proud to become your son-in-law and I promise I'll take care of your precious daughter Liz.

Mum & Dad
I would also like to thank my mum and dad (Doreen & Tom) for the support they gave me over the years. Thanks for giving me a great start in life and teaching me the family values that I am putting into practice now. I know that if I ever need some advice you both will always be there for me.

I would like everybody here, especially Liz, to know how lucky and proud I am to be standing here speaking to you as her husband. She's caring, talented, modest, good looking, come to think of it I can see why she picked me…!! But seriously I think every groom thinks his bride is the most beautiful in the world, and today I know I'm right. I am glad to see Liz smiling and enjoying herself today as she's been so stressed organising what I think you'll agree has been a fantastic day so far and she has done this almost single handily. I would also like to thank her for making this day the joint best day of my life as she has also given me a beautiful baby boy. I hope everyday will be as happy as this one, but a lot less expensive.

Best Men
We would like to give a big thank you to my best men Craig & Bez for a job well done. I've known them both for a very long time and whenever I've needed anything they have been there for me, and this has not changed as they've offered me great support both yesterday and today and delivered me here in one piece and kept my nerves at bay. I think they've had a little help with our good friends.. Jack and Daniel (Jack Daniels Whiskey).

Bridesmaids & Usher
We would also like to thank the Bridesmaids Avril and Karen and also our Usher Paul. I think you'll all agree with me, they are the almost as beautiful as Liz, The bridesmaids that is, Paul just looks like Paul! They have done a wonderful job especially Av and Karen for helping Liz with her preparations today and in the past months.
TOAST: So would everyone by upstanding as I propose a toast to the best men, bridesmaids and usher.

On a final note I'd just like to say how much we've been looking forward to today but more importantly we want everyone to enjoy today as much as Liz & myself. So now I will pass you over to my best men, as I can see how much your looking forward to their speeches. No pressure lads…!!
Thanks again.