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Speech by Mike Bushell

I found your site most helpful when I wrote my speech and seeing examples of how others had written theirs was a big help. Hopefully mine may be of some use to others.

Speech Type: Groom
Speech Creator: Mike Bushell
Speech Date: Nov2006
Ladies and gentlemen,

I'd like to thank you all for your kind wishes throughout the day, it means a great deal that so many friends and family have managed to make it here, and I can honestly say it wouldn't have been the same without you all.

just an awful lot cheaper.

This is probably the first and only time that Jade is going to let me speak on behalf of the both of us and it is an honor and privilege to do so.

For those of you who have already pointed it out,.… I am aware that public speaking is a waste of valuable drinking time, but there are quite a few thank-you's to make, so if you were wanting to go to the toilet, cross your legs!

Now While I was thinking about what to put in my speech it did cross my mind to write a poem instead, describing all the loves of my life, so everybody would know how truly happy I am, but unfortunately I couldn't get Jade, The Beatles, Jack Daniels and Kinder Eggs to rhyme..

So after much deliberation I finally decided to start my speech in the traditional way by saying..… [pause look at Jade]…… On behalf of my wife and I………..… We would both like to welcome you all to our wedding reception, thank you for coming we are both very happy that you could be with us to help celebrate our big day.

In laws

I'd like to say a few words of thanks to my new father in law Mick for kind words and for welcoming me so warmly into his family.
Personally, I am delighted to be your son in law and I would like to thank you and your family for making me feel so welcome. I know how precious your only daughter is to you and that she deserves a good husband…… So I thought I'd marry her before she found one..

All joking apart though, in Mick &amp Pam, I have been very fortunate to find a second Mum and Dad. From day one they have made me feel a part of their family and the love, guidance and support that Jade and I have received over the years has been tremendous.

Thank you both for everything you have done. Especially over the past two years with all the planning and preparation for today. We really could not have done any of this without you.

My Parents
To My Parents – as you all know my dad is no longer with us and I regret that Jade never had the chance to meet him. However I know he is here in spirit today, watching and listening and I would like to thank him and my mum for giving me such a wonderful start in life.

Mum.… you and dad often told me that it didn't matter what I did as long as I was happy. Well today, with Jade and our families and friends gathered here, I am overjoyed. Thanks for all your love and patience and although at times things have not been easy we always seem to get there in the end.

Its thanks to you and dad that my memories of my younger years are very happy ones and they have given me a great deal of comfort and guidance especially in preparation for today.

I would also like to mention my stepdad Pete.… Pete, you have done a wonderful job in taking care of mum and giving her a new life back home in Manchester. . Its not easy relocating to another part of the country, especially to somewhere as cold and inhospitable as Manchester … but you have made mum very happy and for that I cant thank you enough.

Our thanks go to our Ushers, my brothers Darren &amp Bryn, my newly acquired brother in law Craig, and my friend,…..… the Director of Ushing.… Dave.
Guys Never have so many people been ushered so well… by so few. You did a great job today and we are very grateful, thank you all for your help and support and more importantly for putting the right bums on the right seats…

Now tradition dictates that I tell you one or two amusing stories about Jade..… However Jade dictates that I do no such thing.…

I racked my brains for something funny or embarrassing about Jade but out of all the incidents I remember… I seem to come out worse…… Needless to say you aren't going to hear those stories from me and hopefully you wont hear them from the best men either.

So with that in mind, the most important ‘Thank You’ I have to say, is to my new Bride. [Pause turn &amp to Jade]

Jade, as you well know I can sometimes be a man of few words, especially when it comes to displaying emotions or feelings but I cant begin to tell you how absolutely gorgeous you look today and I realise now that I'm getting the best of this deal, because while I get you..… all you get in return is me.

I know that today is the result of the best decision I have ever made, and I'll try my best to make sure that you can say the same thing. You know everything about me and love me just the same. I have my faults I know, yet you still agreed to marry me. I am an extremely lucky man today to be the one marrying you..… and I hope this is the start of many happy years together.

They say you don't marry someone you can live with – you marry the person who you cant live without…… and I think you'll agree that sums us up perfectly.

I would like to drink my own private toast to you and to our future together [Raise your glass and toast her] ………to us…

Now I'm sure you all agree the Bridesmaids look truly beautiful and have made the perfect accompaniment to a Wonderful bride. I know Jade is really happy that you all agreed to be here with her today and It was a great comfort to her that she had her closest friends to help and rely on..…

Although there is one special person missing from the line up..… Roxanne. Roxanne is here today but was unable to be bridesmaid… and for very good reason… she and her Fianc&#233 Lee have recently become the proud parents of twins Rose and Scarlett. Congratulations guys and thank you both for taking time out of your busy day to be with us.
I would especially like to thank Jades Matron of Honour Vanessa. Not only for all her support today but for organizing Jades hen night, and for all her help in arranging our Honeymoon.

All your efforts are very much appreciated. Thank you Ness..

[Reach for Glass]

And so ladies and gentleman please raise your glasses and drink a toast to Vanessa, Leigh, Kelly and Roxanne……..… ….the bridesmaids!

And finally the best men Alan &amp Oz.
[look at best men]

Do you realise that this morning. For the first time ever we didn't have to ask each other ‘what do you want to do’ and I wasn't met with the reply I dunno what you want to do………and we didn't have to go and ask my mum she thought we should do either…


Most people have a best friend to turn to, someone who has stuck by them through thick and thin, for better or worse. Not too dissimilar to a wife, but without the vows and the mushy stuff…… well I have two..…
When I first told people who I had picked, there were a few raised eyebrows as neither Alan nor Oz are particularly renowned for their organisation or timekeeping skills.

But in the end my confidence was well placed. The boys have done me proud and have both risen to the occasion.… which, I'm told, is a rare and generally unexpected achievement for either of them these days.

I have no idea what stories they are planning on telling you about me, and frankly I'm worried. Because my character is so unblemished they might have to resort to making something up and Alan &amp Oz never been one to let the truth get in the way of a good story..

So I just want to say to both my best men. I apologize unreservedly for anything and everything that I may have done or said to you over the years. As I stand now before everybody, I can see clearly that it was my entire fault and I am truly sorry.

If either of you now needs a few moments to alter your speeches we can have a quick break? Yes? No? Maybe?… im not gonna get off that lightly am I ?……..…

Seriously though – Guys. I couldn't wish for two better friends and I am honoured that you both wished to stand by me today. Whatever life has thrown my way over the years, you two have always been by my side and today is no exception. Thank you both for everything.

So before I go, and my fate is handed over to these two…., I would like to thank you all again and I hope you have a brilliant night.

Thank you